Zakhar Navalny - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Son Alexei Navalny 2021



Zakhar Navalny, despite the young age, enjoys the scrutiny of the press. Now, for each step of the boy, as well as his sister Darya, journalists are followed. And it is not surprising for the son and daughter Alexei Navalny, the oppositionist, known both in Russia and in the West.


Facts about childhood in the biography of the boy can be found by browsing the accounts of his father in "Instagram" and "Facebook". Politician often posts posts with family photos, accompanying them funny comments. With the wife of Julia Navalny (in the devotion of Abrosimova) the oppositionist met in 1999 on vacation in Turkey. Roman quickly began between young people, and in 2001 a wife gave Alexei daughter Daria.

After 7 years, March 26, 2008, Zakhar appeared in Moscow. Since childhood, parents surrounded the boy with care and love. In the early pictures presented in the account of his father, the child is captured in the most common "scenery": on children's holidays, in a cafe, in the country. In February 2014, Navalnya Jr. participated in the project, a garage "Garage" in the Moscow Museum.

Several children in crack clothes depicted the reconstruction of the painting of Ilya Repin "Burlaki on the Volga". In the comments to the photo from this event, Alexey noted that the son is no longer on the burlaka, but on the Komsomolna on the execution. In May 2015, the boy had a graduation in kindergarten. In the summer of the same year, politician took the heir on the journey to Altai.

In the mountainous region, the child was "stocking" unforgettable emotions - traveled with her father on horseback (managed to fall from the horse), crossed the Taetzus Lake on the boat (fell from the side of the water with a temperature of +14 ° C, was safely removed back). And in the autumn Zakhar went to study in the 1st grade. On the school line, the child had an original bouquet with sunflower flowers.

For the heir, the opposition chose the same school-gymnasium as for the daughter of Daria Navalny. The educational institution had high ratings and was considered prestigious in Moscow. In May 2017, Zakhar first came with his family for a rally. The event left the boy with vivid impressions: law enforcement agencies sought to expel his father and mother from this event.

In October 2018, the Family Policy went to the exhibition of Peter Bruegel (Senior) to Vienna, and in November, Navalny and his wife and children visited the premiere of the film "Fantastic Creatures: Green De Wald Crimes" in Moscow. Thus, Alexey sought to introduce the heirs to the beautiful, but not to deprive them of ordinary children's entertainment.

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In parallel with school classes, the Navalnya Jr. attended the pool and played in the school theater. In "Instagram" his father has repeatedly emphasized that she strives to preserve the tradition along with his wife. In addition to established (for example, a new year meeting in a circle of loved ones with "classic" festive dishes), new ones appeared.

So, on Saturdays, Alexey and Zakhar have a joint reading hour. The oppositionist admitted that it considers this "event" as the possibility of self-education, the time of communication with the heir, vaccinating the child educational habits. And the Navalny Jr. called the Saturday reading "torture an hour."

In general, the father and his son often demonstrated in the photo "related duet", removing in some poses and similar clothes. Also politician posted pictures after joint campaigns with Zakhar in the hairdresser. In 2019, the boy graduated from the 4th grade. Shortly before the graduation schoolboy visited the exhibition Edward Minka in the Tretyakov Gallery.

And in October, during the holidays, he, together with Alexey Anatolyevich, went to Poland. For a child, this trip became a sign, because the city with an old architecture reminded him that an amazing world that was described in the books about the Witcher's favorite writer Angey Sapkovsky. Earlier, the schoolboy was preparing a report on the novels of this series.

Zakhar Navalny now

His 12th birthday Zakhar spent in isolation along with his relatives. But it was not the worst thing that expected his family at the end of the summer of 2020. In August, Alexey Anatolevich, heading from Tomsk to Moscow, felt bad on board the aircraft.

Policies were emergency to hospitalized in Omsk with suspicion of poisoning. The doctors of the Omsk City Hospital did everything possible to save the life of the oppositionist. However, Julia, remaining unsatisfied with medical actions, insisted on the transfer of a spouse to the German clinic.

Zaharu could not fly to Germany to the Father located in a coma. The press secretary of Navalny Kira Brudesi said in an interview that Alexei's wife had to make a power of attorney at the consulate. But to get to the reception in the organization, you need to wait for 3 weeks. Already on September 15, a politician, the state of which has improved significantly, posted a post from the photo in "Instagram", where the family appeared in full.

And in January 2021, the father of Zakhar returned to Moscow, where he was immediately detained.

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