Sofia Konkin - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, daughter Vladimir Konkin



The tragic death of Sofia Konkin, the daughter of a deserved artist, stipped the public. Drowning - this is considered the cause of the death of a 32-year-old lawyer. However, the native deceased is confident that in this confusing case it was not without crime.

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Konkin's daughter was born on May 19, 1988, grew by a moving and fun child. According to the Father, from the Small Years, it was superbly swam and was distinguished by excellent health. Also, the luckless actor said that she was lazy in the trees all the childhood, and in his youth began to jump with parachute.

Konkina is a junior child in the family. In addition to her, Vladimir and Alla were born two twins sons - Svyatoslav and Yaroslav. Children did not go in the footsteps of the famous parent - Yaroslav restored the rare cars, and Svyatoslav was engaged in antiques.

I did not become the actress and the deceased daughter. The girl went to music school as a child, demonstrated good vocal data and seriously thought about the career of the singer. However, graduating from school, made a choice in favor of the landed profession.

Personal life

Konkina married Ruslan Podgorny - a lawyer who was over the previous one for 15 years. The daughter was born in marriage - Alice. The granddaughter of the famous actor at the time of death of the mother turned 11 years old.

Vladimir Alekseevich reports that after the divorce Ruslan did not participate in the life of Alice - did not pay alimony, did not take the child for the weekend. The reasons for such a disaster in the relationships of former spouses are not specified. Also, the star of the film "Place of Meeting cannot be changed" is regrettable that the real man did not happen in the personal life of his daughter.

Vladimir Konkin, Sofia Konkin and her daughter Alice

However, a single mother did not suffer from lack of attention from the opposite sex. According to loved ones, she went on dates, and also sat on dating sites. A few weeks before the death even moved to a man - Mikhail - along with Alice.

In "Instagram" the so-called groom after death, the beloved put the photo and was drying that "Sofia died today." The screenshot of the post was demonstrated on the transfer "Let them say". By the way, Vladimir Alekseevich does not exclude the involvement of his daughter's humor to her death.


Sofia received legal education. And subsequently did this. At first she worked in the firm of the first husband - Ruslan Podgorny. Then settled in the construction company.

In 2014, he was listed by the General Director of the company - LLC Center for Legal Aid. But in 2016, the organization was eliminated.

Close to report: Konkin independently raised her daughter and earned a living. In financial resources was not constrained. Although many media mentioned that a credit card problem was traced from a young lawyer. This is confirmed by the director Vladimir Alekseevich - Elena Transpar.


In the first days after the death of the artist's daughter, a lot of rumors appeared regarding the tragedy. Related decided to come to the transfer "Let them say" to dispel false information.

There they also provided a telephone recording of the conversation of Mikhail, a confinement of the conquer, who reported the last day of the chosen. According to a man, that evening gathered on business - buy Alice clothes, and then call the fitness club. Usually the girl was engaged at 19 o'clock. The reason why this time the visitor of the center of the Jump on the street Krasnaya Presnya was there at such a later time, not clarified.

Sofia Konkin and her daughter Alice

The tragedy happened at about 23:30. Sofia drowned in the pool - there was no coach nearby, which would pull the baton at once, so the precious time was lost. Everyone not indifferent to the tragedy seemed suspicious that the camera did not write this horrific moment himself.

However, on the transfer "Let them say" it was said: information about the absence of video is not confirmed by anything. And, moreover, even if the materials were deliberately removed, it is possible to restore them.

After the girl was pulled out of the pool, the staff aroused ambulance. In place, doctors managed to restore the heartbeat. In the Botkin hospital, the patient was given alive - for some time she even breathed independently.

Another moment that struck the public is that the relatives learned about the tragedy almost a day. The first one informed about the incident was her niece - Daria, living in St. Petersburg.

The girl came the SMS message indicating the number and request to contact. His alarmed Daria sent uncle. Native thought it was fraudulent actions. In addition, one of the staff of the fitness center at night came home to Vladimir Alekseevich. But the father was already in the hospital Sofia did not hear a call.

Anxiety scored Elena transfers. In the transmission on the first channel, approximate to the family said that he beloned to the daughter of the artist as a native, because he knew that from the 10th age. Alice reported the transfer that the mother never returned at night. Then Elena managed to find out what she was lying in the Botkin hospital.

According to the director, the doctor of the medical institution said: the patient had refused the kidney, and also recorded hypoxia brain. But at that time - 5 o'clock in the evening on September 23 - the visitor of the fitness center in the pool was still alive.

Medic said that all sorts of resuscitation actions were held and it remains only to wait - whether a young organism will cope. And the next night did an alarming bell - Sofia died.

Immediately there was information in the media that Konkin was drunk at the time of visiting the fitness center. Supposedly employees of the institution saw an empty bottle of wine (according to other versions - corkscrew or cork).

In other unreliable sources, it was indicated: the daughter of the famous artist used alcohol and sleeping pills, as a result of which he felt bad in the pool. By the way, relatives relate to such information negatively, believing what to talk about the deceased Alice's mother in such a key at least not ethically.

I agree with them and the lawyer of the family Yulia Nitchenko. A lawyer also does not exclude murder or poisoning. Julia seems strange that at the time of death there was no coach or another person who would follow the safety of finding visitors to the fitness club pool.

Vladimir Alekseevich is accused of the happening of the invited son-in-law, Mikhail, in publicly calling that the "scum". Anyway, loved ones are confident that the occurrence does not assocbiate with an accident or suicide.

Sofia Konkin and her bridegroom Mikhail

Information that the results of the opening of the body showed the content of alcohol in the blood, Yulia Nitchenko does not confirm. The lawyer gave an interview with "Gazeta.Ru" and said: the forensic examinations could not establish the cause of death of the conque.

Julia has told: doctors collected the necessary analyzes in order to find out what happened to the girl the last hours of life. But the examination will require not so little time - about one and a half months.

September 29, 2020 opened a criminal case. While it is considered within the framework of the 238th article of part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Providing services that do not meet the security requirements." Family lawyer hopes that it will be possible to restore a video recording of what happened and then will become clear, because of which Sofia died.

On the same day, the funeral of the daughter of Vladimir Konkin on Pyatnitsky cemetery took place.

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