Elinor Porter - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Pollyanna



On the tombstone of the writer, Elinor Porter is written "brought light in millions of lives." The books of the American author taught young and adult readers to overcome the vital difficulties not with the help of money, revolutionary struggle or fabulous fairies, but through optimism and humans.

Childhood and youth

The future writer was born at the end of 1869 in the town called Littleton North American State of New Hampshire in the family of the pharmacist Francis Flat German Hodger and his wife Luell Franch. Grandfather Girls, who was called at the birth of Elinor Emily, was the first jeweler and watchmaker in Littleton. Now the population of the town is about 6 thousand people.

Elinor Porter in youth

The parents of the writer gave life to the eldest brother Elinor Fredu. The girl inherited a weak health from his mother and did not attend school, but he was trained at home.

In childhood and adolescence, Miss Hodger was music. In his youth, the Pharmacist's daughter studied at the Boston Conservatory, sang in church church and satisfied self-modern concerts,

Personal life

At 23, Elinor married the entrepreneur John Limana Porter and took the surname of the spouse. The marriage turned out to be childless, but the widowed and became disabled with a disabled Mrs. Luell Khodek-Franch.

Elinor and John in the first 9 years of the marriage managed to live in Chattanoga, New York and Springfield. When spouses were assieved in Cambridge, Mrs. Porter refused to have music and tied a biography with writing craft.


Literary debuts, Elinor became stories published in newspapers and magazines. Some of them were mentioned about a girl playing in joy - during the sample of Feather the writer thought about the biblical truth about nonsense as the main Christian virtue, which was the basis of her famous work "Pollyanna".

The first published book of Porter became the novel "Counter currents." Elinor's fame received after the release of the work of Miss Billy, the Fabul of which is based on the decision of a gentleman who dreamed of his son, give the daughter a male name (Billy - the decreasing form of William).

Elinor Porter - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Pollyanna 4103_2

An orphaned teenage girl lawyer advises to seek help to a friend of the late father, in honor of which it was called. William Hens Show, an old bachelor living with two brothers, reading the letter Billy, agrees to accept the child of an old comrade, but thinks that the orphan is a young man.

The appearance of a girl in the house is embarrassed by the brothers, but gradually the daughter of the deceased eccentric finds a common language with men, becomes a helper and friend. The success of the product-Romoma prompted the author to release the continuation - "Miss Billy accepts the decision" and "Miss Billy comes out marriage."

The fates of orphans are described in the books of Porter "just David", containing detective turns of the plot, and Pollyanna, in which the effect of the work of Mark Twain "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" read Elinor in childhood.

Like the young resident of Missouri, Pollyanna is forced to live with a strict aunt half. The relative is childless and will set the Syrotot in the Spartan atmosphere - in the attic in the room without a mirror. But for all the soldiers and prohibitions of Aunt, the girl meets joy and gratitude. Pollyanna does not pretend: the late father taught the heroine in any event to see the light side and find a reason for optimism. Gradually, the aunt is tied to the niece and infects it in love.

When Pollyanna falls under the car, Aunt Polly, overcoming pride, appeals for help to Dr. to the Chilton, which was in love with his youth. The girl's recovery coincides with the acquisition of the older characters of happiness in his personal life.

3 years after the release of "Pollyanna" based on the book, a musical was put on the basis of the book, and after another 4 years - a film was shot. Elinor wrote a continuation of bestseller - "Return Pollyna" (another version of the translation of the name "Pollyanna grows"), in which the heroine, without changing the internally, from a nondoral girl turns into a beauty.

However, the second part of the work turned out to be significantly weaker than the first, its plot moves resemble soap operas. Siclela-sensation books created other authors - including Elizabeth Bonts and Harriet Lammis Smith.


Porter died on May 21, 1920. The death of the writer became a surprise for her husband - on the eve of Elinor wrote another work and made plans for the future.

The grave of the creator of the brightest girl's image in American literature is at the Mount-Obern Massachusetts Cemetery. On the same graveyard buried the author of the pyramid of the human needs of Abraham Masu died in 1970.


  • In honor of the writer in her hometown, Littleton celebrates every June day half and memory day Porter in December
  • In psychology known principle half
  • In Littleton, there is a monument to Pollyanne
  • In the comic of the "League of Outstanding Gentlemen" Alan Mura, a heroine of Polly Wolnieer appears, which retains optimism, despite the encroachment of the fictional Invisible Hero of Griffin


  • 1907 - "Counter currents"
  • 1908 - "Cool turn"
  • 1911 - "Marko History"
  • 1911 - "Miss Billy"
  • 1912 - "Miss Billy makes a decision"
  • 1913 - Pollyanna
  • 1913 - "Sailbridge girls on the ranch" Six Stars ""
  • 1914 - "Miss Billy comes out married"
  • 1915 - "Pollyanna grows"
  • 1916 - "Just David"
  • 1917 - "Path to understanding"
  • 1918 - "Oh, Money! Money!"
  • 1919 - "confused threads"
  • 1919 - "Dawn"
  • 1920 - "Mary Marie"

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