Hannibal - photos, biography, personal life, cause of death, commander, Carthaginsky warlord



Hannibal is the legendary Carthaginsky commander and the statesman of antiquity. Historians called the policy of the greatest military strategist, whose tactics studied prominent military leaders of ancient Rome. He knew not only to win, but also to lose with the dignity. Today, the name of Carthageanin is placed in one row with Alexander Macedonian, Julia Caesar and other iconic figures of antiquity.

Childhood and youth

The commander was born in 247 BC. NS. in Carthage. The father of the boy became a Hamilkar for nicknamed Barka ("Lightning"), famous for military campaigns against the Romans. Scientists failed to establish who was Mother Hannibal. Judging by the preserved documents, he turned out to be the first son in the family, but not the first child of Barka: three girls appeared earlier, the names of which were not preserved. The brothers of the future warlord became Gasdrubal and Magon.

The genus Hamilkar went to the highest carfage of aristocracy. According to some sources, Barca had a fourth son, which was killed for sacrifice in 240 BC. NS. How reliable this fact remains a mystery. In the same year, a man by decision of the Council of Elders Carthagena went with a military campaign to Sicily.

When Hannibal was 9 years old, his father took the son of his son to Spain. Before departure (according to legend), Hamilkar demanded that heir to swear before the gods that he would become the enemy of Rome from this moment. Later, the promise of the boy was called "Hannibal Oath." Already being in Spanish territory, the future warlord lived in a military camp, studied at experienced warriors.

The boy's training was also held here. Teachers performed Carthaginians and invited Greeks. Soon Hannibal, together with the younger brother Gasdrubal, began to participate in battles. In one of these battles in the siege of Geliki, their father was forced to retreat. To protect the sons, Hamilkar fascinated by the enemies, headed towards the river, but drowned. Boys sent with part of the army on another road were saved.

Personal life

Personal life of Hannibal is shut-off secret. Tit Libya wrote in his writings that, being in Spain, the commander married a local woman. Presumably, the lady was called Imilka - so calls the spouse of Carthaginian Antique poet of power Italik. The couple lived together for a short time - going to Italy, the strategist no longer met with his beloved.

The chronicles of the past ancient centuries attributed to the warrior excessive lovingness, accused of sexual deviations. It was reported, in particular, that in the Apuli city of Salapia, Hannibal had a novel with a local prostitute.

Military Career

After the death of Hamilkar, the new commander-in-chief of Carthage became his son-in-law named Gasdrubal. He served for a short time - soon the man was killed. Position went to Hannibal via voting. Soon the commander organized a conquering campaign, the purpose of which was the expansion of the Carthaginian territories in the north-western part of the Pyrenean Peninsula.

Hannibal riding on an elephant

The strength of his detachments was obeyed by many cities, and only in the Sigunt residents fiercely defended freedom. At their request, ambassadors from Rome were repeatedly arrived at Gunnibal, who demanded Carthaginian to stop violence. However, each time the negotiations were useless. After the siege lasting 8 months, the city surrendered. Local adult men executed, and women and children were sold to slavery.

After a successful military operation, the commander thought out a plan of action on the invasion of Italy. Carthage's soldiers had to overcome the Pyrenees. On the path, the fighters had to join the contractions with small tribes inhabited by this territory. After a long transition in the mountains, the army lost many warriors, but it did not stop Hannibal in the desire to conquer Rome.

The arrival of the commander to Italy became a surprise and laid the beginning of the second Punic war. The Roman commander of the Publi of Cornelius Scipipius in this time in Spain will urgently deployed troops. But good luck did not accompany the Romans, and, carrying the loss, they were forced to retreated.

Having won the next battle, Hannibal moved towards Rome. Soon he was lucky to call the soldiers of Fabia Maxim and brand the minus of Rufa. However, Carthageanina failed to break enemy troops: Fabiy was able to force the strategist to stop the battle. By this time, the soldier of the son of Hamilkar almost ended food reserves. Then the commander decided to change the tactics and headed to Cannes.

Battle of Cannes turned out to be one of the bright in the biography of Hannibal. A carefully thought-out strategy, building troops in a special way, in the form of a sickle, made it possible to quickly defeat the rows of Romans. The latter lost 50 thousand people in the battle, while Carthage lost 6 thousand. Others followed this fight, the conqueror subordinated new cities.

However, in Nola and Kapuye, it was overtakened. The last city taken by Carthaginians began to besiege to the Romans. As a result, the townspeople surrendered. This defeat undermined the authority of Hannibal among allies. Starting from 210 to n. NS. The commander led battles with varying success. The terrain, disheveled by his army, gradually returned to the Romans.

To correct the situation, the warlord sent a letter to Brat Gasdrubal with a call to come and help. However, the message was intercepted, and Hasdrubal himself soon fell on the battlefield. Meanwhile, Scipio's troops headed for Africa, where the soldiers of the Hannibal army were based, and caused a crushing blow.

Having learned about this, the son of Hamilkar went to African lands. During the battles, the defeat of Hannibal at the reason in 202 BC. NS. And the negotiations of the commander were able to agree and conclude the world. Thus ended the second Punic war.


Hannibal, survived after the passage of Carthage Romans, went into exile. He communicated with the king of Syria Antioch III and the ruler of Viphini Prusiy. Both performed against Roman influence. However, the latter changed his views and issued the location of the commander to soldiers. I realized that I was surrounded by, Hannibal accepted a poison from Pars, who always wore with him. The cause of the death of the commander was the poisoning.



  • 1941 - "Hannibal", writer Jack Lindsay
  • 1960 - "I walked with Hannibal", Writer Hans Bauman
  • 1963 - "Elephants Hannibal", writer Alexander Nemirovsky
  • 1983 - "Hannibal, Son Hamilkar", writer Georgy Gulia
  • 1989 - "Hannibal. Roman About Carthage ", Writer Gispert Haafs
  • 1995 - "Hannibal", Writer Ross Lekkki
  • 1998 - Scypio African, Writer Ross Lekki
  • 2000 - "Carthage", Writer Ross Lekki


  • 1914 - "Kabiria"
  • 1937 - "African Scypio - Hannibal defeat"
  • 1955 - "Sweetheart Jupiter"
  • 1959 - "Hannibal"
  • 1997 - "Great Battle of Hannibal"
  • 2001 - "Hannibal - a man who hated Rome"
  • 2005 - "Hannibal against Rome"
  • 2005 - "True History of Hannibal"
  • 2006 - "Hannibal: legendary commander"

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