David Attenboro - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, TV presenter, Naturalist 2021



In Britain, David Attenboro is also famous as Nikolai Drozdov in Russia. Over the years of the career, he became famous as a traveler, TV presenter and naturalist, introduced the audience with the wonders of wildlife.

Childhood and youth

David Frederick Attenboro was born on May 8, 1926 in London, England. He is just a few weeks younger Elizabeth II, but this is not the only thing that connects the celebrity with the royal family. It was he who was engaged in the release of Christmas greetings of the queen for five years and helped in creating her movie The Queen's Green Planet.

The child David did not think about what would reach such heights and will become famous for the whole world. Father worked at the Lester's University College, so the childhood of the future celebrity passed on the campus territory. In addition to him, two more sons were adjusted in the family. Senior Richard Attenboro became an actor and director, and Junior John was a top manager at Alfa Romeo. In addition, during the Second World War, the parents of naturalist adopted two Jewish teenage girls.

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As a child, the attenboro collects fragments of rocks and other natural samples, loved to observe animals. Already then, the boy demonstrated not only interest in the world around the world, but also an entrepreneurial vein, when agreed to deliver the local department of Triton Zoology, who caught in a pond nearby.

Archibald Stansfeld (Gray Owl) was a significant impact on the formation of the personality of David (gray owl). At this age, the young researcher first thought about the problems of ecology and environmental protection. Later, his brother Richard shot a film based on the biography of the Canadian Writer.

After the end of the Wigheston Gymnasium for boys, Attenboro received a scholarship in Clair College of the University of Cambridge, who graduated from the Bachelor Diploma of Natural Sciences. In 1947 he was encouraged to serve in the Royal Fleet, and he hoped that this way could see the world, but was disappointed with sending to Wales.

Returning from the army, the researcher settled into the publishing company, where the textbooks of natural science edited, but quickly disappointed in this profession. The young enthusiast was 24 years old when he entered his studies in BBC (BBC), where he later received a permanent job. It is noteworthy that at that time David did not even have a television that did not prevent a valuable employee on television.

Personal life

In his youth, naturalist married Jane Oriel, with whom he gained happiness in his personal life. They lived in marriage for 47 years, after which the Celebrity's spouse died from hemorrhage into the brain. The couple raised two children, Robert and Susan, the son became a teacher of bioantropology, and his daughter headed primary school.

Nature and television

In the period when the TV host began to work at the Air Force, the state of natural science was deplorable. They almost did not pay time on the air, and animals were removed solely in the conditions of the studio, without showing their familiar habitat.

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Naturalist decided to change the usual way, but also faced with difficulties. He was forbidden to appear in the frame because of too large front teeth. But the Attenboro confidently overcame obstacles, soon came the quiz "Animal, Vegetable, Mineral?", And then he created the program "Trends in Animal World" together with Julian Huxley.

While working on the transfer of Naturalist, I got acquainted with Jack Leicester, with whom I came up with the Zoo Quest show. The project was shot in the wild and had a huge success in the audience. The TV host has visited Africa, America and Australia and installed a high bar for such programs.

However, despite the success, he decided to leave the main channel, and in 1965 he took the post of controller on the BBC TWO. During this period, continued to create a show, but did not have the right to appear in the frame due to the post. Therefore, the naturalist worked on the development of the channel, sought to fill the ether in interesting and cognitive gears.

The management appreciated the efforts of the controller, and he received an increase in the program director, which was responsible for the work of both Air Force channels. In 1972, David's candidacy was announced by the Director General, but he realized that the soul was not lied to this, and declared his dismissal.

After the resignation of Attenboro began working on the series, which in Russia was called "alone with nature". In parallel, he was writing a script for a project known as "three e". It includes three multi-line tapes: "Life on Earth" about evolution, "Living Planet" about ecology and "testing of life" about Etology.

David Attenboro and Nikolay Drozdov

The following works continued the idea of ​​a given trilogy, and went out within the Life ... cycle. Among them - "Life in the freezer", dedicated to Antarctica, "invisible plant's life", "Life in a micrometer" about invertebrates, "Cold Blood Life" about amphibians and reptiles and many others. In the breaks between the filming, David collaborated with Alistair Famergillom. He voiced the "Blue Planet" and "Planet Earth" programs.

In subsequent years, naturalist continued to delight the public with new documentary films. He released "paradise birds", the "Museum of Natural History", the shooting of which was conducted in the London Museum of Natural Science, and "Curios of the Natural World".

Watching the nature, the researcher more and more disturbed due to the damage, which causes the planet human activity. Back in 2013, he made a statement where he called on to limit the growth of the population for the sake of maintaining resources. And after 6 years, David prepared climate change films (Climate Change - The Facts) and Extinction (Extinction: The Facts).

David Attenboro now

In 2020, naturalist faced difficulties due to a coronavirus infection pandemic and suspended the shooting of the Green Planet series, which was held in the Botanical Garden of the University of Cambridge and Pesley Manore in East Sussex in the Gardens. They were resumed only in autumn.

In September, David made the fans by registering in "Instagram". In just 4 hours and 44 minutes, 1 million people subscribed to it, which became a new world record. Help the attenboro to create posts, as well as shooting videos and photos of Johnny Hughes colleagues and Colin Batfil.

In the same month, the researcher visited Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton. He answered the questions of their children and left the ancient shark tooth as a gift for the senior heir to the royal couple - Prince George.

Soon after, the premiere of the new documentary film David "Life on our planet" took place. In it, the TV presenter talks about climatic and natural changes in the last 70 years, and the actions that will help save humanity.

Now David remains a popular and discussed person, for the life of which millions of fans, appreciating the experience and wisdom of celebrities.


  • 1974 - Commander Order of the British Empire
  • 1983 - Member of the London Royal Society
  • 1985 - Dedicated to Knights.
  • 1991 - Commander of the Royal Victorian Order
  • 1991 - Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
  • 1996 - Honor Cavalier Order
  • 2005 - Order Merit
  • 2005 - Nirenberg Prize
  • 2008 - progress medal
  • 2008 - Honor Dr. Aberdeen University
  • 2011 - Human doctor of Saint Andrews University
  • 2016 - Eddison Emmery Medal Verlil
  • 2017 - Merchant Member and British Environmental Society


  • 1977-2020 - "Wildlife with David Attenboro"
  • 1979 - "Life on Earth"
  • 1984 - "Live Planet"
  • 1990 - "Life Tests"
  • 1993 - "Life in the freezer"
  • 1995 - "Invisible Plant Life"
  • 1998 - "The Life of Birds"
  • 2002 - "The Life of Mammals"
  • 2005 - "Life in the micrometer"
  • 2008 - "Life with Cold Blood"
  • 2009 - "Life"

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