Nikolay Ogarev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Poet, Decembrist



The name of this poet, publicist and man who chose the fate of the Eternal Fighter for Freedom, is perpetuated in the memory of descendants. Nikolay Ogarov all his life was in painful spiritual searches, desperately dreaming to change the life of the people. And inglorious death does not least detract from his merit in the revolutionary history of the country.

Childhood and youth

One of the most gloomy poets was born, according to contemporaries and descendants, December 6, 1813. The family of Nikolai Platonovich was wealthy. His father Platon Bogdanovich served as a statistical adviser. And the mother named Elizabeth Ivanovna (in the greatness of Bakskakakova), was distinguished by education, wisdom and kindness.

The first years of life, the boy spent in the village of Beloomut, received in the inheritance of his mother from his native uncle. When a small cola turned 2 years old, Elizabeth Ivanovna died suddenly from the warmth.

Nikolay Ogarov in youth

Platon Bogdanovich, by that time demonstrating a stunning career in the civil service, took the son and took the birth of an old Akschene (Penza province). There and spent his childhood a future writer. A sharp experience of the loss of the mother was aggravated by a cold relationship with his father.

The native home publicist later called the prison. The reigning despotism of Plato Bogdanovich and strict genuine caused longing in a teenager. Occasionally he learned about the advanced ideas of the new time, more and more feeling the need for moral transformation.

The uprising of the Decembrists of 1825 has greatly affected him. Nikolay wished to be part of this coup. However, the rigor and the commitment of traditional views of the parents were shoved by the young Kolya. Between their people, the abyss was formed.

The end of the grandmother was a turning point in the visitor's biography. After her death, the teenager fell into the house of a long-range relative, where he met Alexander Herzen.

The friendship of two young people not only has become a long time, but also pushed Ogarev to an important decision. They both gave an oath to sacrifice the life for the fight for freedom. In this young Sasha and Kolya seen the only purpose and burned ideas about the abolition of serfdom, communism, equality.

In 1829, the son of the Stat adviser entered Moscow University. First, he visited his lectures for verbal, political and physico-mathematical departments, being a fully luster.

After 3 years, he became a valid student, graduated from the university and began work in the main archive of Moscow. Already during this period, Ogarev stood a mug that arose in response to political unrest in the country. It is not surprising that the authorities have established militia supervision over young man.

The first arrest of Volnodumz took place on July 10, 1834. Then he made a pledge of influential relatives, but it only made a delay in the inevitable. On March 31, 1835, according to the court sentence, Nikolai went on a link to the Penza province.

Personal life

Russian revolutionary - Democrat was officially married twice - but none of the marriages can be called happy. There was no poet and own children.

Being in the Penza province, Ogarev acutely felt his own loneliness. Deadness from friends encouraged to find a relative soul away from like-minded people. Such became Roslavleva Maria Lvovna. Chosen by the public figure - the niece of the governor himself. Her family, once wealthy, heleras, and a girl who was accustomed to luxury, dreamed of a rich husband.

Roslavleva attracted Nicholas with a certain and freedom-loving character. In 1937, a wedding took place. Maria Lvivna, who re-felt financial stability, plunged into secular life. And the husband, convinced of the readiness to put all the forces on the struggle for freedom, became her annoying.

Nikolay Ogarov and Natalia Tuchkov

The governor's niece tried to fight the surroundings of the spouse, wanting to pull him out of the influence of Alexander Herzen. But this did not come out - between once in love with misunderstanding. As a result, Maria Lvivna found her lover and left him, while not wanting to divorce marriage with a legitimate husband. Moreover, the woman won the annual allowance, believing that Ogarmen now lifelively obliged to provide it.

Parting strongly suned the revolutionary. The acute need for love was expressed in strong feelings for Evdokia Vasilyevna Sukhovo-Mobyl. True, the object of adoration learned about admiration in his side only after the death of the poet.

The second wife of the public figure is Natalia Alekseevna Tuchkov. The young girl did not stop the refusal of a divorce from the first spouse of his beloved. I ascertain the public foundations, she moved to Ogarev.

However, the personal life of the pair began to be condemned. First of all, the threat proceeded from the governor of the Penza region and Uncle Maria Lvivna. In February 1850, Nikolai Platonovich was even arrested. Despite the fact that the accusation was subsequently removed, he and Natalia went to England for the better friend - Alexander Herzen.

After the death of Roslavlieva, they made a marriage. But he was a non-national. Natalia loved Herzen and soon married him. The writer did not hold an evil on a former wife and friend, dreaming only about "peaceful beauty" in his life.

Mary Saterland became a certain consolation in the late biography of the men - London Prostitute. Without giving birth to the heir, the publicist brought up Henry's stepper. Mary did not leave a beloved man until the death.

Revolutionary and poet

During reference in 1835-1839, the future revolutionary became interested in idealistic philosophy. At the same time began to think about plans to improve the social position of serf peasants. Mental torments found a direct reflection in his verses - "City", "Autumnal feeling", "Old House".

In 1838, Nikolai Platonovich managed to get from the governor of the Penza region a trip to the North Caucasus with the aim of correcting health - the poet since childhood suffered from epilepsy. In the Caucasian Mineral Waters, the writer met with people who once admired - by Decembrists. Under the impression of acquaintance, his famous work was born - "I saw you, aliens of distant countries ...".

After the death of the Father, Plato Bogdanovich, the heir took the land ownership. Now he has the opportunity to embody dreams. In 1840, the writer began working on the liberation of peasants, forming a certain commune in this territory. Subsequently, this was the reason for the short-term arrest of Ogarev accused of building a "communist sect".

Nikolay Ogarev and Alexander Herzen

In 1856, Nikolai, together with the second spouse, moved to London. There became the initiator of the creation, and then and then the Bellol's weekly society. In the UK, publicist developed the theory of Russian socialism, carefully following the populist trends in the Russian Empire. However, he himself participated in the revolutionary organization "Earth and Will".

Ogarev is a poet, the creative path of which was directly connected with his homeland. The place that has become simultaneously the most expensive in the world, and marked the transfer of suffering and persecution. In books, collections of works of free-refumen, many socio-political moments. However, a significant part of poetry is devoted to romantic reasons. The most famous poem is "humor".


In the last years of life, the revolutionary suffered from frequent attacks of epilepsy. Once fell into the ditch and damaged the dorsal bone, which was the cause of death. Died a Russian writer on the hands of Mary Sanland. Date of death - June 12, 1877.

There are not many photos of the Russian revolutionary - Democrat: along with Maria Lviv and another Alexander Herzen. And also 2 portraits written by unknown artists during the poet's life.

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