Vyacheslav Vyacarovsky - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, opera singer



Vyacheslav Voynarovsky - Opera singer and actor. Most Russians, he became known thanks to the participation in the program "Curve Mirror". Successfully collaborated with Russian and Western theaters.

Childhood and youth

Vyacheslav Igorevich Vozyarovsky was born on February 8, 1946 in Khabarovsk. He is a singer in the third generation. The grandfather of the father's line Yuri Nikolaevich Kilchevsky was the famous operetta artist. In 1938, a man told the anecdote about Comrade Joseph Stalin, for which he was planted. After 2 years he was shot.

Father Igor Yuryevich served in the Khabarovsk theater, and the mother Nina Ivanovna - in the theater of the musical comedy. There, the parents of Vorovarovsky and met when Igor Yuryevich was offered to take the patribution over a young girl.

Vyacheslav Vyacarovsky - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, opera singer 4285_1

Grandma was engaged in raising a child. Glory was not "Pai-boy": ran with friends to swim on the river, he studied badly and often hooliganil. Once a teacher, not to withstand his pants, began to beat the student head about the desk, and the Varovarovsky was swarming that he would continue to behave better.

Starting from the 7th grade Mother went to school with him and even sat with her son at the desk. He controlled that Vyacheslav did not stroll and gained good marks. She understood that without good education at the institute did not do.

She studied Varovarovsky, by the way, in the evening school, because the day sang in the choir of the theater, where parents served. In the younger classes, he was struggled, but at 15 years old saw the Italian film "Great Caruso" and realized that he wanted to sing. But the guy did not accept the guy immediately, at first he had to be a worker scene.

After school, Tenor tried to study at the actor in the Khabarovsk School of Arts, but was expelled as "media." However, thanks to this, the young man entered the guitis.

Personal life

The career of the singer initially prevented a personal life. With the first wife, the actress of operetta is cute, the soloist broke up, because he left working in Saratov. Woman did not want to follow him.

The second marriage with the artist Zinaida collapsed for the same reason. This time Vyacheslav leaving Moscow.

Vyacheslav Varovarovsky and wife Olga

And only the third alliance turned out to be strong and happy. With Olga Vozyarovsky met at the stage theater, where he played on the New Year's "Christmas trees". The woman was a ballerina, she graduated from the Moscow Choreographic School. Lovers got married in 1975.

Two children were born in the family. Daughter Anastasia by education economist. In 2012, she gave Vyacheslav Igorevich's grandson Alexander. Son Igor chose art and became an actor. He graduated from the Schukin school. A young man played Bob in the movie "Styles."


In 1970, Vozyarovsky began working in the Saratov Theater Operetta. In 1972, due to the protection of the teacher of Gityis Boris Mordvinov, the Moscow Academic Music Theater named after K. S. Stanislavsky moved to Moscow.

At one of the New Year's "Christmas trees", Evgeny Petrosyan noted at the stage of the stage of Artist. The humorist invited Varovarovsky to his program "Good word and a cat nice." Soon the Petrosyan theater went on tour to Afghanistan. Mikhail Zhvanetsky, in a joking manner, dissuaded the soloist there to go there, because he is big, and snipers will be the first shot.

Vyacheslav Vozyarovsky and Evgeny Petrosyan

In his youth, Voenarovsky periodically played episodic roles in popular Soviet films. There are few people know about it because his name is often not even mentioned in the credits. For example, Vyacheslav 2 times starred in "12 chairs": Leonid Gaiday fulfilled the role of Nikashi, Mark Zakharov embodied the image of Oleg Yakovlevich, one of the guests at a meeting of the "Sword and Oral Union". Also in his filmography there is Kameo in the paintings "Garage", "June 31", "Kill the Dragon".

In the 90s, when difficulties in Russia came in Russia, the tenor began cooperation with European theaters. From 1991 to 1994, he performed in the Vienna Opera, where he met Luciano Pavarotti himself. The Italian decided that they and Vyacheslav look like an externally and vote, and even offered to speak together in Moscow. In addition, in the singing tenor biography there were performances in Milan, London.

Since 1997, Vyacheslav Igorevich has been an invited artist of the Bolshoi Theater, where he performed the Aria Selllem in the Olyg of Igor Stravinsky "Breakfasts" and Mephistople in the "Fire Angela". In the same year, he was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia.

From 2002 to 2013, the singer renewed cooperation with Petrosyan in the transmission "Curve Mirror". He performed such songs like "Aria of the Colorado Beetle", "My Liliputka". The texts were humorous, but lay on the music of the best works of world classics. Therefore, Vozyarovsky was not ashamed that he was in the entertainment show. Thanks to the transfer, it was first started to recognize on the street.


The artist left his life on September 24, 2020, at 2 am. Presumably, the cause of death has become a bowel disease or pancreas. Son Igor denies that it could be coronavirus infection.

Evgeny Petrosyan posted a joint photo with Vyacheslav Igorevich in "Instagram" and wrote a short necrologist.

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