Nikolay Emelin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Contact sports, where opponents ruthlessly apply strikes to each other, remembered not only bright hooks, appepers and jebami, but also by songs, which are the main characters to win. For example, Conor McGregor appeared in octave accompanied by The Foggy Dew - Creation The Chieftains and Schinaid O'Connor. Habiba Nurmagomedova inspired "Dagestan" Sabina Sabina Korsov (Sabine Kors), and Alexander Povetkin - no less patriotic "Rus" Nikolai Emelin.

Childhood and youth

At the end of July 1965, on the 25th, on Perunov, a week and one day with Vasily Shukshin, as the performer loves to emphasize, Nikolai Emelin appeared the son called in his honor. Such a joyful event occurred in the Cossack Stanza Koryakovka, located in the north of Kazakhstan, in a large family - the celebrity has several brothers and sisters.

Parent from an early age and until the last hour worked with a horse and adored horses. In Soviet years, a man lived in the Altai Territory and kept herd of 16 horses. Therefore, the head of the nearby state farm "Forward" visited him often, asking for the rental of animals to avoid criminal penalties.

Shortly before the death of the mother revealed a curious fact of biography. It turns out that Ekaterina Petrovna Vanina lived all his life under strangers and patronymic - in fact she is Alekseevna and Vasilchukov (or Vasilchikov).

Her father-officer in civil war was behind White, ran away from the Catherine prison on the pants, was wanted as a counter-revolutionary and went through Semipalatinsk to China. It is also known that one of the close relatives in the Great Patriotic War was treated by the regiment commander and was listed in the 47th separate battalion.

On June 20, 2011, the singer opened the Yutiub-Channel, regularly replenished with clips, records of direct eters and video with interesting stories from the past. Thanks to them, the fans learned that their pets with his comrades were taken to the pioneers, in childhood he almost blew up the airport and adored to play hockey.

The boy combined the secondary educational institution with the musical, one of the first arrangements about love by writing about the 6-7th grade. Then he got into the professional school of workers, continuing to comprehend the basics of melodic art in a special service and engage in boxing, to acquire the title of the Master of Sports. The Creative Way of the young man got up in the Olympic 1980th, without turning off him and during the service in the army from 1983 to 1985.

Personal life

Nikolayevich's personal life does not hide, publishing pictures of wives and children in a personal account in "Instagram", but also unnecessary details do not indulge.

It is known that he has adult children (at least one daughter and son Danila), presented to parents, if relying on an interview with 2016, seven grandchildren. Despite the gray and the fact that Bard himself calls the "grandeur" and "wrinkled as boot", he is still full of strength and energy.

Now he will grow up the younger heirs of Emelyan and Kuzma, and the last 2020 still visited the kindergarten.

"My creativity talks about our mighty and great ancestors, and I would really wanted us to be worthy of their memory. I want my children and grandchildren to go with the right posture and were proud of them, and did not slightly and bored how the guilt was guilty, "the singer shared in an interview.

The celebrity willingly go to contact with journalists and fans, admitting that since childhood he has the work of Yuri Antonov, and also like Pelagia. But Emelin has a small request to the folk executor - do not sing male songs from a female face.

In a free from concerts, tour and rehearsals, the artist is in every way restoring, resorting to sports and bath, and in the future it plans to make a tight selection of prose.


Demobilizing from the army, Nikolai has effigy at the assault on various All-Union festivals, vocal reviews and contests of the author's song, rarely leaving empty hands.

In 1988, a talented performer joined a professional scene and after a year in Minsk, a debut solo album "Rubaha and Cross" recorded, which a popular gramzapy studio "Melody" released in 1991. After that, he began to actively invite him to television (the transfer of Soviet Russia, "Wyry Circle", "Happy Case", "Farmer-91", "Zavalka" and "Russian House").

In the mid-1990s, the artist collaborated with the "Gorni" ensemble, revealed the world a second plate of "Nights" and entered the highest directorial courses in the Kameshkola named after Sergei Bondarchuk. Zero began for a musician with a pleasant event - from the award of the title "Trubbing Angel of Russia".

The fans of the singer's songwriter of Russian national compositions tried to indulge in year a year, replenishing discographic collections "Kolo Cole" (with "misfortune-disconnect" and "royal fun"), "one" (with "to bat"), "one", "On July 25" (with "Ataman"), "Poddeformen" (with "Recall, Brothers"), "Selyanin", "smoke pulled", "Prashas. Spring "(with the very" Rusy "(" Grandchildren of Svary ")).

The composer belongs to the idea of ​​creating a group of "Emelya and Brothers", serving in the genre of Folka, where the Kaskaders Sergei Kozlov and Sergey Tkachenko are the brothers in spirit. Colleagues are known to the Russian viewer by participating in the films "Wolfhound", "We are from the future - 2", etc. By the way, and the artist itself is not far from the cinema, in his arsenal - shooting in the mini-series Vladimir Khotinenko "Dostoevsky" .

Nikolai Emelin now

At the end of 2019, Emelin on the official website and on social networks announced a collection of funds for a new album. Some singles from it (for example, "to the mother") were first fulfilled at a concert on September 19, 2020 in the Moscow Production Center. After the speech, the artist willingly communicated with the loyal fans, made a photo of the memory and distributed autographs.


  • 1989 - "Rubaha and Cross"
  • 1996 - "Note"
  • 2005 - "Cole Cole"
  • 2007 - "Zavern"
  • 2008 - "One"
  • 2009 - "July 25"
  • 2011 - "Poddeofers"
  • 2013 - "Selyanin"
  • 2014 - "Smoke pulled"
  • 2019 - "Pratzur. Spring"

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