Anton Furgal - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Son Governor Khabarovsk Territory 2021



Anton Furga is the eldest son of the ex-governor of the Khabarovsk Territory Sergey Furgal, a politician, a businessman and a public figure. According to media reports, he was arrested for an attempt to organize a protest actions in support of the Father.

Childhood and youth

Anton Sergeevich Fourgal was born on August 2, 1991 in a large family. Mother - Larisa Pavlovna Starodubova, the second spouse Sergei Furgal, shareholder of Amur enterprise. The grandfather of the father's line Ivan Kirillovich served in the Great Patriotic War in the Pacific Front, participated in the war with Japan. Grandma Nadezhda led the farm, was a baptist.

Anton has Brother Kirill's brother and a summary sister of Ekaterina Lieuplev, the daughter of the wife of the governor from the first marriage, the founder of the "Builder" LLC.

Uncle Alexey Fourgal - a deputy of the Legislative Assembly in the city of Zeya, General Director of Spetspropekt LLC. His brother Yuri is the director of the separate division of Amur Chermet LLC.

Another Uncle Anton, Vyacheslav Ivanovich, was a deputy of the Regional Legislative Duma from the LDPR party. The man went away in June 2020.

According to Furgal, in childhood he lived with a mother on a separate living space.

The young man graduated from the Pacific State University, after that the father sent him to the army. Anton served under Khabarovsk in the village of Vyazemsky, then he was transferred to the cheat.

Personal life

Despite the interest in the biography of Anton by the media, a little about his personal life is told. The information is exhausted by the phrase "married, there is a daughter." In instagram account, celebrities can be found photos from family holidays, as well as political posts. His profile "VKontakte" is closed for outsiders.


After the army, Anton went to work for the factory by the leading engineer in the technical department. According to Furgala, his father did not give him any protection, began to start at the lowest.

It is impossible to say with confidence than the son of the former governor did further. Until 2016, a man was registered as an IP. In 2014, he put forward his candidacy on the lists of the LDPR party in the Duma of the Khabarovsk Territory (33rd district) and in the regional - on the transport. But he was not elected.

According to some media, the young man participated in the family business. Sergey Furgal was called the main exporter of Far Eastern commander to China. The family was considered the owner of half of the shares of Alcuta LLC, which was engaged in selling forests and timber. They also denote them as owners of Khabarovsk-Metaltorg, MiF-TV and Dalpromsnab, specializing in the processing of metallic scrap.

Anton Furgal now

In July 2020, the Governor of the Khabarovsk Territory was arrested on charges of organizing the killings of the entrepreneur Evgeny Zori and Oleg Bulanov, as well as attempt to businessman Alexander Smolsky in 2004.

Family bills were arrested, an influential clan could not even pay for lawyers. In an interview with Ekaterina Gordon, which Anton gave in August 2020, it was said that his aunt Galina Ivanovna created a fund assistance fund to pay for legal costs.

Fourgal said that the money collected was enough to pay for six lawyers who work on the defense line. Also, a man thanked the inhabitants of Khabarovsk who passed the parcels to the prisoner. There were so many that Anton had to pick up a large part from Lefortovo. Things gained on a whole trunk: books, teapots, shampoos, handles, comb, shaving cream, washcloths, dishes and even dental threads.

A businessman called his father an honest person worthy of respect. According to him, the management of the SIZO has limited access to the prisoner and blocked correspondence. About the arrest of ex-governor Anton found out on July 9 from close relatives. On the eve they met with the parent.

The video with an interview was published in Instagram-Account Gordon and on the Yutiub-Channel "Angry Far Eastern".

Anton Fourgal and Father Sergey Fourgal

In September 2020, Furga recorded a video message to media individuals and political forces with a request to raise public resonance due to the Father's business.

On the morning of October 5, 2020, information appeared in the media that Anton Fourgal was detained by the security forces. It was imputed to article 20.2 of the COAP of Russia for calls to gather on rallies in defense of the former head of Khabarovsk. According to Alexander Kayana's deputy, the voice message arrested him, "I took me." Information appeared that the Governor's Son was sent to the 4th police station. Andrei Demidov lawyer arrived there, and he was answered that such a person did not deliver to them.

At the hour of the afternoon, the Public Supervisory Commission and the Transsibinfo portal refuted information about the arrest of Anton Sergeevich. According to them, Curnagon spent some time in the investigative committee, but there is no speech about the prison.

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