Alexey Likovkovsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Beauty Blogger 2021



Alexey Likovkovsky is a famous personality in "Instagram", posting short videos with tips for girls. The guy spends daily for cosmetics and laying for 2-2.5 hours, not afraid of Heyters and refers to ill-wishers neutral. The secret of his popularity lies not so much in the cloth as in sincerity and rectinence.

Childhood and youth

Beauty blogger was born on March 23, 1996 (Zodiac sign - Aries) in St. Petersburg. Mother Natalia Evgenievna is a soft man, while his father was cruel and demanding to his son.

Alexey Lykov (this is the real name of the guy) said that parents enjoyed in matters of raising by the whit and gingerbread method. The mother tried to influence the problem teenager conversations, and the father sometimes allowed physical methods of exposure.

The boy was sent to public school, where he studied two foreign languages, English and French. Father welcomed a healthy lifestyle - did not drink and did not smoke, he was engaged in martial arts. Lesh in childhood was sent to Judo, in an interview with the beauty blogger shared that he received a white belt and stopped going to the month later.

In the middle classes, the behavior of the teenager has deteriorated much. Remembering these years, Likovski noted that he had a strange idea of ​​unreasonable permissiveness.

A schoolboy at the age of 14 walked on the "part of", consumed alcohol, abandoned his studies. Now the attitude towards the spirits of the guy is more serious. He allows himself to drink, but does not sit down drunk behind the wheel of the car, realizing that he could become a culprit of the accident.

Particular difficulties at the student arose with physics, algebra and geometry. Because of this, he was trying to leave him a couple of times for the second year. From the first school, I even had to leave because of the conflict with teachers and classmates.

Lesha in a new school gradually began to experiment with the appearance. The form bidded to wear dark blue costumes - jackets and pants. Therefore, he added to the image of the decoration: necklace, rings and broochs.

Despite the dismissive attitude to education, the schoolboy passed the exams well. And on the exam in English even received 92 points. After I entered the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance at the Faculty of Advertising and Public Relations. By the way, student studied himself, not paying for the session.

Personal life

Alexey retains signs of Androgyn. He never comes out of the house without makeup, wanting to look well-groomed and attractive. Of course, Mr. Likovki (so fans died) not wearing female dresses or skirts. Nevertheless, looking at his photo on the network, it is difficult to immediately identify gender stakeholder.

It is not surprising that the public has doubts about the sexual orientation of the popular beauty blogger. But Alexey tries not to let the press in his personal life. He is positioning as a man who has the right to afford and fitted pink costumes, and bright outfits with decorations.

Does Lesha have a girl, unknown. The questions about the plans for the family, a shock personality is responsible that there are such thoughts, but now he is not ready for the birth of children. It is important for him to have financial stability before thinking about marriage and child.

Like is confident: office slavery is not for him. Cosmetics commercial advertising brought about 60 thousand rubles in the first year of blogging. A month, such an earnings indicated a blogger in an interview.

The secular party has many friends, preferably girls. Judging by the post-posts, the company is often found in bars or clubs. Likovski does not hide him attracts nightlife. And he enjoys it, not paying attention to increased interest in his own person.

Alexey does not adhere to the call and explains that everyone will die anyway. And the difference between those who did not drink and did not smoke, and those who have enjoyed life without regard to health, will only be able to help in need of transplanting organs after death.


Mr. Livkovsky does not consider himself a blogger. He calls his page in "Instagram" by a personal diary, which records thoughts and observations, therefore the commercial advertising includes two. Of course, a significant part of the posts contains a call for buying a means. But the guy advises only what I tried and appreciated positively.

Professional biography began with videos. In them, an outdated young man gave advice to girls regarding skin care, clothes, personal relationships. At the same time, he did not position itself by a specialist in a particular area and did not apply for an expert opinion.

Long hair, bright makeup, trendy outfits - all this star considers the personification of the inner "I". Despite the female Maikap, Alexey cannot hide male nature. His lexicon is replete with obscene words. Nevertheless, in the right situations, Likovski knows how to support a serious conversation, not rolling to the jargon.

The public hooked not so much the appearance of the person, how much the ability to present themselves. The wrath of the guy was sharp expressions that instantly gained popularity and became quotes. But the main thing - the blogger did not try to trigger his essence before the audience, did not build someone who was not. And this sincerity makes people either hate him or admire.

Around the online star there is no mysterious aura. He does not run from journalists and is ready to share with the world thoughts, problems and memories. So, at the end of 2019, Hoffman (project "gun") gave a frank interview with Ksenia. Livkovsky told some facts from childhood, as well as about relations with parents and school.

The popularity of Alexei went beyond the World Wide Web. He is often invited to star parties, where he invariably leads guests to delight straightness and nontrivial appearance. After becoming a media personality, Likovsky starred in the clip of the singer Anna Semenovich, where he played the guard.

The guy is committed to development - in developing its own line of clothing and cosmetics. Most subscribers support it, but does not do without haters. Alexey is trying to not contact them, respecting any opinion. And if the conflict happens in a public place, it prefers to attract administrators or guards to the establishment to protect themselves from the manual design.

Alexey Likovkovsky now

The popularity of the media person grows every day, as well as the number of ill-wishers. Another famous blogger Andrei Petrov in the summer of 2020 accused Livkovsky in the use of narcotic substances. Such a conclusion of Petrov earned after he had a photo of Leshi near the table with the traces of the powder.

Alexey Likovkovsky and Andrey Petrov

Blogger immediately parried, writing a post that Andrei is trying to earn "cheap fame." And traces of alleged drugs are no more than cracks on the table.

In September, Alexey gave an interview to the show "Alena, Damn!". On the Yutiub Channel Journalist Alena Zhigalova, by the way, there were already such celebrities as Yana Rudkovskaya, David Manukyan and Lera Kudryavtseva.

The guest of the transfer shared the way after the divorce of the parents for some time he lived with his father: he did not want to let the Son to Mother. He spoke about how the parent tried to instill love for sports and judo, and on complete misunderstanding between two close people. She talked about children's dreams associated with drawing and work of the designer, and about the first experience with cosmetics - mother's tonal cream from Christian Dior.

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