Justin H. Min - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Justin H. Min - American actor of the Korean nationality, famous for the role in the series "Academy of Ambrell". Prefers plots related to science, technologies and fiction. Although his career has just begun, fans are interested in the biography of artist, relations and plans for the future.

Childhood and youth

Justin Honkey Mini was born on March 20, 1990 (on the sign of the zodiac fish). In addition to Father Byun, Mina and Mother Mint Yong Hee, the actor has a brother Jason.

Celebrity childhood has passed in the California town of Serrito, where emigrants lived. In Justin's secondary school there were many Asians, the children spoke on Mandarin, Korean, Hindi, so he did not hesitate his origin.

Mom once was concerned that Min sits at home too much, and sent her son to the lessons of speeds. Soon she regretted her decision. The boy learned to read books faster than other people, carried away by them and since then did not go outside.

In the high-class mines performed at competitions on oratory skill. In 2007, said speech at the graduation party.

In Cornell University, the future actor studied public administration and English. He also worked as a representative of relations with national minorities.

After studying Justin, he worked photographer and journalist for half a year, cooperating with Jam Awards, Invisible and The Served. Soon min realized that this is not what he wants to do. The reporter had to write about Mexican restaurants, lobster festival and other things. The guy decided to become an actor and had moved to New York for this purpose, while he did not say anyone about his decision. The family was sure that the young man went to study in Toronto.

For several years, he starred in advertising and walked on castings. Min quickly realized that the acting profession has its own specifics. If in other areas you just need to make efforts to get the result, then in cinema the main thing is good luck. Perseverance and talent will not save if the producer believes that the actor is not suitable for a role.

Personal life

Justin H. Min is a very mysterious person who carefully holding a personal life. In October 2019, the fans asked why he did not go to Twitter for a long time. The actor replied that he met a girl, but at the next second added: perhaps he just broke the phone.

In the Instagram account of celebrities, you can find the backup photos of the Academy of Ambrell, Selfie, joint pictures with colleagues.

Korean's growth - 178 cm, favorite color - olive green. The actor like toasts with avocado. He also adores animals, but only a dog will start, because a mine is allergic to wool wool.

In humans, Justin appreciates modesty. He is annoyed when they brag about their achievements.


The actor filmography began counting in 2012 with the short films "My Father". In 2014, he appeared in the comedy TV series MTV 22 "Falsification" of relations in high school, where all the characters deceive each other or simply misunderstanding and because of this fall into various alterations.

In 2015, mines starred in the series "CSI: Cyberspace" with Patricia Arquette in the lead role. The plot tells about the FBI agents investigating cybercrime.

The next work of Justin was the episode in the series "True Genius" (2016), where the billionaire built an ultra-modern free hospital for saving lives. Each series told the viewer about any unusual disease and miracles of medical technologies who helped to cope with it.

In the same year, the actor appeared in the Netflix thriller "rebirth." The American family agrees to pass the program of self-actualization in a virtual house where frightening and seductive images are born. Many critics noted that the design of the painting was clearly made under the influence of the "Fight Club" and "Games" of David Fincher.

A real breakthrough for Justin was hit by the "Academy of Ambrell", which appeared on NetFlix in 2019. The project assembled on the set Ellen Page, Tom Hopper, Fiori Colm.

According to the scenario on October 1, 1989, 43 women from all over the world were simultaneously given birth to children with supernormalities, although before that did not show signs of pregnancy. Seven of the born babies after many years are united into the superhero squad, which protects the world and creates justice.

When Min came to the casting, he knew nothing about his character. He had to play fake scenes, which was not in the script. Producers, on the one hand, wanted to hide the plot, on the other - kept the actor in the ignorance to learn his true essence.

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After Justin found out from the Showranner, which will play Ben Hargrivza, also known under the names number 6 and horror. The hero has the ability to turn into a powerful monster with tentacles, but it remains humane. His relationship with Brother Klaus Hargrivz, which Robert Shihen plays. On the set, the actors became friends, studied to improvise together, to look for the most interesting version of the scene.

Justin H. Min now

In 2020, the actor was engaged in the title of the film "After Yang", which also played Colin Farrell and Jody Terner-Smith. The picture tells about the world where robots perform the role of nannies. Mina Character is one of them. He dies, and the girl who kyborg raised, trying to prevent this. Now the picture is at the post-sales stage.


  • 2014 - "Falsification"
  • 2015 - "Best Half"
  • 2015 - "CSI: Cyberspace"
  • 2016 - "Rebirth"
  • 2016 - "True Genius"
  • 2018 - "Pivufest: Thirst for Victory"
  • 2019 - "Dating after college"
  • 2019-2020 - "Academy of Ambrell"
  • 2020 - "New Amsterdam"
  • 2021 - "After Yang"

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