Denis Butaev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Governor of the Belgorod region 2021



Denis Butaev is a state and politician, whose career began in the field of jurisprudence. Gradually expanding the spectrum of skills, the official climbed the career ladder. By 2020, he was able to take the post of governor of the Belgorod region instead of the former manager of the Evgenia Savchenko region.

Childhood and youth

Denis Busaev is a native of Moscow, by nationality, Russian was born on March 7, 1977. He grew up in an intelligent family.

Grandson Vyacheslav Zymbal, Honorary Lawyer of Russia, continued the case of a grandfather, enrolling in Moscow State Law University. Oleg Kutafina. Having received a diploma in the profile specialty, Butaev also became among the representatives of the personnel reserve of the Higher School of Public Administration of Ranjigs under the President of the Russian Federation.

Personal life

It is known that the politician was married, but the person's personal life did not work out, and he divorced his wife. Denis Botsayev is the father of two children. For some compromise, parents came to their upbringing after parting is unknown. The statesman himself does not apply to relationships with the former spouse and heirs.

Botsayev leads a personal page in the Instagram network, where it periodically publishes high-quality professional photos, accompanied by detailed posts. The account is aimed at improving the level of confidence in potential voters and those who are interested in the results of the policy.


Professional activities of Denis Petrovich began in 1998 with a lawyer's post in the regional branch of IBM, which is responsible for work in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. In 2004, he ended up at the head of the CIS and Eastern European Legal Department, and in parallel with this, in the Board of Directors of the Organization called Hewlitt - Packard LLC.

Denis Bezaev and Evgeny Savchenko

From 2008 to 2009, Bucaev held a position in the expert council under the chairman of the Federation Council. Until 2011, he was a managing partner of the Panorama Group of Companies, and subsequently supervised the activities of the Pet Technology Organization.

In the political arena, Denis Petrovich's figure emerged in 2013, when he became an adviser to the governor of the Moscow region. Already a year later, the official occupied the position of Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region. For three years, from 2015 to 2018, in his jurisdiction there were investments and innovations in the region. After this period, Busaev left the post occupied at his own request.

In 2019, Dmitry Medvedev, having the powers of the Prime Minister, appointed Denis Bucaeva by the Director General of the Russian Environmental Operator. He coordinated the processes of treatment of municipal waste within the framework of the Ecology implemented project. The resignation of the policy at the observed post turned out to be early. Some Witnesses of the work of Denis Petrovich talked about the fact that as Director General of the REC did not have any authority to obtain funding infrastructure and the organization of export, storage and processing procedures.

The official himself reported the difficulties faced by working on the "trash reform." Under its beginning, a methodology for evaluating operators in many cities of the country was developed. Denis Petrovich Botsaev also contributed to the coordination of a number of measures to support the fate of the fate of solid utility waste. The politician explored the issues of the "garbage business" from "gray" and "black" zones, introducing new standards of work.

Denis Bezaev now

In September 2020, Bucaev was appointed deputy chairman of the Government of the Belgorod region. In the new role, he began to oversee not utility questions, as residents of the region were expected, and the full range of activities of the administration of the Governor Evgenia Savchenko, a member of the Council of the United Russia party.

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Almost immediately, the main manager of the city resigned, and Bucaev received a post of acting head of the region. Many voters suggest that the current stage in the biography of the political figure became preparatory for the announcement by his new governor. This is the age, experience and career ambitions of the official.

In the new position, Denis Botsayev immediately began to fulfill the duties and participated in the meeting of the Belgorod Duma, dedicated to the discussion of popular budgeting.

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