Vyacheslav Bitarov - biography, personal life, the latest news, photo, ex-head of North Ossetia 2021



Vyacheslav Bitarov - Russian State Affairs, Ex-head of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alanya. Known as an entrepreneur, top manager, politician whose biography is related to the native edge.

Childhood and youth

On February 2, 1961, the youngest son was born in the family of bitarians from Mountain Selections. Since the parents of the boy by Nationality of Ossetian, the name was given by the person respected in the house. Similarly, the senior brothers of Glory - Taimuraz and Kazbek were also named.

Bitarov's grandfather tried to keep the store, but in 1937 he was degraded. After serving the deadline returned home and became the miner. The father of the guys was also a miner, and after injured in World War II, mainly engaged in a subsidiary economy.

All brothers managed to get a higher education. Vyacheslav was first going to become an economist, but did not pass on the points and entered the Minsk Agricultural Institute at the Faculty of Mechanization. Before studying at the university, the young man worked at the mine as a mechanic, and during the student he was engaged in entrepreneurship, selling the Hay.

In 1984, a young man got an ordinary soldier in the army. Initially, the service took place in Ukraine, then due to the conflict with the guy's staff member was going to send to Afghanistan. The miracle was able to stay at the military base, where he became a deputy commander of the platoon, and then a senior company.

Career and politics

After demobilization, Vyacheslav worked as a mechanic, the chief engineer, Deputy Director of the Assistant "Flowers of Ossetia". In 1991, together with several partners, a private farm "FAT" was organized. First, on the farm they were engaged in vegetables, after the expansion switched to growing livestock.

Parallel colleagues took up brewing. Initially, they got equipment on the barter, and after the companions decided to develop this niche. In 2006, when the company has a new enterprise, the plant for the production of beer and non-alcoholic beverages was called "Bavaria".

In 2010, Vyacheslav Zelimkhanovich left the post of general director of the Bavaria Group of Companies. Now things are leading his eldest son.

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In the politics of the Bitarov since 2003: at first he was a deputy of the city Duma in Vladikavkaz, in 2007 and 2012 was elected by the People's Representative in the Parliament of the Republic.

After 3 years, Vyacheslav Zelimkhanovich became temporarily acting by the First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic. And after the death of the head of Northern Ossetia, Tamerlan Aguzarov, the decree of the Russian president Vladimir Putin, was appointed to lead the region.

With the beginning of a coronavirus infection in the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania has emerged strong social tension. People lost their work, livelihood, but could not go to other regions due to the fact that the authorities once again extended quarantine.

The only output voters saw in the change of the ruling person and in April 2020 demanded the resignation of the Bitarov. In the same month, the former leader of the region gave an interview to Vladimir Solovyov about the situation on the territory accountable to him. According to the official website of the administration, the regime of self-insulation with the preservation of precautions was canceled back in July 2020.

Personal life

Politician has long been married. With the wife of Marina, he brought up three children. Marina Mikhailovna, Philologist for education, taught Ossetian language at school and at the university, engaged in journalism. Today, a woman is the post of chief editor of the Republican newspaper.

Vyacheslav Bitarov with his wife

Daughter Zarina received medical education, now she has its own personal life and family. Senior Son Zelimkhan heads the production of "Bavaria", married, there are sons. Younger, Hetag - a restaurant, entrepreneur, married in March 2020.

Bitarova has accounts on social networks. In "Instagram" he covers not only current activities, but also posts photos from a personal archive, including since the time of school years.

Vyacheslav Bitarov now

2021 began for politics with tragedy in the family. On February 4, his native brother Kazbek Bitarov was found dead. Arriving the police found a man with a gunshot wound. Suicide has become a preliminary version of what happened. By the way, a few previously close relative of the statesman became a member of an accident, as a result of which a whole family was died with two minor children.

As for the political sphere, Vyacheslav Zelimkhanovich in the spring decided to leave the position of head of the republic early ahead of time. And on April 9, the President of the Russian Federation accepted voluntary resignation. In his place temporarily acting appointed Sergey Mamilo.

The results of the board policy turned out to be unadumed. According to official data, for 5 years of his stay as the most important social indicators - fertility, mortality, unemployment and crimes - showed a negative dynamics.

In Instagram-Account, the former head of North Ossetia thanked for the support of the inhabitants of the region, as well as colleagues, together with which the socio-economic problems managed to solve. The statesman in his report recalled the discoveries of hospitals, the construction of new schools and kindergartens, the repair of roads and the development of sports infrastructure.


  • Honor of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alanya
  • Medal "In the Fame of Ossetia"
  • Honored Agricultural Worker of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alanya

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