Miyamoto Musashi - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, "Book of five rings"



Miyamoto Musasi - Japanese Master Mike, Ronin. It is known as the legendary swordsman and the founder of the combat style Hyoeho Nitan Iti-Ryu, or Nitan-Ryu. An experienced fencer and the famous warrior is considered an important symbol of the country, and its biography is still investigated.

Childhood and youth

Miyamoto Musasi's life details are often confused with legends about him, and image - with images on engravings. Even the identity of his mother and relationships with parents are still discussed. Nevertheless, researchers managed to create a convincing portrait of this person.

It is known that at the birth of the boy called Benosuk. It was found that he was born in 1584 in the Japanese province of Harima in the West Honshu, in the village, from which the family and received the last name.

The head of the Miyamoto Munisay family was considered an experienced master of martial arts. But the young man's relationship with the father was far from perfect. The boy often became an object of rumors and woven about his biological mother and did not get laid with a stepmother. When a young man grew up and began to practice work with a sword, he tried to criticize the fighting of the Father. After the scandals, the teenager escaped to his uncle Dorinbo, the Shinto priest, who later took the nephew for upbringing.

Personal life

According to research, the famous warrior has never been a wife. At the end of his life, he wrote a list of rules, among whom criticized the idea of ​​marriage, as a personal life distracts a person who seeks to perfection in martial arts.

Nevertheless, the philosopher had adopted children who became native to him. He adopted his first child Miyamoto Mikinosuk after a long journey on the road Netzeta. Ronin has long wanted to have the ward and realized that Mikinosuke him perfectly suits him. For many years they traveled together.

In 1623, the philosopher found 11-year-old Miyamoto Iori, and after - Tremuru Emone. Both boys also became his sons. In the future, the warrior dedicated himself to mentoring young followers both in martial arts and in other practices.

Fencing and philosophy

Miyamoto rose in times of big change in Japan. The country was boiled by feudal wars when the old ruling segunate asicaga fell into decline, and then collapsed in 1573. To the 1600th, Japan was divided into two camps: Some supported Tokugava Iehasu, the founder of the last village, in the east, others - Toytoma Hiyøri in the West.

Being a leaving from the West, Musasi served in the troops Hidejei, who were defeated in the battle at Schigahar on October 21, 1600. Ieais then won a victory and consolidated control over Japan. Miyamoto somehow managed to escape and became Ronin - Samurai without the owner. He decided to choose the path of Shugshi - a samurai, which wanders on the ground in the pilgrimage called Mush Shuga, honing the skills in the deadly battles.

Dueles in Japan those years were serious, often fatal, even when using a wooden sword called Bokoken. But death was not disturbed by warriors: they followed the Code of Samurai Beanido, who set the honor and fame above all.

The first such battle for Musasi took place, even when he was 13 years old. Then he killed the Martial Arts Martial Arts Arim Kieya. But the famous duels of the masters began after he began to pilgrimage.

For several years, the warrior wandered in Japan and challenged other samurai to hone his skills and strengthen the reputation. Most of these duels are lost for history. The most important thing his fight took place against Sasaki Codziro - Mouse Masters from the Hosokava clan on the nicknamed demon of Western provinces. He owned the Tsubame Gash technique, which means "rotate the sword with the speed of swallows."

By the time of the meeting with the famous Samurai Miyamoto, Nitan Iti-Ru Nitano had already developed his battle style, which uses two swords. The duel was held on the secluded Island of Fuanadzima, between Honshu and Kyushu. As usual, Ronin came late, than heavily angry the enemy. Later in the work of "Go Rin, a sho", the master said this: "There are many types of excitement. One thing is a sense of danger, the second is the feeling that something is higher than your opportunities, and the third is a feeling of surprise. "

The rage served the Codziro poor service: he could not apply a mortal blow and suffered himself, having fallen from a broken edge. Since the demon of the Western provinces has been heard as long as necessary, the master of two blades could claim the title of the best fence officer of Japan. But he became the greatest samurai only after he finished his duel.

It is believed that the death of Sasaki was very sad for the philosopher, and he experienced spiritual awakening. Later, the warrior participated in small fights, but his Mush Shugu ended. He plunged into the self-analysis and wrote about this time:

"I realized that I became the winner not because of exceptional skill in martial arts. After that, deciding to achieve a clearer understanding of the deep principles, I practiced the day and night. Around the time when I turned 50, I completely naturally understood the path of this martial art. "


In 1643, the philosopher began to write the autobiography of "Gu Rin but Sho", known as the "Book of five rings", which he completed for 2 years. This is a treatise on strategy, tactics and philosophy, which is still being studied.

It is believed that the cause of the death of the famous Ronin was a chest cancer. In May 1645, he presented gifts to students and the spiritual will "Dokkodo" - 21 Commandments of the combat discipline called "The Way of Loneliness", or the "path of going alone." On May 19, 1645, Musashi died in the Reagando Cave.

"Book of five rings" is widely studied not only by masters of martial arts or practicing Zen, but also businessmen who want to apply the philosopher strategies. Like the "art of war" Sun Tzu, some tips of the famous samurai have an incredit value:

"There is nothing out of you, which could help you become better, stronger, richer, faster or smarter. All inside Everything exists. Do not look for nothing. "

The image of the Great Warrior was repeatedly used in books, films, video games and animations. Among them - the novel "Ten Zamenossev" Ayji Yosikava, paintings "Samurai: a fight on the island" and Miyamoto Musashi: Duel at the Temple of Itidzödi ", the series" Musasi ", Miyamoto Musasi film (2014), manga" fighter ".


  • "Valor for the military spirit, yesterday and today - to defeat yourself, tomorrow - to win the weakest, and then - to win the strongest."
  • "A truly skillful people have time everywhere and never seem rigorous."
  • "It is necessary to understand well and distinguish between the rhythm of the heyday and the rhythm of the extinction."
  • "You can hardly achieve a genuine understanding, based on explanations of others."

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