Victoria Lazutin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Patzanka Shows 2021



Victoria Lazutin since childhood suffered because of public opinion, so she developed complexes and thrust for alcohol. But the participant of the project "Patzanka" realized that he wanted to change herself, therefore he had applied for help.

Childhood and youth

Victoria Lazutin was born on May 3 in the Russian city of Bryansk. The girl grew up without parents, her grandmother was brought up on the maternal line, which spoke to his granddaughter that his father died of diabetes, and his mother went on a business trip to another city and died by contacting the wrong company.

Vika believed the stories of relatives, but suddenly found a letter from the mother sent in 2017. This changed the life of the show participants, and she tried to establish a connection with the parent, because she always lacked the maternal heat, but she rejected her.

Victoria Lazutin in a hat with penguins

Because of the problems in the family, early years of Victoria's biography issued difficult. People's peers teased and offended because the girl had an excess weight and dark skin color, which did her not like a representative of Russian nationality. Grandmother only aggravated the situation, calling the granddaughter of the "mistake of nature", and the relationship between them was urged.

Trying to distract from negative thoughts and complexes, "Patzanka" began to abuse alcohol and stopped controlling their behavior. The girl seemed to live in her special microworld. But soon, Victoria realized that the stronger closes in himself, the less chances to establish a connection with his mother, and decided to change.

Personal life

About the personal life of the participants knows little. According to her own admission, in the past she never joined intimate relationship, being sober.

Show "Patzanka"

In the fall of 2020, on the TV channel "Friday", a show of the 5th season of the reality show "Patzanka" was started, whose participant was Victoria. As part of the project, the girl leading an asocial lifestyle becomes pupils of the Lady School, where they work with teachers and psychologists who help them change.

Already at the first meeting with other student, Lazutin showed itself from a negative side. She came up with Anastasia Petrova, and then went through with alcohol and fell asleep right in the station building, after which it had to be given to the feeling.

When "Pazonka" came to himself, she went to the ball with other pupils of the school. In the dress prepared for her, Vika felt a real princess, but did not have been able to demonstrate the royal manners, continuing to drink. Because of this, it found itself in the 4th place in the content of alcohol in the blood as a result of testing on the breathalyzer.

By the next day, the participant led himself to the norm, but her behavior was not left without mentoring. Therefore, Lazutin was among the worst students and received a black ribbon as a distinguished mark. But despite this, Victoria allowed to stay on the show. She became the pupil of Mary Tretyakova along with Asia Mitronina, Vera Duvanova, Alina Gorb, Cupper, Tina Frank, Veronica Zhukova and Natalia Strelnikova.

The second issue was psychologically difficult for the girl. On the first test of "Patzenok" brought to an abandoned building, where in turn ran into the room with a large screen and the urn, similar to the funeral. Pupils showed what fate would be waiting for them if they cannot change their destructive behavior. After a meeting was held with a psychologist, at the end of which the girls planted flowers, who became a symbol of a new life. Tele show member decided to devote this event to his mother.

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During another task, the teachers also did not cost without difficulties: he had a defile on heels, which was accompanied by comments of the focus group. Prior to this lazutin tried to go to heels just once, and the experience was unsuccessful. As a result, "Patzanka" insulted the words said in her address that she threw shoes in the auditorium. I failed to prove yourself and on other trials, but the departure from the show she again escaped.

Due to the large number of fights on the project, the mentor decided that their pupils need to fight aggression. Therefore, at the beginning of the new week, Lazutin was in prison, and then tried to get rid of the habit of using obscene vocabulary, washing from the fence frequently pronounced words. But Vika complicated the work of the student, continuing to swear even on the test, and created a conflict.

By the end of the release of the mentor, they came to the conclusion that it does not demonstrate a strong desire to change, so the lazutin again became the owner of a black ribbon. But from the departure from the show it was saved by the fact that the other girl was stronger.

Victoria Lazutin now

Now "Patzanka" supports communication with fans in "Instagram" and in Vkontakte, where publishes the photo and talks about the news.

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