Igor Streltsov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Son Eduard Streltsova 2021



On September 24, 2020, the Biographical "Streltsov" was published on the rental, talking about the difficult fate of the legendary Soviet football player Eduard Streltsov. During the filming, the creators of the film have repeatedly appealed for consultations to the son of "Russian Pele" Igor. The heir athlete, having familiarized himself with passages from kinocarten, said that one surprised him, the other liked, and the third he would like to see in a completely different way.

Childhood and youth

At the beginning of 1963, Edward Streltsov, having received a conditionally early liberation from the Tula Colony, settled at the Moscow Ivan Likhachev plant and entered the station.

At the same time, acquaintance with the future of the second wife of Raisa Mikhailovna, who studied on the seller in the central department store. They rummed that the football player first hid a new love from his mother, fearing interference. But the parents of the elects received the groom right away.

Eduard Streltsov and Igor Streltsov in childhood

In September, lovers were combined with a legitimate marriage, and for the next year, February 1, 1964, took congratulations on the appearance of Son Igor. Raisa became a real guardian angel athlete. When there were difficulties with money, then it was necessary to live on the salary of his wife, called her husband "their big child" and never raised the topic of the criminal past.

From the early years, "Russian Pele" took a child to workout and on the matches of the native Torpedo, and sometimes he drove the ball in the apartment at all, leaving chandeliers in a deplorable state. Basically, due to the great employment of adults, the boy brought up a grandmother.

Remembering childhood, the heir to the legend of the Soviet football said that the head of the family adored reading books, regularly drawing new literature from trips, solve crosswords or watch the favorite film "White Sun of the Desert".

"Parents, as in any family, were the discords, and quarrels, but they loved each other. For example, father will never sit down to dine or dinner until there is a mother. And when my mother was delayed, he will stand in the kitchen, put the foot stool and it stands looks out the window, waiting for it, "the man shared in an interview.

The family changed a lot of residence. At first there was an apartment in Perovo, then on Velozavodskaya, Avtozavodskaya and shipbuilding streets, and as a result, fate abandoned the raw materials. Igor Eduardovich said that the Father, despite the fact that he owned the 21st Volga, could easily use the subway. And never specifically invited anyone on his birthdays, rejoicing to everyone who comes.

Personal life

Only concise facts are known about the personal life of the only son of an outstanding athlete. He married his beloved girl named Marina, who gave a boy's wife called in honor of the famous grandfather. Two families lived together, and when the Senior Senior came with a hungry training session, even the daughter-in-law was not able to sit down the table without his wife Raisa.

In numerous conversations with journalists, Igor Eduardovich shared curious facts of biography. For example, they liked them to watch football matches on TV, among the teams, in addition to the native Torpedo, the parent allied the Tbilisi Dynamo and the Moscow Spartak, supported communication with her daughter from the first marriage Lyudmila and adored tea. But not with sugar, but with jam - Chernosmorodinov, cherry or crimson.

In the house at the heir of the football player and now carefully stored the mug of a stick with a pen, brought from Austria in 1956, photo albums, medals, badges and personal belongings.

"I hate when in the company it is started to submit me:" Do you even know who it is? " Well, what am I related to this?! I just carry my father's surname, I myself did nothing in football. I have this fame to nothing! What x .. Are you saying?! I'm trying to leave immediately, "he added.


In the children's and youth years, Igor Eduardovich tried to follow the footsteps of the famous Father. Trained in the metropolitan village of Torpedo and in 1983-1984 he played for this football club at the position of the attacker. Then he played a year as part of the "Podol region" team from the Ukrainian city of Khmelnitsky, in 1987, coming to Moscow Dynamo-2. But in the sports career I had to put a cross because of solid injuries and because of the fact that "the legs often beat."

Subsequently, with the assistance of Mikhail Gershkovich, he found himself in law enforcement agencies, where he had served to the title of Major. In such a noble profession, he managed to achieve certain success.

For example, in April 2002, Sagittarov and a partner on the name of Fomichev on hot trails were found and detained an attacker who had stolen with a woman in the Nagatinsky Zatka area. For the competent actions of the police patrol service staff, the monetary remuneration in the amount of the monthly salary.

Igor Streltsov now

Igor Eduardovich regularly visits football events held at the Torpedo Moscow Stadium, in 1996 he received the name of his father.

Igor Streltsov - Son Edward Streltsova

So, a few days before the new 2020, the 2006 Birthday Tournament was completed there. At the closure ceremony as a honorary guest was also attended by Streltsov, presented with the winners and participants memorable prizes.

The team for which the legend of Soviet Sports advocated that its heir was supporting. For example, FC helped him in 2016, when a joint replacement operation was required.

The son of Edward Streltsova willingly go to contact with journalists and figures of cinematic art, providing their information about the famous parent. Without him, at least the shooting of the film "Streltsov" would not take place.

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