Annabel Morozov - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Figure 2021



According to the father of Annabel Morozov, he does not need to be sealing about his daughter in training. The figure skater knows what he wants, and strives for it. Nikolay Morozov said that he would help in achieving her dream - the conquest of Olympic Gold.

Childhood and youth

Annabel Nicole Morozov (the full name of the athlete) was born in the US on May 2, 2001. In America, her surname does not inclined, however, the mistakes in writing and pronunciation happen continuously.

Her father is a famous choreographer and coach, and in the past he himself stood on skates. Mother Caroline Daraen - Frenchwoman, also engaged in ice dancing.

The sports family was replenished with no less famous godfather. Tatiana Tarasova and Alexey Yagudin took such a responsible role.

True, the first marriage of Nicholas did not work out. However, after a divorce with Caroline, he did not cease to attend his daughter. Annabel in childhood constantly traveled - the first airfare took place when she was 6 months old.

Parents Nicole destroyed different continents. From six years old girl flew from Moscow in the USA and back. There were periods when she lived with his father for a long time - he trained with his group. I did not forget about my grandpa with my grandfather on my mother's line and visited them in France.

The obvious plus of an international marriage is that Annabel since childhood is used to talking in three languages: Russian, French and English. In addition, athletes have three citizenship. True, in his professional career Nicole decided to speak for the homeland of the Father - Russia.

Personal life

There is no information that the daughter of Nikolai Morozov is in a romantic relationship. About his personal life the figure skater prefers not to spread. In its instagram account only photo of loved ones - parents and other family members.
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The young age of athletes is not the only reason why she is in no hurry to marry. Now the main goal of frosts is to succeed in figure skating. By the way, young talent throws all the forces on training and preparation for competitions.

Figure skating

In an interview with Annabel admits that he grown on the rink. Since childhood I looked at other skaters and wanted to be like them. The father, if possible, took with her daughter for competitions, seeing how she gradually lights up the idea to stand on skates.

For the first time, frost began to play ice at the age of five. Initially, she was engaged in solitary ride. Given triple citizenship, she participated in competitions and from France, and from America.

In 2014, he achieved the first medal - became a silver medalist at the US Championship. After 2 years, the honor of France at the Mentor Toruń Cup international tournament was already represented.

She liked solitary skating, but more fascinated dancing. Figureke wanted to demonstrate emotions on ice, although it was not possible to find a partner for a long time.

Since 2016, the athlete has passed on speeches to Russia. The main coach was his father. However, it was often studied from other famous mentors - Marina Zueva, Alexander Zhulin, Igor Spielbanda.

In 2017, a turning point occurred in the professional career of the figure skater. Then she was at training from Zhulin, and Andrei Bagin noted her. At that time he rode alone, since she recently broke up with a partner Maria Stavitsky.

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Andrey first confused Annabel with another athlete Elena Ilyini. Then he was told that this is the daughter of Nikolai Morozov. Baghin decided to approach her and try to ride in a pair. The girl immediately agreed, and they liked working together.

Another week Andrei went to Novogorsk. Nikolay Morozov decided whether to give a chance to this pair. And in the spring of 2017, the athletes began to ride together. For the bogin, Annabel is the fourth partner, for her it was the first experience.

Athletes started training under the leadership of Nicholas. In the debut season at the Russian Championship in 2018, 8th place occupied. Morozov Sr. expressed satisfaction with such achievements of pupils.

The next season, the duet repeated the result at the country championship, and also participated in the annual Grand Prix of ISU, taking the 9th place.

2019 year ended for a couple successfully. They participated in the third for themselves championship of Russia, while occupied the 4th place. Fans of the duet skating confident that this result is only the beginning of the star career of the daughter of the famous coach.

Annabel Morozov Now

In plans for 2020, a pandemic of coronavirus infection intervened. Annabel and Andrey prepared a magnificent program to participate in two ice shows - "Russia, ahead!" And "Ice Champions." However, to speak at the events that should have taken place in the spring, it did not work: both projects were canceled.

On September 13, the skaters demonstrated an arbitrary program within the framework of control rentals of 2020. Dramatic dance did not leave indifferent public. The commentator also praised a couple, marking that with such a small experience - 3 years - the guys are worthy of themselves.

And at the beginning of the 2021th couple took part in the bright and spectacular Cup Cup, having prepared an interesting performance.

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