Maly Shpak (Irina Messenskaya) - biography, personal life, photo, news, "instagram", divorce, Alexander Shpak 2021



Maly Shpak is a media personality, an athlete, singer - a list of hobbies of Irina Meshchanskaya (her real name) only increases. Relations with Alexander Shpak have played a considerable role in its popularity. However, after parting, the personal life of celebrities did not cease to worry fans.

Childhood and youth

An athlete was born on May 30, 1981 (Zodiac sign - Gemini) in the northern capital. Being a firstborn in the family, sincerely began to look after the younger brothers and sisters.

Already at school, Ira was standing out among classmates Charisma. Educational items were made easily. At the same time, in early biography, trends in hobbies were noted.

Love for physical exertion instilled his father. In school years, the girl has repeatedly defeated at the athletics competitions. Later it was professionally engaged in bodybuilding.

Large family busy parents - Ira had to take on the functions of mother and father for younger. Partly this is one of the reasons why she subsequently did not want children.

After graduating from school number 26, Meshchanskaya continued to education at the State Institute of Social Work and Psychology. The specialty of the psychologist was subsequently not in demand in a professional biography. Student of the correspondence department began to do business. When driving a diploma, I decided to continue to do what we had, - settled by a commercial director to a large company.


Since 2016, Masya Shpak left his own blog on the Yutiub-Channel. Content, which is presented in it, reflected initially the enthusiasm of the married couple. First of all, this is a sport and appropriate meals.

The model and is now divided by recipes of useful and nutritious dishes, which are designed to improve physical form. At the same time, assures - there is no ideal ratio of growth and weight. The proof exhibits its own photos taken at different times. On them, the star weighs 64 kg, but it looks completely different due to the ratio of fat and muscle tissue.

Also an athlete is told which products it is better to choose in stores. And sometimes it removes funny videos - tests the army laces, tries to the taste of insects from Thailand.

In the video, Irina appeared and together with Alexander. Together, they demonstrated effective workouts in shorts and tops, and also described in detail about diets. Such creativity is reflected on the personal page in the instagram account of the stars. She often delighted subscribers with joint photos, short humorous rollers and wise advice.

In the blog, the Meshchansky lion's share of content devotes to personal matters. This applies to such burning, as marriage, jealousy, divorce and health. A native of St. Petersburg has a sad experience in these aspects, and she shares it without constraint with the audience. For example, due to the error, the patient's doctors had to be transferred to the surgery, which strongly undermined its physical and mental state.

However, this was not the reason for the abandonment of medical interventions. The shpac has repeatedly laid under the surgeon's knife. The first plastic is an increase in breast. The changes were also stomach, buttocks, cheekbones, the lips of the media person.

The occurred metamorphoses with the body of Irina also became the video of the video on the Youtyub-Channel. And in the network there is a lot of photos before and after surgery. Meshchanskaya does not hide the fact that it uses the achievements of medicine for improving. At the same time, convinces the audience - without regular sports and diet of the efforts of doctors are meaningless.

Maly does not stop breaking stereotypes. So, at the age of 38, she found a new passion - music. The first track Irina recorded together with Alexander Yagya - "Only you". Soon released his own composition "You are mine, I'm yours." And then pleased with the subscribers with the clip - "kisses". A beginner singer in 2020 introduced the new song "Adrenaline".

Personal life

On his Youtyub Channel and in "Instagram", the blogger is openly divided by the details of personal life. By the way, the audience had a rather big, given the popularity of her former satellite.

Alexander and Irina could see by friki, who pay attention to non-trivial appearance and causing behavior. However, in fact, Masya is far from such an amplua.

Having a psychologist's diploma, she does not claim to be the truth in the first instance. Instead, a media person simply talks about himself, his mistakes and draws conclusions.

So, the Messenskaya told subscribers the history of first love. Maly from the early years dreamed of "Prince" - the only thing for life. By the way, Arnold Schwarzenegger became a certain benchmark for an athlete. She was attracted by slim, pumped guys with a bright appearance.

It is not surprising that the beloved was found in the gym. It was an early marriage, full mistakes. Now, analyzing the 13-year period, Irina understands what was wrong. Excessive autonomy and self-sufficiency played a cruel joke. Initially, a young wife set herself the main in the family and herself solved the issues related to housing, finance, trips.

The first husband outwardly resembled the ideal of the Prince, but with respect to the rest was absolutely stranger. Ira recalled that they had never rested together, did not go to restaurants and were guided by different ideas about life.

The only thing the spouses converged - in the question of childbearing. Meshchanskaya immediately reported the fiance that she did not plan children, and he agreed. Therefore, in marriage, it did not happen to the appearance of the heirs.

But there was a lot of other - insults, tears and even treason. The final decision on the divorce of Masya took the time when the beloved did not find time to come to her to the hospital after a serious operation. The man preferred to relax with the other - soon it translated him into the status of a former husband.

And Irina, having visited the semi-annual depression, did not cease to believe in love. After 2 years later, he met a rapid figure of the Russian show business, Alexander Shpaka. Moreover, the first meeting was the most unrister - the girl endowed the construction trash.

On August 13, 2015, lovers gave each other vowiness of loyalty. The solemn procedure took place in the Palace of Marriage No. 4, exactly at 13-00. But this pair did not believe in bad signs, as well as in the public predictions about the vergement of these relations.

Despite the fact that Masya became the sixth wife, their marriage seemed very strong. After dismissal from the post of commercial director (some associate this with an excessive mediocre of the Meshchansk), the newly spouse took up his own business with the support of Alexander.

And even the lovers performed a common dream - they purchased a chic two-storey mansion and refused to repair. True, rumors instantly spread in the network that the family nests of Shpakov - a house with a dark past. The former tenant singer Sarah Ox shared: it had a brutal killing of one official.

However, this circumstance was the reason for the decision of the married couple to move to Turkey. The house in Moscow was sold. But in a new place, great hopes for the future were not destined to come true.


In the spring of 2021, rumors about disagreements of the couple appeared, soon this information was confirmed: the spouses announced that they were going to divorce. According to Alexander, parting initiative proceeded from Masi. In communication with subscribers, Irina ran away from a direct response, which was the reason for parting.

Beyond the lack of official information, fans have become differently interpreted what is happening. There were charges in fake divorce. By the way, both culprit of the infoovod for a long time did not comment on what is happening. Alexander and at all spent live ether in "Instagram", where he drank on the camera and did not understand why his favorite woman accepted such a decision.

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The long-awaited recognition Irina voiced on the show "Alena, Damn!". The heroine of the program gave to understand: the main reason for her care was the fact that Alexander pressed it to her.

Family life with a shpay was similar to a fairy tale, but exactly until the moment the blogger enjoyed a strong and volitional companion nearby. At a certain point, I gave to understand Masya, he became demanding and literally tried to suppress her will, "remake under him."

Once Irina noted that she was hard to breathe. Even health problems began. She lost himself and a couple of days before the birthday asked Alexander the most important gift in life - Freedom.

Maly Shpak now

After the decision taken on the divorce, "Masya is no longer a shpak", as she renamed her page in "Instagram", decided to return to Moscow.

Maly Shpak and Ronda Rose

Meshanskaya literally found an apartment in the capital and moved to removable accommodation. The appearance of a happy woman led fans into confusion - many considered that the news about the parting of the shpakov of the next PR. But life was much prosaic and a couple of bloggers replenished the ranks of high-profile divorces.

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