Oleg Zubkov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Businesswoman, Lviv Park 2021



This man fearlessly comes to his wards - lions and tigers, and those begin to purr and demand caress. About the Safari Park Tagger Oleg Zubkov spoke with admiration of the scientist Nikolai Drozdov. The famous "Teled Lady" noted the Crimean zoagolok, calling him the only one in its kind. After all, tourists are watching the natural behavior of wild animals, without burning with lattices from them.

Childhood and youth

Oleg Alekseevich was born on May 10, 1968 in the Kursk region, in the village with a population of several hundred people called Lower Mokva.

The family was poor, but had a rather big farm. From the small years, the boy was engaged in dilution of pets. In his area of ​​responsibility were rabbits, nutria, ducklings and pigs. From five years, a rustic resident has learned to communicate with brothers smaller, secretly dreaming about exotic. Then he wanted to see the victim of Peacock, and other representatives of hot countries.

Oleg Zubkov in youth

Children's fantasies continued in youth. Wanting to see the world, mysterious giraffes, elephants and tigers, the young man entered the Kerch seedwork. The profession of the sailor seemed to him the only one that would allow, finally, touch the dream.

The student studied on one five. And after the release, I decided to get a higher education in the specialty "Military-Political Navy" in the Kiev Naval Political School. In parallel, worked as a sailor in the trading port.

Russed teeth planned a career of a graduate polymat worker. But due to the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was forced to start a professional biography as an economist. So, in 1990-1991 he worked in the Ukrainian Republican Association. Later became deputy director of the Kiev company "Armada".

Having gained experience, the young man quit to do business. His kids became a travel agency. To some extent, this step was due to not so much desire to work on himself as a modified childhood dream.

True, despite the enterprise going to the mountain, the circumstances of his personal life, namely the illness of his wife, forced Oleg to move with his family in Yalta.

Everything in life is no coincidence - this rapid move and exit from the comfort zone for the entrepreneur the chance to start all over again. And now he was not going to act depending on the circumstances. Understanding what will make it happy, the businessman decided to sell a three-room apartment.

So in the small southern town of Crimea, an aviary appeared with the most peacocks - amazing creatures, in the dreams of which the childhood of a small rustic resident took place. And next, the spouse decided to redeem the Nonquimidated abandoned Zoo "Fairy Tale" from the state.

Personal life

Oleg Zubkov - a man, his biography, proven that the desire and perseverance will fulfill any dream. He created the largest park of Lviv "Tagger in Europe with his own hands. For a successful man stands the love of women. Family of the businessman and politics are his rear and support.

Oksana's wife lived with her husband in a small trailer on the territory of "fairy tales", working daily without vacations and weekends. And all in order to help her husband create a prosperous enterprise from a dying zoo.

Oksana gave birth to chosen two sons, Svyatoslav and Yaroslav. Both heirs from the small years participated in family business. When Oleg created Safari Park, he had to focus on a new project. Then they are with Oksana, as told Zubkov in an interview, "honestly divided children."

Oleg Zubkov and his wife Oksana

Senior Svyatoslav remained helping the mother in the "fairy tale." And Yaroslav drove together with his father, being still a schoolboy.

The head of the family brought up children in rigor. According to him, the sons did not have time for gadgets. The heirs helped with the care of animals, adopting his father's skills with wild beasts. Yaroslav began to start transporting on the territory of the enterprise, and after the lesson, they fled to his father, with enthusiasm offering assistance.

Such education brought fruit. Sons do not know what works work is worth creating a business. It is understood that the condition is not taken from nothing - you need to make a hand for everything. And the example of the father, who did not even have normal housing for many years, is a bright confirmation of this.

Business and politics

"The King of Beasts", as the owner of an ambitious project calls himself, in 2002-2006, incessantly participated in the political life of Ukraine. Being a deputy of the Yalta City Council, supported Viktor Yushchenko in a difficult time for the country - the period of the "Orange Revolution".

Later, becoming a deputy of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Crimea, put forward his candidacy for the mayor of Yalta. Then, according to the results of the election, Oleg Alekseevich gave way to Sergey Broiko first.

In 2010, he joined the Soyuz Party, again running as head of the city of Yalta. And again took second place.

When the Crimea, as a result of the referendum, joined Russia, "Lion man" hoped for supporting a new team. Initially, the deputy entered the party "United Russia", but in the fall of 2014 he moved to the "Motherland".

Such political instability of the views of the public figure was connected with that he simply wanted to work quietly. Never scabs did not require money from the state or special privileges, achieving everything on their own.

Oleg Zubkov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Businesswoman, Lviv Park 2021 4308_3

And his business grew and multiplied. After he put on the feet of "fairy tale", the time of the ambitious project came - Safari Park Tagan. And at the time of the joining of Crimea to Russia, the owner hoped that this would only give a new round of the development of the enterprise.

However, dreams did not come true. The new leadership led by Sergey Aksenov did not have plans for the zoo. According to Oleg Alekseevich, even attempts have been made from the authority to close them.

And then the difficult times of endless conflicts began. Zubkov was accused of smuggling and animal abuse. They borrowed a huge number of veterinary inspections, demanded to demolish the construction, fined and even closed the parks to visit tourists.

More than fifty court proceedings are the history of the business Zubkov. One thing after another - in such an atmosphere, the entrepreneur managed to continue to develop a favorite case, without regard to politics and accusations.

Some claims from officials in the courts have become public domain with absurd formulations and attracted arguments behind the ears. Other affairs became resonant, for example, on July 11, 2018 it became known about the attack of Lion at Olga Solomina.

Comments from Zubkov about what happened immediately appeared on the network. Businessman confirmed the fact that happened, at the same time stressed that the tourist was drunk. Nevertheless, the criminal case was brought. For two years, the meeting was transferred due to the non-appearance of the accused and its representatives. And in early February 2020 the arrest took place.

Oleg Zubkov now

The news of the detention of "Lion's Man" stirred the public. The lawyer of the businessman petitioned the liberation of the client under a personal guarantee. The head of Crimea Sergei Aksenov and Edgard Spared were wishing to take such responsibility.

Now the trial is only gaining momentum. It is about falsifying expertise, poor-quality assistance to the Belogorsk Hospital and about other circumstances of the case that delay the process.

Lion Man Oleg Zubkov

Oleg Alekseevich, disappointed in the state policy regarding private zoos, plans to develop its activities and abroad. According to unconfirmed information, it is going to build a business in Portugal. Although the "Lion person" himself reports that he signed a Tagging Agreement in Turkey and filed documents for obtaining citizenship of this country.

At the same time, the teeth promises not to throw the Crimean zougol. In his interview, hints are slipped on the creation of such projects in Evpatoria and Sevastopol. A man continues to blog on the Internet, as well as a page in "Instagram", regularly exposing photos and video of the wards: majestic and brought into the Red Book of Amur Tigers, Lviv and other wild animals.

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