Kostya Cooper - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Show "Patzanka" 2021



Premier release of the 5th season of the Realistic Show "Patzanka" on the TV channel "Friday!" Forced viewers to experience opposite emotions - from permeating pity for the difficult fate of participants to horror and disgust to their behavior and manners. In the final of the 1st series, the bone of Cooper, Balla Kuznetsova and Victoria Lazutina were under threat of departure. But the teachers allowed them to stand on the path of corrections, handing together with the silver brooch and the distinctive sign of the worst student.

Childhood and youth

Victoria Belyaeva (those real name and surname Kosti Cooper, who signed in social networks as Kostik Casper) was born on July 16, 1998 in Cheboksary. One of the most difficult participants of the new season "Patzenok" rose in a disadvantaged family. Mother is an alcoholic "with an experience", making a life for prostitution and twice served in prison for non-payment of alimony. Father and now is located in places not so distant, receiving 7 years for theft and as much for the murder.

Despite the unbind parents, the daughter supports communication with them. With the one that gave birth, often drinks together (in sober form it's nothing to talk about), and the head of the family, serving criminal punishment, periodically calls and asks why he never visited her at the orphanage.

In an educational institution, the girl came at 3 years old, where he stayed to seven years, while the child did not take her grandmother to himself - the most native and beloved person. Unfortunately, women did not become in 2018 - Nina Porfiryevna Ilina 1949 threatened the incurable disease and hepatitis. The granddaughter is still hard for her care, often comes to the grave and asks for forgiveness for not listened to the wise councils.

Stunched girl are the older sister and a small niece, the photo is the last more often than others flashes on a personal page in "Instagram". It is for them that the bone wants to change with the help of a realistic show, realizing that the unhealthy lifestyle would not lead to anything good.

The character's heroine has many serious problems. She refuses to accept himself as it is, because of the child injury, so it looks like a guy, many smokes, obscenely expressed, steals, abuses alcohol and does not get out of the parties. In the future, it is possible that she will have a sex change operation - at the moment there are no funds.

"If I have a chance to mess, I'm going there anyway. Hang out - it's cool, I don't need anything else. I want to work, but I am sent everywhere, so I booze, Warm and often at night in the entrances. Of course, I would like a normal family, but I used to live like that, "Cupper admitted.

In the difficult biography of a resident of the Chuvash Republic there was a place and a psychiatric hospital. There a teenager in 9-10 years was sent for some time due to reluctance to do lessons. In a personal account in Vkontakte, it was also indicated that she had a relation to St. BSU.

Personal life

About the personal life of the bone is not known, but judging by the subscription to the public "I am looking for you. Cheboksary, "she does not lose hope to find a soul mate. Aggressive and tough character did not prevent her from acquiring a lot of friends with whom numerous parties are arranged not only in their hometown, but also in St. Petersburg.
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Despite smoking and abuse of alcohol, Cooper can be found on the playground, and even in an embrace with a skateboard. Also, the "Pazonka" loves animals very much, as evidenced by pictures in social networks with dogs, cats and rabbits.

Show "Patzanka"

When Cooper appeared at the Riga Station, where the Lady School was to be departed, who were present for a long time, who in front of them is a girl or a guy. By giving answers to exciting questions, the bone got involved in universal Vakhanalia - drank, spread everything around and clung to Anastasia Petrova. The latter tried to cause 4 strikes, but the rival was cleverly dumbfounded every time.

The real brawl occurred later with Balla Kuznetsova. They were lying on the asphalt, beat each other with their hands and legs on the head and face so that Tina Frank and Natalia Strelnikov were discharged.

A special bus took the "Pazonok" not there as they thought, but on the ball. On the way to order the pedagogical composition, the participants of the reality show gave an elegant image, surrounding in the dress with a corset and a lush skirt.

Cheboksary experienced shock from changing the wardrobe, bursting out, saying that he never wore such things and it was shameful. At a secular event, she, like the rest of the "colleagues," did not differ in approximate behavior, in the evening finals and at all falling into a drunken rout behind the scene.

Kostya Cooper - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Show

In the insanient state of future students Laura Lukina, Maria Tretyakov and Marie Bush, of course, did not allow the school. Therefore, the entire violent company, which has not passed the test for alcohol, was waiting for overnight in a specialized medical institution.

In the detox cooper, he behaved worse than everyone - rushed to staff and rosychirila, which led to isolation in a separate ward. Such a decision did not have a "dicark" by moral, and glasses flew into the wall. The next morning the applicant for enrollment in the "Lady School" once again "rissed into the tube" and finally got into the destination.

Bone Cooper now

In the "Lady School", the future students were given a school uniform consisting of a shirt, vest and skirts. The last thing for women's wardrobe was given to the cooper not easy. She did not know how to wear it properly, confessing that he always wore only men's things.

At the presentation of silver brooches, meaning the long-awaited enrollment, Cheboksary was in the three problem participants, whose finding on the project caused big doubts from teachers. Laura Lukina asked Kuznetsova and Cooper, which of them should stay on a reality show. Sibiryachka stated that it was ready to give up his place, and her partner replied that both were worthy, and unworthy at the same time. As a result, the teachers gave a chance to both, as well as Victoria Lazutin from Bryansk.

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