Polybii - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, "Universal History"



Antique scientist Polybiy is known as a historian, politician, warlord and author of fundamental works that partially reached the present day. The writer interpreted hundreds of realistic events that took place in Greece and neighboring states from 220 to 146 to N. NS.

Childhood and youth

According to people who studied the history of the ancient world, the Polybiy was born about 200 BC. NS. In the Greek city of Megalopolis, which was located on the peninsula called Peloponnese. The early biography of the scientist influenced the blood connection with the family of wealthy aristocrats, in the local community, respect the educated ancestors that served for the benefit of the state.

Father Likort was a prominent military leader and a politician during the existence of the Ahase Union. As a commander of the equestrian squad, the officer fought against the army of the Lake Section of the ruler of the breaker and was among the ambassadors sent to the Egyptian king from the Ptolemyev dynasty.

In a mature age, an influential member of ancient Greek society received the position of the strategist. This allowed the family where a child appeared, live without material problems.

Son of such an influential person grew under the supervision of educators. Higher-level teachers taught him to correctly state thoughts, read and write.

The work of the famous poet of Homer and the works of the famous philosopher Aristotle were used as benefits. On the materials of the classics, the boy mastered the art of eloquence and methods of conducting disputes with sled opponents.

Judging by quotations from books, polybium, unlike most fellow citizens, was indifferent to religion. As a child, the names of the Gods of Olympus did not inspire him.

Experienced officers were engaged in physical and military training, the son of Likort was originally destined to head troops, and he was accustomed to daily training. Judging by the ancient sculptures and busts, Polybiy had a courageous appearance and a harmoniously developed body.

In adolescence, a representative of a noble family accompanied the father burdened with diplomatic powers. As a result, he loved to ride and hunting birds and animals.

Traveling around the world, the young man absorbed information from writing in the writing "Universal History". He did not miss the chance to get acquainted with each of the extraordinary persons who met on the way.

In the youth, a native of ancient Greece participated in the ceremony of the funeral of a prominent commander, formerly Ahasey strategist. The future warlord carried urn with the ashes of Philopomen, causing the envy of hundreds of people.

Personal life

About the personal life of polybia historians is not known, there is no information in ancient sources any of the legitimate wives.

However, mentions are preserved that due to the aristocratic education and advanced level of intelligence, the descendant of Licarpets was taken in rich houses of the Roman Republic. It was assumed that the scientist won the confidence of the consul Lucia Emilia Pavel Macedonsky and raised his children Fabi and Scipio Emiliana.

In adulthood, the mentor supported friendly relations with a former student who became the hero of the Third Punic War against Carthagen, and joined the famous "SciPiPion Circle".

Career and creativity

In 169 or 170 BC. NS. Polybia was elected by Hippuch. The rank of cavalry officer allowed speeches to citizens and take diplomatic trips. Thus, the early political career was devoted to the preservation of the independence of the metropolis and the support of peaceful ties with neighboring territories.

Ancient Greek historian tried to establish contact with the Allies of the Roman Empire, drawn into the Third Macedonian War. It brought him closer to election to the post of Strateg, or the commander-in-chief of the city army.

As an adviser to the commander, Lucia Emilia Polybii participated in the campaign against the Macedonian Ruler Persea. In the status of the defeated, he became a prisoner accused of non-compliance with a number of arrangements. In the territory of modern Italy Greek stayed for several years.

Unlimited in the movement of Hipparh participated in expeditions to the districts of Alexandria, Egypt, Gades and states located on the Atlantic Coast. Upon return, he personally attended the fall of the Carthage, later this event turned into full of bright details of the story and blocked the essence of the concept of many domestic labor.

Changing the political situation allowed Polybia to return home. He participated in the meetings of the Senate Commission engaged in national reforms, and contributed to the preservation of Greek culture.

During this period, the famous "Universal History" was created, designed, according to the author, cover the entire civilized world. Initially, the subject of research was the events that took place from 220 to 168 BC. e., But then the time frame has expanded until the fall of the Carthage.

40 books were considered one of the greatest achievements of ancient Greek science. Unfortunately, only 5 scattered volumes have been preserved. According to them, it is possible to judge the concept of the narrative and political views of the Polybia, which considered that the story is designed to force people to take into account the public past and act in the future, relying on the experience of generations who lived many centuries ago.

At the same time, he called Fortune (Tyje), which in favor of the valiant and virtuous residents of state cities. Her hand manifested itself either in the blind luck or in anticipation of events occurring in the society of the main actors of history.

As a visual example, the scientist took conflicts between Hannibal and Scipio African, as well as the battle of Ticin, Trebia, Pidne and Cannes. Colorful descriptions of these and other battles of the time of the formation and existence of an ancient Greek community and the Roman republic can now be used as reliable illustrations of the Hellenistic era.

The author of a multi-volume essay had his own look at the concepts of the state and the right, which was influenced by the teachings of Stoicism. He argued that the formation of these constants occurred naturally together with the development of society.


The works of an ancient Greek strategist and the historian are highly appreciated in the aristocratic society. In a number of cities-states, Polybia gave praises and honors - both in life and posthumously.

Civilized people are grieving about the loss of an outstanding native of Megalopolis, who died, according to some reports, at the age of 82 years.

About the true causes of the death of the famous Hellen now nothing is known. Lucian reported that the former adviser Lucius Emilia was injured in a fall from a horse.

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