Esther exposito - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress 2021



In 2020, judging by the number of subscribers in "Instagram", the actress and the Esther model expositiously became the most popular Spanish in the world. The number of her fans multiplies with both bright appearance and acting talent, demonstrated in films and serials.

Childhood and youth

Celebrity was born on January 26, 2000 in the capital of Spain. By the sign of the zodiac artist - Aquarius. There is practically nothing about the parents of the girl, except that the mother and father supported Esther in all endeavors.

As a child, the artist was fond of dancing and playing musical instruments. At the age of 14, the exposure began the model career and soon began to be filmed in advertising not only the native country, but also in Germany. At 16, the girl graduated from translators.

Personal life

In 2018-2019, beauty met with the partner of the TV series Alvaro Rico. The actor, 14 years dedicated to the execution of Spanish dances, also succeeded in fencing. In the fall of 2019, Alvaro, stressed that Esther loves, he said in "Instagram" about changes in his personal life - the "Elite" stars broke up. Soon the Guard of Exposito became the Mexican actor Alejandro Spaceser, the photos with whom now often appear on the pages of Esther in social networks.

With a height of 166 cm, the celebrity weighs 54 kg. The subtle waist of Esther is combined with a very impressive breast. Such proportions of the figures are considered as the result of plastics, but the expositis is approved that it did not resort to operations.

The body actresses decorate two tattoos. On the inside of the left hand, Esther is knocked out the number 593, and on the left blade - a minimalistic image of the crescent.

In makeup and hairstyle, expositis uses techniques that make out the outlines of the face more clearly, and the expression is adult. So, for severity, the artist is often dragging his hair into a bundle.

The face of the model seems to be hidden thanks to arrows drawn with dark brown shadows, they also emphasize the brightness of Ester Ester rare yellow-green. Among the shades of lipstick, the actress prefers Burgundy, sometimes, making makeup in a monochrome style, imposes and shadows of a wine palette.


Ester debut on the screen took place by chance. The director of the series "Medical Center" needed a teenage girl on the episodic role of the patient. The casting was invited to young models that were taken out in the neighboring pavilion. The game expositis seemed convincing, and the vacant role went to her. The girl decided to do the acting craft professionally and starred in the short film "Forgive us, Lord," as well as in the two episodes of the series "Visavi".

Glory collapsed on exposure after participating in the elite detective thriller. The series tells about the sinister ingredients who reign in an educational institution for the golden youth "Las Enchinas".

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In the 1st season of siblings of poor Spanish families Samuel, Nadia and Christian are moving to an elite school after an earthquake, destroyed the wall since childhood familiar classes. The confrontation of newcomers and old-timers "Las Enchinas" occurs against the background of the investigation of the murder of one of the students. Heroine Esther Charles Kaleruhaga - Daughter of the owner of the wine cellars, with time the twisting novel with Samuel.

After the success of the "Elite" appeared expositiously in Spanish secular events: Festival in Malaga, GQ magazine party, serving Goya film. Photo of beauties decorated pages and covers of InStyle, Glamor and Cosmopolitan magazines.

In 2018, the young actress filmography was replenished with a full-length ribbon - thriller "When angels are sleeping." Esther in the film created the image of Silvia - a girlfriend who was dead in an accident of Gloria. Asia Ortega, as the exposure, participating in the TV series "Medical Center" starred as the victims of the accident.

In the same year, both girls flashed in the painting of Miguel Angel Vivas "Your Son", in the plot of which kolzlisia "Voroshilovsky Arrow" and "saws" were intertwined. In 2019, Esther in parallel with the shooting in the 3rd Elita Sene played the missing girl in the detective series "Hunting. Monte Perdido.

Esther exposito now

In May 2020, it became known that, although the shooting of the "elite" was extended for another 2 seasons, the heroine of Esther had no place in new series. In the plot of Karl leaves to learn from Spain.

However, the actress was not left without roles. In March 2020, the premiere of the first two episodes of the series "Poison" took place with her participation. The tape showing continued in the fall.

On October 16, 2020, the premiere of the 3-serial television tape "Someone should die", filmed by Mexican director Manol Karo, in which Esther starred. The ribbon, the action of which occurs in 1954, is the debit of the director in the non-comedy genre. Also exposito participates in the film "Mom or Dad".

The model career of the girl is developing. In 2020, Esther became Ambassador BVLGARI brand specializing in jewelry, and signed cooperation contracts with Ralph Lauren and YSL beauty driving.


  • 2016 - Medical Center
  • 2016 - "Forgive us, Lord"
  • 2016-2018 - "Visavi"
  • 2017 - "I am alive"
  • 2018-2020 - "Elite"
  • 2018 - "Your Son"
  • 2018 - "When the angels are sleeping"
  • 2019 - "Hunt Monte Perdido"
  • 2020 - "poison"
  • 2020 - "Mom or Dad"
  • 2020 - "Someone must die"

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