Diana Zhulina - Photo, Biography, Childhood, News, Disappeared, Daughter of Hope Slavina 2021



The story of the disappearance of Diana Zhulina, the daughter of the Moscow designer of Hope Slavina, thundered to the whole country. Two days of searches and cherished inscription ("found. Liva") brought facilitating non-indifferent citizens. However, the situation entailed a number of issues that have yet to be answered by everyone involved in what happened.


The girl was born in 2008. Her mother is a person known. Her outfits wear such secular figures like Julia Kovalchuk, Olga Buzova, Polina Gagarin. Biological Father - Vladimir Zhulin - was a surfer, died in 2017.

Schoolgirl grew up with her grandparents. With stepfather, Mom and younger sister, Nicole Diana spent vacation and summer months. So, together they came to the Dominican Republic once. In 2020, when full-time classes were canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic, they lived together in a country house.

According to Classmates, Zhulina, she complained about her friends for dislike Mom. Slavina was infinitely busy career, and with the advent of a new man and stopped paying attention to her daughter. However, designer itself denies similar charges.

In secret Diana dreamed of living with a grandmother along a biological father. It is known that the schoolgirl even asked that to achieve the deprivation of mother parental rights.

However, some of the tragic moments in the biography of the teenager none of the close to call. The girl lived in prosperity, dressed well. True, after the period of self-isolation was held, hope began to prohibit the daughter for a long time to sit at the computer and in the phone. Worried that the schoolgirl worsen his vision due to distance learning.

Relationship with stepfather, Daniel Danilov, also remained friendly. The man tried to pay attention to Padherce - they rested together, rode on scooters.

Although even earlier, the relatives noted suicidal inclinations in a teenager. In the period when the tragic news on the activities of "Blue Whale" rolled in Russia, Diana was also interested in this topic. He consisted in such groups, but did not attempt to enter a deadly game.


On September 21, 2020, Hope published a shocking post in Instagram. The designer told: the daughter disappeared on the way home from school. Slavina reported that at the time of the child's disappearance, things were collected in a country house. She planned to go to Moscow - she wanted to take Diana and live together with one family.

But did not have time. According to the death of the mother, the daughter left a note and the phone to a classmate. And also selected the grandfather, who was supposed to meet her after lessons, about the end time of classes. It was clear - the girl was preparing to leave the house. Nevertheless, a criminal case was established on the fact of the disappearance of a teenager under the murder article.

Of course, in search of a 12-year-old schoolgirls were thrown all the strength. The famous organization "Lisaagert" was left and evening - in the evening, the nearest areas were saved by leaflets with photos of Rogulina and a request to help her find it.

During the first day, it was possible to find out: Diana deliberately prepared to run. It contacted a social network with a girlfriend Alina from the city of Klown. In the correspondence reported that he wants to transfer the phone and diary. I said goodbye, promising to meet in 2026. And after asked to remove the entire dialogue.

Missing Schoolgirl Diana Zhulin

The only one has had the investigating authorities - video from the surveillance camera installed above the main entrance to school. The roller got into the network - it can be seen how the girl comes out of the educational institution, waving a classmate with his hand and runs out for the gate. There, according to a friend, she handed him a bag with a telephone and a suicide note. And later I said goodbye to him and left in an unknown direction, pre-changing near the nearest trash.

During the search events, classmates and close roguline were interviewed. It was possible to reveal the points of the bindings and the estimated favorite of a teenager - this village Sofrino. Immediately there went to the outfit, work began with local residents.

On the night of September 23, Nadezhda Slavina announced that the daughter was found in one of the entrances of the above area. Immediately the girl was lucky for a medical examination. And the mother posted a video in which he shared his joyful news. The designer also reported that Diana says terrible things about her.

The versions of the mother occurred had several. Given that the schoolgirl cut off his hair, stuck her eyes, rejected and turned backpack inside out, Slavic had thoughts that someone adult was involved in this matter. It is difficult to believe that the girl in 12 years is capable of thinking so carefully every detail of escape. Not discharged and similar to "blue whale" deadly games.

The truth about the true causes of Diana's departure from the house designer reported later. However, this information has already been known for a farewell adolescent note. It turned out that the biological father of Zhulina died a few years ago. It is very strange, but none of the loved ones in a hurry to report his daughter about his death.

As Nadezhda later admitted, she planned to invite a psychologist's conversation, realizing that it was injured for a child. But still never found time. But the grandmother told the truth of his granddaughter.

Diana Zhulina now

Father's death - such a cause of what happened Nadezhda Slavina. Nevertheless, the circumstances of the case are investigated, and newly emerging facts can radically change the picture.

It was possible to find out that the day before the disappearance of Zhulin met with a kind of boyfriend. He does not know either classmates nor relatives. Perhaps it was he who helped the young joke in her plans.

Now hope in the interview is divided by plans. She is sure that classmates knew everything and covered Diana, so the designer plans to translate the daughter to another school. Slavina also recognizes its own mistakes, perfectly realizing: the girl was jealous of her to another child, a new man.

The revealed fact of death of his father, moving to grandmother, hormonal jumps in connection with the adulthood - all this affected the emotional state of Rogulina, psychologists are confident. Father's mother says that what happened has become a big lesson for her family. And she will work on themselves, in order to prevent the repetition of history.

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