Earl Gardner - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, books



Earl Gardner is an American writer, one of the best-selling and prolific authors of the XX century. In addition to literary activities, known as a practitioner lawyer, humanitarian and adventure seeker. The adventurous character of the celebrity perfectly testifies his biography.

Childhood and youth

Earl Stanley Gardner was born on July 17, 1889 in the city of Malden, Massachusetts. He was the second child of Charles Walter and Grace Adelma Gardner. Their eldest son Walter then turned two years. Younger, Kenneth, appeared in the 1901th. Parents led a nomadic lifestyle, since the head of the family worked as a mining engineer.

Earl Gardner in youth

As a child, Earl was famous for the scope of the temper and changed not one school before the secondary education was completed in 1909. In the student, he also participated in illegal boxing fights and once he was expelled from the University of Valparaiso in Indiana for the "Beating Professor".

But the young man still found a job: he settled the texts to the company Oksnard, California, where in practice the jurisdiction of jurisprudence. At 21, without formal education, Earl passed the qualifying exam and received permission to lawyer practice.

A young lawyer opened the office, and a little later signed a contract with a firm in Ventura district, California, where he worked until 1933. Subsequently, the writer told that he did not like the routine practice of official law, but they attracted legal processes, especially with the participation of jury.

Personal life

Earl arranged his personal life without leaving the workplace. His wife became Natalie Francis Beatrice Talbert, while who worked as secretary in the law office. The wedding took place on April 9, 1912, and next year the daughter appeared in the family, Hatalie Grace. Photo of spouses and some moments of their life can be found on the net.

Earl Gardner and the first wife Natalie Talbert

After 18 years, the married couple broke up, but the man did not enter into a new marriage until the death of the first wife (1968). Later, he signed with Agnes Jean Bethel (1902-2002), which worked as secretary since the 1930th and was the prototype of Dellah Street, Perry Mason's assistants.


To the question why he writes, the writer once admitted:"I'm doing to make money and ... deliver the reader real pleasure."

The author began to be published in 1921 and issued a stunning number of stories and stories. They were about 600, and mostly criminal and detective stories. For a long time, Earl wrote for the press, typing (often under pseudonyms) sketches with confusing plots. In them, he created a real gallery of the villains, consisting of bright, and sometimes completely strange characters.

In the early 1930s, the "Black Mask" magazine published a series of six Gardner's stories with the participation of a lawyer for the protection of Kenning Kenning, who fought against injustice in a corrupt town. In many ways, it was a prototype of a fictional lawyer known in the world.

In 1933, the author who gained popularity released his first full-fledged novel "Velvet claws", in which he presented a grumpy and conservative lawyer Perry Mason. The book became a hit immediately after the exit, and the writer began to bring to the publishing house on average for one work every 4 months.

Gradually, a single detective became softer and wiser - so the writer hoped to make a hero more attractive for the Saturday Evening Post editors. In the early 1950s, the screening of books about the detective was published, and some copies were published in the press before the official exit. Later released films, Radoshou, comics and popular TV shows also contributed to the success of the Romanov cycle.

Among the works of Gardner there is a series of private detectives Berta Kul and Donald Lame, about the circumferential prosecutor of the Dug Selby and Sheriff Bill Eldon. He also issued research and popular books on Mexico travel.

Together with friends-lawyers, judicial medicines, investigators, the writer was engaged in the project "Court of Last Instance". The plan assumed the revision of cases and identifying judicial errors in relation to the accused.

As a result, in 1952, a book was published for which Gardnera was given by the Edgar Prize in the category "The best crime on fact." Later there was a series of the same name.

The most popular books in the bibliography of the literary figure are "blonde with a bubbital eye", "Bear rounding", "Loving aunt".


The writer died on March 11, 1970 in 81 in his house in Temekule. His body was cremated, and the dust dispelled over the favorite peninsula. Rancho del Paisano, called Rancho Del Paisano, was sold, and in 2001 transmitted to Indians. The territory was renamed Great Oak Ranch and made part of the progress of the progress.

In the 2020th on the screens, the television series "Perry Mason" based on the works of Gardner. The role of the main character went to the actor Matthew Riza.


  • 1929-1943 - Series "Leicester Leit"
  • 1930-1939 - Series "Paul Pry"
  • 1933-1973 - Series "Perry Mason"
  • 1937-1949 - Doug Selby series
  • 1938-1946 - Terry Klein series
  • 1939-1970 - Series of "Berta Kul and Donald Lam"
  • 1941-1943 - Series "Gramps Viggines"
  • 1945-1949 - Series "Sheriff Bill Eldon"
  • 1948-1958 - Series "Court of Last Hope"

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