Ural Rakhimov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Son Murthaz Rakhimova 2021



Ural Rakhimov is the only son of the first president of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Accused for several serious articles, he was declared international wanted list. However, now the criminal prosecution of the former deputy is discontinued.

Childhood and youth

The influential figure in the fuel and energy complex of the republic was born on December 13, 1961 in the family of Murthaz Rakhimov and Louise Galimna.

For the only heir, all roads were opened, including prestigious education. Here, Ural Murtazovich decided to go in the footsteps of the famous parent, choosing a profession associated with oil production.

Politician received a diploma of Ufa State Oil Technical University. When restructuring began in the country - went to France. He studied in the French Institute of Petroleum. Then he continued to education in the United States - in the famous Pennsylvanian University.

Ural Rakhimov in childhood with parents

Diplomas of prestigious educational institutions did not become dust on the shelf. Returning to the Motherland, a young specialist not without the support of an influential Pope soon entered the board of directors of OJSC "Bashneftekhim" (1995).

By that time, the relatives of the president won more and more influence. In addition to the Urals, the key positions in the political and economic sphere was held by the nephew Louise Galimna - Azat Kurmanaev. The young man headed Bashkreditbank. The first lady worked in the Ministry of External Relations and Trade.

Related links and friendly relations with many high-ranking people became fertile soil for further increasing the multi-million state of the son of Murthaz Rakhimov.

Personal life

Siblings of high-ranking persons, matured, often dip with their heads in a beautiful life. This often leads to hobbies of gambling, alcoholism, drug addiction.

President Bashkiria has no more children. Naturally, the heir did not deprive financial resources. Although conflicts occurred between him and parents - and first of all due to the fact that the man did not get a family.

Ural Murtazovich was distinguished by a closed character - he did not have not only his wife, but also close friends. In the youth, ruble billionaire preferred to retake in the mansion of the Bashneft office, like the palace.

Resting the deputy also loved alone and under guard. More often - on the private recreation center of Ufaneftekhim. Moreover, the administration aligned holidaymakers in advance so that the peace of the president's son was not broken.

Naturally, such a secrecy gave rise to a mass of rumors. It was also known that the heir was often hospitalized in therapeutic establishments - allegedly due to deterioration of health. The society went overcomes that it is treated either from drug addiction or from HIV. The last allegedly was associated with the unconventional orientation of the dollar millionaire.

In the list of defects of the famous heir, gambling were listed. The press illuminated a curious fact in the biography of the Urals. Once he lost $ 12 million in Monte Carlo. The amount is rather big, and with them the cash in such a quantity it turned out. But the debt is a matter of honor, and the man urgently flew to Ufa for banknotes - and on the way back it was detained at customs.

In addition to the fabulous amount, I also found a package with cocaine. It seemed that a professional biography policy should be completed. However, with the assistance of the countryman and the Deputy Prime Minister of LUKOIL, the Safin Ralifa scandalous story raised quickly.

Now about the personal life of Rakhimov is not known. And the escape from the country became the fertile soil for the birth of new rumors and overpowering the influential figure.


The professional biography of the State Assembly deputy is tied to the fuel and energy complex companies. An exception is the period when a man headed the Hockey Club "Salavat Yulaev".

The start of the career began on the Board of Directors of Bashneftekhim, then the politician became the main beneficiary of Bashneft. In 2002-2006, he tried out the role of the Chairman of the Colleagide Department of JSC Bashkirenergo.

With a light hand of ruble billionaire and not without the participation of Murthase, Gubaidulovich created the company Bashkir capital, which in a short period of time bought control packets of shares of leading enterprises of the fuel and energy complex.

This allowed the Urals Murtazovich to enter the list of 200 richest Russians. According to the version of Forbes magazine, by 2008 its condition was estimated more than 100 billion rubles.

The surprise for the public was the fact that in 2009 the dollar millionaire sold the company's assets of the Moscow Firm Sistema. After that, he suddenly disappeared outside of Russia, closing all accounts, including personal in Sofinvestbank and Uralsibe.

For some time the politician was still listed by the owner of the club "Salavat Yulaev", but soon his traces in Bashkiria completely disappeared. Confidence that the deputy went to Austria, expressed the Ural Khasanov, head of the organization "Man and Law".

Criminal case

Some time after the disappearance of Rakhimov, as well as the voluntary resignation of the first President of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Russian state decided to analyze the transaction with Sistema, which was led by Vladimir Yevtushenkov.

In April 2014, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case. Rakhimov was accused of legalizing illegally received income, and the shares of Bashneft, which already belonged to AFK "System", were arrested. Later, securities were returned to the state. The accounts of the Ural Foundation, which was led by the ex-president of Bashkiria, were honored with temporary blocking.

The investigative bodies managed to find out that the suspect is hidden in Austria. Already in September of the same year, the Russian prosecutor's office sent a request to Vienna with a request to issue a criminal person.

But the land court of the capital of the foreign state refused extradition. This happened because the Austrian side traced in the actions of law enforcement services of the Russian Federation political motives. The verdict turned out to be desired, and the criminal prosecution was discontinued.

Despite this, the fact of the abduction of shares by several Bashkir enterprises of the TEC, which subsequently bought "Bashneft" was proven. The case remained for the small - to find the buyer who acted as Sistema. Thus, illegally assigned funds were legalized.

Colonel FSB Igor Arrovov traced the connection between the defendant in the case of the illegal privatization of the State Property and the current head of Bashkiria Radiat Habirov. The daughter of the latter also lives in Austria. According to Colonel, Svetlana Grandvol-Habirova offered the former director of "Bashneft" to remove the accusations in return for the solid share of his condition.

Ural Rakhimov and Valery Speransky

In 2014, another scandalous fact was revealed associated with the former senator and now serving a life sentence Igor Igor Izmestyev. In prison, he recorded the video interview, which instantly spread over the network. In it, the prisoner admitted that the Customer of the terrorist attack before the 2003 elections was performed by Ural Murtazovich.

The Arrestant reported - in the framework of a peculiar election campaign, an attempt was made to Valery Speransky - the former chief accountant of the Bashkir fuel company. He had a compromise on the son of Murthase Gubyidulovich. Mesmestyev confirmed that his father was aware of the response, but did not prevent him in eliminating the threat.

Ural Rakhimov now

When a criminal case regarding the policy already escaped to Austria was discontinued, there were no new information about him. As for the Father - in June 2020, "Instagram" it was mentioned that the ex-president was infected with coronavirus infection. This time, doctors managed to cure an influential patient.

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