Anni Cordies - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Belgian Actress, Singer



Anni Kordes - Belgian actress and singer, in the creative piggy bank of which more than 600 songs, roles in popular musicals and films, author's performances in Olympia and other scenes. The actress was extremely popular in France. Fans acquired more than 5 million copies of the plates of the performer.

Childhood and youth

Real Name Anni Kordes - Leoni Julian Korianan. The singer was born on June 16, 1928 in Brussels. In the family, two more children were brought up - the son of Louis and daughter Jeanne.

When Annie was 8 years old, mother took her to a dance studio. Here, in addition to the choreography, the girl studied the game on the piano, in the theory of music and was busy in charitable speeches. In his youth, the performer participated in numerous creative contests and even became the owner of the Grand Prix de la Chanson award at 16 years.

Bloomy in the capital, the girl attracted the attention of Pierre Louis Geren, the artistic director of Paris Kabare Lido. He offered an artist to think about leaving Belgium to conquer larger scenes.

On May 1, 1950, Annie found himself in Paris and received the post of dancers. She debuted in Operette, performed on the stage "Moulin Rouge" and began active musical activity.

Personal life

Having moved to the French capital, the performer met the future spouse. Before exploring him, Annie had little experience in romantic relationships. The first love actress was the tamer Lviv, the connection with which lasted for two years.Embed from getty images

The Wedding Anni Korde and Francois-Henri Bruno took place on February 3, 1958. Husband was her older than 17 years old. Until the 1960s, the couple lived in his own home in Esone. Cordy and Bruno tied up not only personal life: a man became the manager's manager.

Children in marriage Anni and Francois-Henri did not appear. Later actress confessed in an interview that the reasons for this were associated with health. On February 9, 1989, Trouly died from a heart attack. He was 78 years old. Cordy hardly worried about their husband's husband.

Music and films

The first vocal compositions Anni Korde saw the light in 1952. At the same time, the actress first performed in the musical La Route Fleurie with partners Burville and George Getari. In 1953, the performer appeared on the movie screen as Kameo. Not leaving musical activities, Cordy recorded Bonbons Debut Album, Caramels, Esquimaux, Chocolats.

A year later, Annie was involved in the shooting sites of the paintings "Fool's Day" and "April Fish". The first turned out to be successful in the box office, and the cinematic career of the artist began to gain momentum. Shots followed in the film "Secrets of Versailles", during the creation of which Cordies collaborated with Jean-Louis Barro, Burvor, Jean Mare, Edith Piaf, Gerard Philip, Orson Wells and others. The tape turned out to be the leader of all film buildings in France and is still included in the top 100 most successful French projects in the box office.

In 1955, the singer's discography was replenished with the Fleur de Papillon composition, which became a hit, and the star itself continued to participate in the creation of full-length tapes. 1956 brought her a role in the picture "Singer from Mexico City, marking a partnership with an already familiar Annie Burville. The project was successful in the audience. It was sold for more than 5 million tickets. Good luck smiled Anni and on the musical field - "Ballada about Davy Croquette" was leading in the charts of 5 weeks.

Then, in the creative biography of the artist, there were shooting in the tapes "Victor and Victoria", participation in the musical Tête de Linotte. In Cinema, Anni Cordies began to offer leading roles. Popy successes were held in the regular edition of popular musical compositions, which repeatedly became soundtracks for filmus.

In the 1960s, together with Jean, Rishar, Annie starred in the paintings "Crazy Head" and "Duccian Gold". Cordy became popular with directors and love of the public, being occupied by "Who is the owner's family" and "good bourgeois".

The 1970s brought the role in the paintings "these messenie with trunks" and "Rain Passenger". The success of Anni in the cinema was supported and musical good luck, among which he was hit by Le Chouchou De Mon Coeur. An important milestone in the career of the performer was to participate in the French adaptation of the musical "Hello, Dolly!", Whose premiere was held in 1971. Cordy received for this project Triomphe De La Comédie Musicale.

In the 1970s, the filmography of the performer was replenished with the "Cat" tapes, the beaches of Etretreta, "the last evaluation of Paris", "Memories of Gibraltar", "Funny Types" and others. The bluing singer has gained the laurels, having released the song Qui Qu'en Veut and independently removing the copyright movie. In 1978, Jean Cockeo invited her and Alena Delon to shoot in a telepostan on the play Moliere "Indiffant Handsome".

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The song Tata Yoyo turned out to be a great success of vocalist in the 1980s, the compositions of Senorita Raspa, L'Artiste and others were slightly less popular. Korde's Music Albums bought in France and other countries - she continued to remain pop in the Olympus. In 1982, the author's TV series Cordy "Madame S.O.S." was launched on television, to which she recorded the soundtrack. A pause in cinema duration of 6 years was interrupted by the main role in the tape of Jean-Pierre Darras "Poacher from God."

Showing interest in the theater, in 1986, Annie was involved immediately in three productions. She also continued shooting in television series. During this period, Cordies paid less attention to cinema, but in the 1990s returned to work on the full-length paintings. The vocalist continued to give concerts and produce musical albums. The 1994th was marked for her filming in the ribbon "Revenge of Blonde", and a year later, the actress first tried themselves in the role for a short meter "Dream-Vouch".

Noting the 50th anniversary of creative activity, Anni Kordes gave a concert in Olympia. Despite the mature age, the actress remained in demand and often starred. So, in 2000, she received a role in the TV series "Baldi". On the dramatic scene, the artist was involved in the formulation of "Windsor Ramaznitsa". She was also busy in a series of concerts of Les Enfoirés. From 1994 to 2004, Cordi's cinematic activity was a long break.

The 2000s brought Anni participation in the TV projects "Without Ceremonies", "Missaca Rebels", in the series "Guardian". In 2004, she appeared in a short-lasting ribbon "Zartmo" and in the film "Madame Eduar and Inspector Leon".

Two years later, the audience saw the idol on the screen in the film "The Last of Crazy", and in 2008 Cordy entered the film crew "Disco" tape. An old age has not become an interference in creative activity. She continued to receive invitations to the main role and was successful in the embodiment of secondary characters in the cinema and on television. The noticeable work of this period includes work in the film "Last Diamond".


Anni Cordi died on September 4, 2020. The actress discovered firefighters who came to call her house in Valloris near Nice. The cause of the death of the celebrity began to stop the heart. Her niece Michel Lebon confirmed information in the press.


  • 1954 - "Apr's Fish"
  • 1955 - "The most beautiful woman in the world"
  • 1956 - "Singer Mexico City"
  • 1958 - "Joker"
  • 1959 - "Cigarettes, whiskey and babes"
  • 1970 - "Passenger of Rain"
  • 1973 - "Gaspara"
  • 1983 - "Poacher from God"
  • 1994 - "Revenge of Blondes"
  • 2004 - "Madame Eduar and Inspector Leon"
  • 2006 - "The Last of Madmen"
  • 2008 - "Crimes are our business"
  • 2008 - "Disco"
  • 2014 - "Last Diamond"
  • 2015 - "Chephs"
  • 2016 - "Stupil"
  • 2018 - "illiterate"

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