KVN "Peninsula" team - history of creation, participants, composition, best rooms, photos, Crimea 2021



"Peninsula" - a team of fun and resourceful club, which represents the national team of the Crimean Federal University by KVN. The first popularity of the team gained due to the fact that after a 25-year break performed in the Higher League.

History of team creation

"Peninsula" was formed in Simferopol in 2017 on the basis of the University. The team members were graduates of the university and teachers. In the very first year, the United States of Humorists arrived in Sochi to participate in the Cyvin-2018 International Festival. The guys were lucky to go to the 2nd round of competition. The team noticed on a gala concert and invited to participate in the "Valley Kiwyn - 2019" in Svetlogorsk.

The team was again in the 2nd round, which was realistic, and most importantly - the achievable goal. The fact that humorists were among the 15 teams, whose performances were broadcast on the federal channel. The transmission with the participation of the "Peninsula" the audience was observed on the ether of the first channel.

In the same year, Crimean won the Festival of the Festival "Commoir Camp", and was also leading in the official Crimean League of the Club of Merry and Resources. The guys were able to win at the Tavrida - Art Festival and became owners of a legitimate award. The experience gained in a short period helped apply for a new selection in Sochi, in which the team had to prove benefits among 500 other humorous teams. In February 2020, the guys performed on the first game for them in Moscow.

Once at the International Festival "Kiwyn" in the 2020th, "Peninsula" was among 20 rivals from the highest league of the club fun and resourceful. Success was incredible both for the participants themselves and for fans, because the teams from the Crimea did not pass on the 2nd round of the contest.

Command structure

Crimean team of "Peninsula" is a few humorists. The team leader, whose composition did not change since the foundation, became Alexander Goncharov. In addition to participating in KVN, he is engaged in the organization of commercial and private events. Alexander is the leading festive events and an employee of the Russian Radio in Crimea. The humorist is married and raises his son.

Rustem Ibrahimov is engaged in organizing concerts and parties in the Crimea in collaboration with Rock's Bar and In_jir * Promo. He also tried in cinema as an actor episode.

Alima Kaaliev belongs to the largest number of replicas during the scene performances. Before cooperation with the "peninsula", Alim was a member of the team "People T.".

Anton Grigorache is the fourth participant of the humorous association. Like the partner Alexander Goncharov, works the leading events and festive events in the Crimea. He cooperates with the company that creates the image and selling advertising, and also raises two daughters.

The humorist Andro Tkebuchaw focuses on the activities of the Peninsula, but participates in other event projects. Andro has a favorite girl with which he often travels.

The members of the "Peninsula" team lead personal accounts in "Instagram" and a common profile dedicated to their creative activities and achievements.

Best speeches

On the account of the team from the sunny peninsula not so many performances within the framework of KVN, but the guys remembered the public. In the 1/8 of the Higher League, humorists distinguished themselves with a greeting, voicing two political jokes at once. The first had a relation to Dmitry Medvedev, the former Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, and concerned the winged phrase: "There is no money, but you hold on." Crimeans asked how things were at the official.

In the second joke, it was about the Crimean bridge and revision implemented by President Vladimir Putin. As part of the inspection, the head of the state personally weighed cement, counted the pile and measured the length of the facility.

As a "beat" before the performance, artists use the composition of Elbrus Dzhanmirzoyeva "Broadcasting". Most humories of humorists are connected with the Crimea and the peculiarities of life on the peninsula. The team includes the jokes of the appropriate subject in the program of performances, regardless of the stage, be it a music freestyle or the final number.

The emergence of the team on the stage is accompanied by songs, popular in the region of their residence, which creates an appropriate atmosphere on stage and in the hall. Artists try to keep up with the times, issuing relevant jokes - of course, it did not cost and without discussing the pandemic of coronavirus infection. The guys in the framework of the Higher League of 2020 told about the difficulties that the world had to face.

"Peninsula" now

"Peninsula" was among the finalists (silver got) in the highest league 2020 and received a ticket to the second season for himself. True, in 2021, Crimeans could not repeat the previous success.

Humorists easily coped with the 1/8 finals, but at the next stage they gave way to competitors - teams "name", "Plekhanov Street" and "dew". This failure made the "peninsula" of the third team-finalist of the highest league in the history of KVN, who dropped out of the participation of the competition at its very beginning.

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