Oleg Lurie - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Journalist 2021



Oleg Lurie is a popular journalist, publicist and blogger, who was the ideological inspirer and chief editor of a number of Russian publications. Now, a former employee of the investigation department of authoritative media holdings is the author of resonant materials on topics that cause the interests of the people who follow the world events of people.

Childhood and youth

Oleg Anatolyevich Lurie appeared on May 3, 1963 in the city of Kharkov. The biography of a talented journalist was determined by parents and the environment where childhood passed. An early child has been surrounded by representatives of the Company with higher education, who had their own opinion and a wide range.

Father, Anatoly Ionovich - was a theoretical hydrologist. The Soviet scientist, who was considered a specialist in the field of mineralogy and geology of gas and oil, headed the department at the Kharkov National University named after V. N. Karazin. Mother, Adil Izmailovna, in Maiden Shirinskaya, worked as an engineer-machine-building at a city-forming enterprise. Despite the tense schedule, the woman was closely following the development of the Son and helped him in all.

In addition to technology and science, the family cultivated interest in creativity. At school age, Oleg was fond of painting and sculpture. The teenager studied the thematic works of Russian and foreign classics, planning to master the profession of art historian.

At the age of 17, Lurie tried the power in journalism, the debut note appeared in the Ukrainian newspaper "Red Banner". The editors rated the ability of a young man and wanted to entrust him to freelance work, but the desire to keep up with the development of peers forced Lurier to reject the tempting offer.

In the early 1980s, he joined the ranks of the Soviet Army and went to the Northern Fleet. The main term of the three-year service Kharkivchanin was held on board the Altai specialized vessel, which was saved by the crews that endure disaster and the rise of sunken submarines.

After demobilization, a member of a special purpose diving group arrived at the Faculty of Philology of the Kharkov National University, where his father worked. Professor from the department of Russian classical literature highly appreciated the ability of the student and did everything possible to develop natural talent.

Having received a diploma, Lurie went to the administrative center of Canada. Within 12 months, a graduate of a prestigious university performed the responsibility of the manager of the Russian literature department of the prosperous book company. In the late 1980s, the experts of artwork became the manager and co-owner of the company WHITE WAY ENTERPRISE.

Personal life

Against the background of the rapid development of the professional career, Oleg Lurie's personal life does not seem interesting. Peaceful existence without loud scandals now does not attract people.

It was assumed that the journalist had three legitimate spouses: Victoria, Lyudmila and Natalia. One of his wives presented a man of two healthy and strong children.

In 2007, the Tax Inspectorate became interested in Lurie's family. In the course of thorough checks, it turned out that Oleg with a monthly income of 6 thousand rubles. It is the owner of two apartments in the capital, a country mansion in the suburbs, as well as six high-class cars and a spacious garage.

The territory with a house for bodyguards and the pool sometimes flashes in photographs published in "Instagram" and other social networks.


In the late 1990s, Oleg became an employee of the Express newspaper's journalistic special examinations department. Then he led the column in the weekly "Top Secret" and helped Artem Boroviku and Rustam Arifjanov to create the concept of the "version" edition.

In the 2000s, passing the school of observers in the editorial office of Novaya Gazeta, Lurie - a publicist with analytical thinking, received the right to lead a permanent heading "Lurie will answer."

The success of copyright materials put forward a journalist to the international level. He began to cooperate with the popular American media holding U.S. News & World Report and acquired a share in the information domain Corruption.ru.

Work on articles on corruption in the environment of Russian officials forced Oleg to receive higher economic education at the University of Rosnou. Subsequently, a qualified specialist created and headed the Russian site "Flooding about .." and the magazine of the same name.

Since 2003, Lurier led the editors of independent publications "GDP (gross domestic product)" and "Jeans - the territory of freedom". In addition, the native of the Ukrainian SSR spread resonant maxi posts through Twitter and various telegram channels.

Among the factally known materials published during the years of creative career, articles about the fate of the Crimean Bridge, adventures of the Political Store of Boris Vishnevsky, as well as the activities of the criminal authority of Ilgar Gazhev and a shadow financier of German Golbuntzova, were allocated.

Criminal proceedings

In the late 2000s, Lurie was accused of extortion. It was believed that the journalist was blackmailing a member of the Upper Chamber of Parliament Vladimir Slutcker and his wife Olga. Being under arrest, Oleg said that it was fabricated, because he was not familiar with the official of the official.

Lawyers and owners of sites, where the compromise was published on the senator and the environment, provided evidence of innocence, but the court sentenced the journalist to the cash fine and 8 years in prison.

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Part of the last period of Kharkivchanin spent in the "Butyrka", then he was sent to the colony in the plague. The initiation of the 2nd criminal case found a journalist there.

The victim was considered the investigator who became a hero of an open letter published on the LiveJournal hosting. The author stated that the lieutenant colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs falsified the accusation of extortion, fulfilling the order of the higher superiors.

After a prolonged proceedings, Lurie justified the jury jury, and due to the lack of the crimes of journalist were released.

Oleg Lourier now

Now Lurie is represented by people as an independent author who specializes in journalistic investigations. Materials of Kharkiv citizens are published in the newspapers "New Izvestia", "Version" and many others.

A graduate of the Kharkov University is an expert on Vladimir Solovyov's radio "Full contact", as well as a participant in the political talk show on TV channels "Russia-1", "Star", "Russia-24" and Ren TV. The result of public overhank with the participants of the programs was the lawsuit for insulting to the Russian Federation, filed by a journalist against the director and the Scenario of Grigory Amnuel.

Oleg leads the "new blog". Among the most interesting publications of 2020, it is worth named articles about the situation in Belarus, elite alcohol machine-tooling and stories about how Alexei Navalny's oppositionist allegedly poisoned by order of Vladimir Putin.

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