Rifat Ruzilevich Garipov - State Worker, Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Career



Rifat Ruzilevich Garipov is a state and public figure of the Russian Federation. An experienced entrepreneur of his native Bashkortostan, then chosen the political career. Specializes in serious public topics: construction, housing and communal services, mortgage, improvement of housing conditions of the population, "smart" consumption and accounting of resources.

Deputy of the Bashkir State Assembly - Kurultaya, a member of the Chamber of Young Lawmakers at the Council of Federation. Repeatedly re-elected to the Public Council under the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services, where he now leads the Commission on Project Finance.

Childhood and youth

Born in the family of Ufa Ruzil Garipova on February 7, 1986. The boy called Rifat, predicting him a responsible life path. After all, this name in Russian means "climbing". And the name of the dynasty is altogether sign for the whole people. Each resident of Bashkiria knows the People's Poet of the Republic of Rami Garipov.

After graduating from school at a small homeland, the young man received two higher education. In the asset of Garipov diplomas of Jurfak MSU named after M.V. Lomonosov and Faculty "Economics and Management at the oil and gas industry" UGNTU.

Personal life

Despite the permanent public, information about the personal life of Rifat Garipov fit into the laconic phrase - "married, brings up two children." On his personal page on the official website of the State Assembly - Kurulta - you can find out that a daughter appeared first in the family.

The desire to protect closeness from excessive attention is confirmed by the general modesty of politics. He has long been charity, supports affordable children's sports in the Republic of Bashkortostan and the construction of sports facilities. But his contribution in good deeds does not advertise.


In 2017, Garipov entered the Public Council in the Ministry of Interest, and in 2018 he became a deputy of the Republican Kurultaya as part of United Russia. In 2020, he heads the Commission of the Public Council for Project Financing.

Rifat Ruzilevich is a deputy secretary, a member of the Presidium of the Regional Political Council of the Unified Russia branch and the Chairman of the Public Council of the Real Affairs of the Party in Bashkortostan. Earlier, in 2018, also included in the ward of young legislators under the Federation Council.

Rifat Garipov

Today Garipov is a reputable politician and the public. Evaluates all projects from the position of "Debit" and direct risks for citizens. So, when discussing the "carbon tax" explained to its introduction rise in prices for housing and communal services. As a result, the Ministry of Economic Development excluded the project provisions relating to the "Chubais Tax".

Supports initiatives that improve life and reduce the waste of people. Among them: Cancellation of the tariff for garbage collection for children under 3 years old, which Minstroy took into account for further development of benefits in the age principle. As well as the transition to the conclusion of direct contracts between consumers and suppliers of utilities, which would help each Russian family to pay the real cost of housing and utilities services.

Actively struggles with fraud when providing utilities.

Rifat Garipov Now

Since the beginning of autumn 2019, Garpov is widely discussed by the problems associated with the mortgage. It believes that for such urgent loans you need to establish permanent base rates at the level of 7-8% per annum and introduce an individual approach to beneficiaries.

In October 2019, he was at a meeting with the Minister of Construction by Vladimir Yakushev, where he openedly supported the requests of developers about the phased disclosure of escrow-accounts, so that money for the construction of social housing was more accessible at different stages of work on the object. "The mechanism of phased disclosure of escrow-accounts will help the industry to adapt to work in new conditions faster. So, as a basis, you can take overseas practice and provide access to the money of the shareholders depending on the degree of readiness of the object, for example, from 25% -30%, "said Garipov.

After passing the acute phase of the coronavirus pandemic, in August 2020, continued the subject for the industry theme: described in detail about the difficulties of transition to project financing and proposed his own ways to solve this problem. At the same time confirmed his theses in open publication in the Russian version of Forbes magazine.

Rifat Garipov

In the fall, 2020 analyzes online mortgage prospects as one of the lessons of the Pandemic era, highly appreciates the solidity and "the importance of online instruments for the development of the construction industry" in Russia.

Regularly draws attention to the key points for the life of society and the formation of youth: the ethical development of modern technologies, the increase in the digital quality of vocational education, the expansion of the forms of professionalizing the guys from school bench.

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