Jukrew Lamyldyz - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Turkish Actor 2021



Jukrew Lamyldyz - Turkish actor of cinema and television, whose popularity has brought employment in multi-metering projects. The artist is also implemented as an artist of the musical, a model and ambassador of various brands. It is filmed in commercials and participates in photo shoots.

Childhood and youth

Shyukrew was born on February 18, 1988 in Izmir. The childhood of the boy passed in the company Sisters, which was born 2 years later. When Lyldyzu was 9, his mother died.

Jukrew Oziyldyz graduated from high school in his hometown and, becoming a graduate, went to Istanbul. Here the guy was among the students enrolled at the Faculty of Shipbuilding Technical University. Shyukrew It seemed that this area enters the sphere of his interests with which the biography should be tied. But priorities changed already a year later.

Ageldyz became an entrance examinations of the Aegean University, passed the entrance examinations and began to study business and management. He even participated in the Erasmus exchange program, organized in collaboration with the Portuguese university. Training went successfully until the guy visited the acting workshop. The student realized that she had not previously decided to determine the vocation and chose not the directions. The young man preferred to the University of the Art Center Mudeat Gezane. Here, the new student began to know the basics of dramatic skill.

Personal life

In his youth, Shyukrew was fond of martial arts. This hobby accompanies him now. True, the actor does not allow himself to participate in the battles in the cage, as it happened earlier. Interest in sport helped become the owner of a dream figure, thanks to which the fans pay attention to the artist. The growth of the actor is 190 cm, and the weight is 80 kg.

An attractive man enjoys great attention from representatives of weak gender, and romantic hobbies for him are not uncommon. Journalists intently observed those who became part of the personal life of the artist. In 2014, he began to meet with Shokran Ovals, partner on the TV series "Care", but the relationship quickly ended. The reason for this was the jealousy of the girl.

In 2016, the former lovers were filmed together in the project, where Shokran had to work on the same platform with the new chuck. She was Asl Enver. After some time, the couple broke up, and Lyldyz found a consolation in the arms of Rabiia Yaman. Contrary to rumors about the imminent decay, the union of lovers lasted 2 years. The actors diverged in 2018.

Jukrew Lajildyz and Aich Ayshin Turan

A year later, the media spoke about the new artist's novel. The heart of Turka conquered Hurichan Murphy, choreographer Musikla "Alice", in which the actor fulfills the role of Hatter. Despite the fact that the official confirmation of the relationship fee did not give, the photo of the kisses of lovers began to appear in the press and the Internet.

In the winter of 2019, the actor received a summons about the call to the army. Since he served under the contract, they had to distract from the filming on the 21st day. After demobilization, Shyukrew began to meet with actress Hand Dogandemere. Young people did not give comments on their relationship. In the 2020s, a turning point happened in their union, the artist returned to the former young man, Korery Arslan.

Fans are looking forward to which one will become a new favorite of a successful actor. While in his profile in "Instagram" appear only snapshots from photo shoots, television sites and from the scenic clocking.


Having finished learning on acting courses, Ozyldyz made the first steps on the dramatic stage, having received an invitation to participate in performances. Then followed the employment as a model, work on commercials and shooting in the series.

The first multiserry project in the artist filmography was the painting "Deep Water", shot in 2011. In 2013, the presentation of the film "Neva" took place. The success and recognition came to the Contractor after the embodiment of the Murat's image in the remake of the television series "The Korolev - Poultry Hanging".

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The director estimated the dramatic potential of the artist, and Ovehydiz entered the creative group of projects "Care", "sour apples", "Winter Sun". In the frame of the latter, he appeared with the Parliament with Bashak.

The actor in which the actor was involved, also include "cute liars", where he partweed with Bennce. Together with Aichy Ayshin Turan Shyukrew starred in the TV series "Cute and Dangerous", and then participated in the creation of the project "All because of love".

In 2017, Joseyldyz Shyukrew worked on the shooting platform for a multi-seater film "Guide Star", and in 2018 he was involved in the TV series "Holding Breathing".

Jukrew Lamyldyz now

Practically in all projects that Shyukrew worked on, the actor had the main roles. No exception to the tape "Social Society" and "Raider". The artist was involved in them in 2019 and 2020. At 2021, the premiere of a new multi-sized picture with his participation is planned: "Rosalinda, my love".

Ovehydiz continues to be filmed for advertising, being involved in marketing campaigns of eminent brands.


  • 2011 - "Dark Waters"
  • 2012 - "Absure"
  • 2013 - "Neva"
  • 2014 - "Korolev - Poultry Hanging"
  • 2014-2015 - "Case Case"
  • 2015 - "Cute and Dangerous"
  • 2015 - "Cute Lesarats"
  • 2016 - "Everything because of love"
  • 2016 - "Sour Apples"
  • 2016 - "Winter Sun"
  • 2017 - "Guide Star"
  • 2018 - "Strangers nearby"
  • 2018 - "Holding Breath"
  • 2019 - "Social Society"
  • 2020 - "Raider"
  • 2021 - "Rosalinda, my love"

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