Hankill - photos, biography, news, personal life, UFC 2021 fighter



The Hakim History Detain may form the basis of the present blockbuster. Hard teenager, brought up on the street, once chose the sport. And this decision forever changed his fate, turning a hooligan in a persistent, weathered and professional fighter.

Childhood and youth

Oktagon's star was born on July 2, 1991 in the city of Calgary (Canada). His mother, Nigerica by nationality, at the time of the appearance of the firstborn was 14 years old. Father, a feet of Jamaica, deported to their homeland, when the son turned 6 years old. Therefore, male upbringing the boy did not receive. This largely influenced his further fate.

Lotting could be called the child of the street. Being a teenager, he began to violate the law and already at the age of 14 came to the Center for the Minor. The guy was distinguished by increased aggressiveness. Even imprisonment and not the most rainbow perspectives did not become a deterrent for him.

Then the lawyer advised to send anger to the right direction, namely, sign up to the Muay-Taya section (Thai Boxing). The future athlete confessed that it was radically changed his worldview. Also, the referee notes a huge impact on the formation of a character from the Jamaician grandfather.

The grandson said that his relative was high height and strong physique. But most of all the gold teeth grandfather remembered. When asked where they were from, he said: these are the consequences of a fight. Then Khakim decided: if he chose his teeth, he would definitely insert the same.

Before the appearance of the box in his life, he repeatedly participated in street scuffle. However, having come to the hall, turned out to be blind, like a kitten, and immediately understood a significant difference between random disassembly and professional struggle.

However, after 3 years, the referee showed itself in kickboxing and Muay-Tae. By participating in amateur competitions, young Canadian lost only 5 times, and his record was 42 victories.

In professional kickboxing everything has developed on notes. Achievements of the fighter were marked by nine victories, of which six meetings ended early. Naturally, the young talent attracted the attention of the MMA scouts who called Hakim to show themselves in mixed martial arts.

The athlete ties his success in the early professional biography of Bryan Berd. That, too, knew that such difficult childhood was ridicule and frank mockery of peers due to nationality. The coach supported the pupil, taught to be persistent and not pay attention to criticism.

Personal life

What is outside the octagon, hank thoroughly protects. There is no information about the personal life of a native Calgary, although he actively leads a page in "Instagram".

True, in social networks with subscribers, the fighter shares the photo of numerous relatives - relatives and cousins ​​and sisters. At the same time, it does not leave fans the slightest hook about the presence of a girl or children.

Mixed martial arts

In mixed martial arts, the athlete from Calgary made his debut in 2014 in the WSOF League. Having a good amateur experience by shoulders, immediately demonstrated a high level of technology. The start of the professional career was marked by a series of five victories. Moreover, all fights ended early: the first two - knockout and two - technical knockout.

True, a fight with Marat Magomedov in the winter of 2015 was marked by a draw. Khakim corrected the failure of July 30, 2016, knocking out the Russian athlete.

A bright finale in the WSOF League was a meeting with American Stephen Sayler. Such a rapid climbing in the promotion led to the signing of a contract with UFC.

It happened in 2017. And the first fight with Danny Henry became a complete surprise for Canadians. Accustomed to knock out opponents, the newcomer UFC faced a serious opponent. Moreover, the Scotsman used a suffocating reception in the first 40 seconds of the meeting.

It became a serious impact of reputation. Nevertheless, the fighter, who passed the easier childhood, managed to quickly recover from the shameful defeat.

I resumed a series of victories of Khakim in a promotion with Austin Arnett, although sports analysts tended to the first defeat. On the side of the referee remained Muay Thai and kickboxing. The opponent significantly prevailed in physical parameters. For example, the growth of Canadian - 172 cm, and Austin - 182 cm. Hands of hand 183 cm against 185 cm, respectively.

In addition, Arnette had a black carat belt. And with the fighters from the "recruit" things were not so smoothly, which was verified at a meeting with Henry, who laid the enemy on the 39th second of the 1st round.

The result - the unanimous decision of the judges victory is awarded the reference. Forecast for the next fight with Kyloma Convenience was already favorable for the native of Calgary. And he justified the hopes of bookmakers.

Bright and spectacular battle took place on July 27, 2019. Opponent - promising Newbie Promotion Yoshinori Choir. True, from the first seconds, Khakim began to demonstrate the advantage. In the final five minute, scored an opponent with a series of straight blows with hands and knees. The referee was forced to stop one-sided beating, as Yoshinori stopped defending. At the same time, the favorite looked as if she was ready to spend some more rounds.

In November 2019, the foundation met in octave with Julio Arsa and again justified the expectations of fans. This time the victory was awarded to him by a separate decision of the judges.

Hankill now

2020 was marked for an athlete of the long-awaited meeting with the Russian fighter UFC Zubayu Tukhugov. In the control weighing, the Chechen exceeded the permissible limit. The weight of the Grozny native was 68 kg. For comparison: Khakim remained in the normal half easier category - 65.7 kg. And it already meant that part of the Tukhugov fee will give the opponent after the fight.

And again analysts tended by Canadz defeat. However, he himself said in an interview, which knows the enemy's technique perfectly. And I was sure that Zubiir would not show anything new.

The victory went to the separate decision of the judges. Khakim and at all called the opponent with a sprinter: in the 3rd round, the Russian athlete deliberately avoided the battle. In his excuse, Tukhugov also spoke, asked for forgiveness from fans and teams. And he said that he was confident in the successful holding of the first two rounds, so I decided not to spend the forces at the end.

The winner is upset by the outcome of the fight. He dreamed of "spectacular zar", about knockout, but the opponent simply did not give him a single chance.

Now the referee does not allow themselves to rest on the laurels. The plans to show truly gorgeous battles, in which there will no longer be the result with a separate decision of the judges. The athlete realizes that he is in the Higher League, and he keeps the desire to become a champion of promotion.


  • 2010 - Winner of the World Cup on Thai Boxing
  • 2010 - champion of kickboxing in the first welterweight weight
  • 2011 - champion of kickboxing in the first welterweight weight
  • 2011 - Silver winner of the World Cup in Thai Boxing
  • 2012 - Bronze Warm Cup winner in Thai boxing
  • 2014 - champion in thai boxing welterweight
  • 2014 - Thai boxing champion in the first welterweight weight
  • 2019 - Fight of the evening in MMA (against Yoshinori Chorie)

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