Leonid Kaganov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



The writer, a humorist, a public figure and fantasy Leonid Kaganov became famous for ironic poems, as well as discussing scrupulous topics. He manages to expire the Russian reality in fairy tales and articles, skillfully masking the sharp condemnation of the events in the country.

Childhood and youth

The writer was born on May 21, 1972 in Moscow. Among his distant relatives was one person art. This uncle Vladimir Avrushchenko is a poet, who has met revolutionary poems and deceased in captivity of the fascists.

But the author's parents were far from literature: both worked with engineers. True, the mother Irina Stanislavovna tried to teach the Son to the beautiful - often read out loud of the poem of the Silver Age. Father Alexander Abramovich was a master of impromptu.

Leonid Kaganov in youth

In the memoirs of Leonid, the parent came up with fairy tales, reminiscent of the plot of the eternal confrontation of the wolf and the hare. In the stories of Alexander Abramovich, the main characters became the dog and the cat. The future screenwriter and his sister Margarita looked forward to continuing the stories every night.

Writing talent The boy showed in childhood. In the 1st grade, he passed an essay of eight proposals about the protein and pioneers, and then regretted that there was not enough time to develop the plot. For handwriting and illiteracy, the schoolboy got the top three.

In 12 years, Leonid sat for writing the first serious work - the fantastic novel "Planet Beech". True, the teenager threw this idea on the third sheet: due to numerous corrections and blots, the manuscript was difficult to read even himself.

It did not work out with the typewriter: the beginning to the author had to reprint the text, and this had adversely affected enthusiasm. And then Kaganov learned about the existence of a computer and decided: until this miracle machine appears, it will not create.

From school, the future screenwriter went in the 8th grade. He entered the Moscow Technical School of Automation and Telemechanics to the specialty, even remotely not touching with literature. At 19, the young man acquired the first computer. With difficulty, the student managed to prepare course projects on it, but there was no time for the stories.

In the Moscow Mountain Institute, where Leonid went after the end of the technical school, he composed his first text. The following attempted to write a story and then acutely felt a lack of communication with the same as he.

In his environment, there were no those who would share literary interests. And then the seeker of like-minded people came up with the "Brotherhood of Ovus". Find colleagues turned out (then there was no Internet yet), when he connected to the "Fido" network. So it began to communicate with people who were close to the writing path. Even now, Kaganov admits that he often sends texts there to get full reviews.

But the first publication of the author took place in the Student newspaper "Pozhetsky shift" in 1995. An article on exams came out under the pseudonym: Leonid was glad to indicate his name.

Lyrical sentiment passed by the young talent. More Kaganov was interested in humor. Soon he began working in a team of screenwriters writing for KVN. Then settled in the humorous transfer of OSP-Studio. It was a period that debunk the illusion of the dreamer about the work. I had to give out the texts of the desired size, on the specified topic, preferably in three versions.

For myself, the humorist almost did not compose. But one day, fate led him to a seminar of young authors, which arranged the Union of Writers of Russia. To the delight of a young man, he was accepted there.

Personal life

It is known that the writer has a son Stanislav 2008 born. True, the mother of the heir does not apply the writer.

On September 11, 2015, the official marriage of Leonid and Olga Nikiforova took place. Choams of the younger spouse for 11 years. Olga - Writer, among her work, the animated film "Three heroes and Shamakhan Queen 3D", "Old Man Hottabych", as well as the cartoon 2020 "Squirrel and Arrow. Caribbean mystery. "

Leonid Kaganov with his wife

It is known that before a trip to the registry office, lovers knew each other 12 years and even worked together on some projects. Both are creative people, therefore, they approached the main event in a creative life.

No one says anything, decorated with a car toilet paper and went to sign documents without a wedding dress and a classic suit. Even wedding rings newlyweds considered an unnecessary attribute. Instead, they were put on the fingers of children's gums for weaving, photo from the marriage of Kaganov put in the "Instagram" a year later.

For six months, Leonid and Olga managed to maintain the secret of a significant event in his personal life. Then I had to tell about this fact from the biography of loved ones. In June 2016, lovers went to the honeymoon to London and only on July 11, they celebrated the wedding in the form of a costume party. And in 2018 it became known that the writer divorced.


With the bibliography of the famous author, it is easy to see. Since 1996, the science fiction has been operating on which books, poems and articles are collected in free access.

In addition, there the writer leads a personal blog - a diary, in which reflections on the events occurring. This information, according to it, is not a news summary and is intended for friends and fans.

The first works of the science were published on the Internet. In 2002, a collection "Switch" was released. Since then, the writer regularly pleased the fans with sparkling texts. Among his books, Fame received "Epos of Predator", "Charisma", "Lena Skvotter and Paragon Raidesty".

Readers appreciate Kaganov for the ability to tell the story in a short text, without losing the smallest details. The author cannot accurately determine the genre affiliation of its works. Combined humor, computer technologies, scientific ideas. The striking example of such a mixing was "when I let me go," the cadets save the sun, "flying into emptiness."

Being a creative person, the science does not miss the events occurring in the world and the country. A vivid example was the verse about Putin and Gray Whale (August 25, 2010, Vladimir Putin in Olga Bay shot from the crossbow to the animal to take a biopsy).

Leonid often rewrites fairy tales on a new way. Opus "Kolobok" became a kind of response to the wave of perturbations rising in society regarding pedophilia.

And after it went on reprinting the fairy tale Alexander Pushkin "On the Pop and about the employee of his Bald", the scarcs wrote a sarcastic essay. It "reproached" the Russian classic in non-pollism, as well as the fact that he obsessed the vices of the priests. In a peculiar interpretation of the humorist Pop - Alexey Navalny, and his family is bloggers.

In addition to the author's site, the writer, together with the colleagues Evgeny Shestakov, Andrei Bocharov and Alex Yangov created the Hultura project. On this Internet resource, like-minded people in ironic form comment on sports news, politicians, culture, not neglecting abnormative vocabulary.

Leonid Kaganov now

2020 was filled with bright events in the country and the world. Pandemic coronavirus infection, voting for amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, rallies and poisoning Alexei Navalny - All this author with his inherent talent commented on a personal blog.

In September, Kaganov decided to become a volunteer for the use of Vaccine from COVID-19. The writer considered that the side effect, if it was, would not be terrible than ordinary Orz. And he found his duty for the benefit of science.


  • 1998 - "Team D"
  • 2001 - "Switching"
  • 2003 - "Charisma"
  • 2004 - "Ear"
  • 2004 - "Academic Day Had"
  • 2006 - "Give God God"
  • 2006 - "Epos Predator"
  • 2007 - "Protein deficiency"
  • 2008 - "Our Masha and Magic Walnut"
  • 2010 - "Lena Squotter and Paragon Retribution"
  • 2010 - "Roman and Larisa"
  • 2010 - "300 kilovolt"
  • 2016 - "Tablets"
  • 2017 - "Depressant"
  • 2017 - "Lemon Planet"
  • 2019 - "B ... Planet"

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