Ksenia Prokofiev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Tutsanki Shows 2021



Complexes rarely become assistants for positive changes. An example of this is a participant in the TV project "Patzanka" Ksenia Prokofiev. The destructive power of self-confidence led the young student in the bunch of hopelessness, and Laura Lukin extended her hand to her, inviting to participate in the show.

Childhood and youth

Unlike most of the heroine, which came to the project to change life, Ksyusha has a complete and seemingly a prosperous family. In her "history" there is no place for tragedies that could radically influence the psyche.

Prokofiev was born on September 4, 2000 in Domodedovo. Itself admits that the whole early biography remained the "Pai-Girl" - he studied well at school, the parents listened and dreamed of the scene. Father and mother all childhood drove daughter for musical competitions, where she hit Judges an angelic voice.

However, the career singer did not work out. The girl chose another dream - the sky. And in his own way, it began to implement it, enrolling in St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation. Its future specialty (airflower) requires responsibility and control.

True, no impartial facts are hidden in such a widespread story. In his own profile, the participant admitted: relations with parents retained some tensions.

Svetlana, Mom Heroine TV show, now asks himself a question that maybe she simply does not know how to express love for his daughter. Ksenia feather declared that he did not feel support, seemed like a closest man in the world.

With the father, the relationship was also not in the best way: he is not a fader of sincere conversations. Weighing argument in conflict issues for him remained physical strength. It is not surprising that Prokofiev, an adult in such an environment, went through the curve path.

Personal life

Lady love in the house, Ksenia found her on the street. The first guy is the "Rolling", who learned a schoolgirl with dreams of drinking scene, smoke, drink. He was older, looked "cool" and secured. Prokofiev reached for him, diligently adopt bad habits. By the way, adult personal life began in the adolescent period - 13-14 years.

Final History Banalen. It turned out that the chosen was a lot of such friends, and indeed the guy in speed married. A deceived young girl, to acquire complexes, the self-destruction continued with Eustice.

Ksenia Prokofiev in his youth

Alcohol for her has become a switch button. The identity of Ksenia, unhappy, deprived of parental love, abandoned and not necessary, was unpleasant for her. But after several alcohol bottles in the arena, another person went out - Oksana.

Oksana, admitted Prokofiev, lighter, loves to sing, dance and have fun. She does not care complexes and resentment. Being so much easier than to dip in the sad reality, seasoned by bitter life experience.

However, after Ksenia wake up, everything became even worse. The heroine "Patzenok" tried to seek help to parents. I waited for that "kick", which will make changing, but in vain, so I sent an application for casting to enroll in the "Lady School".

Show "Patzanka"

In the fall of 2020, the anniversary 5th season of the reality show "Patzanka" started on the TV channel "Friday". And if for the audience each series is a fascinating sight, then for the participants every day of finding in the "Lady School" - the next exam.

The exception did not and the Ksenia immediately demonstrated the main vice - thrust to alcohol. On a peculiar ball, which arranged the curators of the project, Prokofiev and did not think to restrain themselves in the amount of drunk.

The result for it, as well as for other "Pazonok", was a depth. The number of pheetics in the blood exceeded the permissible dose. However, it was only the beginning of peculiar exposure tests and self-control.

A big shock for Ksyusha was a medical examination. The heroine was sent to surrender analyzes with one goal - to find out how this lifestyle influenced health.

The verdict for Prokofyeva sounded frighteningly. Another student had a 34-year-old woman's body. And the list of acquired pathologies broke records - metabolic syndrome, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gallstone disease, etc.

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A native Domodedovo demonstrated a desire to change. He received praise from Mary Tretyakova on the disfel exam. Breaks pain from carrying heels and beautifully passed through the "obstacle course", moving with the elements of the Vogue dance.

With each series she flourished into a pleasant and attractive girl. The one for which alcohol is no longer a way to deceive himself and appear oxana. Of course, the merit of such changes belongs to the sensitive psychologists of the project. But an important role in the formation of a new person also played and Prokofiev. After all, without sincere desire and self-control, such metamorphoses are simply impossible.

Ksenia Prokofiev now

With the arrival of a native Domodedovo project, finally spoke about Oksana last time. Now, I'm sure Ksyusha, she found a way out of a closed circle and power for change.

And formed a certain motto: the main thing is love for yourself. The heartfelt post on this topic by the participant of the "Patzenok" placed on a personal page in "Instagram" by attaching photos from the project.

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