Lion Lurie - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Historian, Region 2021



Lev Luriate is known as a person who is well aware of the life and history of the Northern Capital of Russia - St. Petersburg. He can be colorfully and accurately, as if witnessed events, tell us about the city of Alexander II and Fedor Dostoevsky. Books written by LANTER, his lectures and television programs are not just creativity, but historical heritage for future generations.

Childhood and youth

Lev Yakovlevich Lurie was born on April 19, 1950 in St. Petersburg - the largest city of Russia, which was then called Leningrad and was actively recovered after the Great Patriotic War. Love for history he inherited from his intelligent family.

Father Yakov Solomonovich Lurier - a historian and philologist. Grandfather Solomon Yakovlevich Lurie is the largest researcher of antiquity. Mother Irina Efimovna Ghanelina - the founder first in the USSR cardioreanimation. In such a family, and even with mercenary origins, only the "consumer of culture" could grow, loving theater, literature and history.

It is noteworthy that Lion Yakovlevich studied at all on a humanitarian specialty. In 1967, he graduated from the secondary general educational Polytechnic School with Industrial Training No. 30 (now the St. Petersburg Governoric Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 30), and in 1973 - the Faculty of Economics of the Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) State University.

Even in the youth, the professional orientation of the parents convinced Lion Lurie to pay attention to the story. He drove excursions in St. Petersburg, created thematic exhibitions for the Museum of History of the City of the City (Peterburg Times of Lomonosov, "Old Petersburg Party"). And in 1987 he became a candidate of historical sciences.

Personal life

Lion Luriate has the wife of Rimma Evgenievna Krukov. They met in student years in the Leningrad State University. Their personal life is prosaic.

The family tradition continued and children - the son of Daniel and daughter Sophia. Both graduated from the philological faculty of LSU, inherited love for journalism and to history. So, Daniel Luriate has passed from one information publication to another for many years, and now manages the Zenit Media Holding of FC. Sofya Lurie is one of the guides and lecturers of the Father, Italovad.

Science and creativity

Lion Lurie's career continued as a teacher. In 1989, he organized the St. Petersburg Classical Gymnasium No. 610. For many years, he worked for writing to external relations and taught history. In 1991, a teaching field expanded - Lion's lectures Yakovlevich about Russia began to sound in the colleges of the United States of America.

In 1995, the historian was implemented as a journalist. His problem articles about the society, architecture and politics of the Northern Capital of Russia were published in many serious publications, including Kommersant, "Spark", "Business Petersburg". In the early 2000s, Lurie moved to the radio and television channels "Echo of St. Petersburg", "Evva FM".

Over time, Louerie's lion was listed as a non-indifferent historian who could not only create a retrospective, but also to offer his opinion. Therefore, he was invited by an expert and speaker into large programs. The theme was completely different questions: political, cultural, economic.

So, in 2020, in the transfer of "Special Opinion" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow in St. Petersburg", Lev Yakovlevich argued about the political situation in Belarus, new buildings of the city on the Neva, coronavirus infection.

Over the years, Lurie rose from the journalist to the leading and director of copyright. So, on the fifth channel from 2004 to 2009, he oversaw several projects at once, including the transfer "to the board". This intellectual televicer offers adults to respond to school program questions.

With all the professional manifold, the Bibliography of Lion Lurie is of particular interest. Travel Guides and "Book Tours" (like "Petersburg Dostoevsky", "Petersburg on the eve of the revolution", "neighboring capitalism", "Conditioner") immerse the reader into the atmosphere of the Northern Capital of Russia and allow you to learn about the most strange and unusual details of the taught city.

Lion Luriate Now

In 2011, Kraedow decided to unite lovers who know how to talk about St. Petersburg not by Wikipedia, but freshly and modern. So the house of the culture of Lion Lurie appeared. Now he flourishes.

On the official website of the project, anyone can sign up for a lecture on oratory art or an unusual tour of the northern capital, as well as become a "student" of the "School of Guides" or "School of Speakers".

Lev Luriate leads not all events, mainly in this capacity is his followers: writer Dmitry Bykov, journalist Dmitry Gubin, graduate "School of Guides" Anna Markovich and many others. But with the Land itself, you can also meet, listen to stories, take a photo, take an autograph. You can find out a specific date in the calendar of events on the official website of the House of Culture Lion Lurier or in the Instagram account of the project.

Despite the honorable age, Lev Yakovlevich is still in the spotlight. He often meets meetings with journalists and writers of Tatyana Tolstoy, Marina Shishkina, etc.


  • 1988 - "Pharmacy Island"
  • 1990 - "Persons of St. Petersburg: a collection of newspaper folklore of the late XIX-early XX centuries."
  • 1990 - "Muri House. Biography of one house "
  • 1999 - "Real Petersburg"
  • 2005 - "Modern Crimes"
  • 2006 - "Petersburg. Guide"
  • 2007 - "1956. Middle of a century "
  • 2009 - "Dovlatov"
  • 2011 - "22 deaths, 63 versions"
  • 2011 - "Petrolists. Russian capitalism. First try"
  • 2012 - "Leningrad Front"
  • 2012 - "Predatory"
  • 2014 - "WITHOUT MOSCOW"
  • 2017 - "Petersburg Dostoevsky. Historical Travel Guide
  • 2017 - "Conditioned. Travel Guide in St. Petersburg before the revolution "
  • 2018 - "Petersburg on the eve of the revolution"

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