Dominica Gavrilenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Amazing People" 2021



At the beginning of the fall of the 2020, the 5th seasons of projects favorite projects were launched on several Russian TV channels. It is at least about the "Patzankas" on Friday! ", Where the main characters changed themselves in the special" Lady School ", and" amazing people "demonstrating unique abilities on Russia-1. According to the results of the 4th issue of the last show that came on on September 27, the cherished invitation to the final received the youngest participant - the 9-year-old Dominica Gavrilenko.


At the time of stay on the project "Russia-1", where scientific performances alternate with entertainment, the most young participant who demonstrated their supernators to the audience was only 9 years old.

In his native Ivanteevka - a city located in the Moscow region of Russia on the river teaching, - the girl is now getting secondary education. There are no problems with the memorization of poems at the student - it is enough to read the poetic essay the only time.

Dominica Gavrilenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News,

At the same time, it finds time for additional classes on mnemonics and mental arithmetic, and also has time to engage in swimming, dancing and English. And the words in a foreign language, it is much easier to memorize than in Russian.

Schoolgirl loves to travel together with the mother of Svetlana, accompanying daughter on a television show and tied for about 20 children's toys specifically for her room. Once at a couple who returned from a trip to Krasnodar, suddenly broke the navigator. But the unique abilities of Dominica helped the house without adventure and extra disorders, the entire route reservedly played.

In a traditional profile before the speech, in which heroes usually talk about their biography, family, relatives, etc., and the room of Gavrilenko. The room was decorated not only textbooks and other books, globe, geographical and contour cards, but also many honored medals.

Show "Amazing People"

On the last Sunday of September 2020 Dominica appeared on the "Amazing People" show the very first. Despite this, she seems to have experienced the slightest excitement, kept confidently and with dignity.

For contestants, the organizers prepared 4 baskets with five "residents". On each knitted product, a card was conquered with name and city. The participant was supposed to remember them (she had only one and a half minutes) and accurately pave the route to the village on a special projection map.

After Gavrilenko announced that he was ready, the star jury chose himself along the toy. At the same time, the choreographer Evgeny Papunyashvili was guided by external similarity with the "exhibit", and Boxer Natalia Ragozina is a color combination with a dress.

A resident of Ivanteevka faithfully determined that Olga Shelest, who was in the hands of a lilac hare, was Julia from Ufa, and paved the way from Moscow through Ryazan and Nizhny Novgorod Region, the Republic of Mari El and Tatarstan in Bashkortostan. At the same time, along the way, she correctly called their capitals.

Then it was necessary to guess the data of the yellow giraffe Papunaishvili - the name Zakhar and Point Saransk. From the native city of rock musicians Zemfira and Yuri Shevchuk, the road stretched to Tatarstan, Ulyanovsk region and Mordovia. The Blue Mishka Ragosina was supposed to push the information about Nikita and Izhevsk (Ulyanovsk region - Tatarstan - Udmurtia), and a rabbit in the brown hat Vasily Klyuchareva - about the hope of Omsk (Perm region - Sverdlovsk region - Tyumen region - Omsk region).

As a bonus asked a geographical question and a leading Alexander Gurevich, who asked to indicate Yakutia, and Klyucharev wished to "get" to Komi (Krasnoyarsk Territory - Yamao - Komi). With the task of a schoolgirl, memorizing the outlines of the regions of the Russian Federation, coped to excellent.

After her, Oksana Nikifor, magnetic people, Andrei Demidov, and Boris Golik, who organized a reversible rap-battle, were released on the scene, and Boris Golik (following the next round, Yuri Susov was held in the next round. They were joined by flyboardist Andrei Smirnov, who established the world record, Master of the high-speed solution of Olga Jester's puzzles, Mentalist Nikolosis Caava and the inventor Vyacheslav Chistov with developed accuracy and eyemeter. Their photos with brief information can be found on the official website of the program.

Dominica Gavrilenko now

At the end of each release, the finalist of the TV show is determined by popular voting. Those present in the audience unanimously chose the leader of Gavrilenko - 16% of those present were sick for it. In second place was Smirnov, the third was divided among themselves the Golik and Chistov, the fourth - Nikifor and Tsassa, followed by Jester and Susov.

Despite the fact that most of the star guests have also been allocated among the rest of the ability of Dominica, under the 4th episode of the Amazing People project, many negative comments have accumulated on Youtube. Users considered that the girl was not a strong participant, and it was presided precisely because of so young.

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