Vladimir Kuznetsov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Numerologist-Vitoumatics, Master Reiki 2021



VitaMatics Vladimir Kuznetsov was born in Novosibirsk in the Firefighter family. The fire dynasty of the Kuznetsov served for the noble case of firewesters about 130 years. Grandfather Vladimir Pavel Kuznetsov was the heads of the fire station of Novosibirsk, Peter Pavlovich Kuznetsov's father was the senior inspector of the Fire Protection Department of the Novosibirsk Region, Mom Kuznetsova Lyudmila Nikolaevna worked all the lives of the cateriary to the production of catering.

Vladimir went in the footsteps of Grandpa and Father. After graduating from the 8th grades of secondary school in Novosibirsk, he entered the SGPTU-55, he received a specialty Mason-installer of reinforced concrete structures of the 4th category. After the end of the SGPTU came to the Sverdlovsk fire and technical school, which graduated in 1981, receiving a specialty fire technician. In the same year, I was published in the PC-22 of the city of Novosibirsk. He worked as the head of Karaul, drove to fires, saved people.

VitaMatics Vladimir Kuznetsov

Vladimir Kuznetsov has 3 higher education: two in the specialty "Management" and a psychologist. Still at school began to play sports: playing hockey, football and volleyball. He was part of the juvenile volleyball team of the Novosibirsk region, becoming the champion of Siberia and the Far East.

Thanks to good physical data, Vladimir Kuznetsov was invited to the national team of the Novosibirsk Region for Fire and Applied Sports. Speaking for 9 years, became a multiple champion and a winner of the championships of Russia, Siberia and the Far East, as a result of which he was recognized as a master of sports of the USSR. After the end of the sports career resigned in the rank of captain.

Career Fire and Business

Further, Vladimir Kuznetsov decided to do business and created several companies in Novosibirsk. After achieving success in business, he wanted something more, and it was decided to move to Moscow. In the capital, the former fireman opened a business in the direction of advertising and promotion. The staff of the company consisted of more than 200 employees. For 5 years, Kuznetsov was the president of RAPS (Russian associations of suppliers and souvenir manufacturers), which included 74 Russian companies.

However, the sport was not forgotten, he did not go to the background. Kuznetsov founded the Federation of Fire and Applied Sports of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia, becoming its president. With the participation of Vladimir Kuznetsov, the Central Sports Club of the Tax Police of the Russian Federation was established, subsequently replaced the status and became the central sports club of the Tax authorities of the Russian Federation. Within 6 years, he served as the first vice-president of the club. According to Kuznetsov, it was a very interesting period in his life.

However, despite the successful business, Vladimir did not leave the feeling that he was not fully implemented. In 2008, the case was successfully sold, and in front of Kuznetsov had a difficult question about what to do next.

Personal life

Being in search of themselves, Vladimir Petrovich applied to psychologists. Once, when watching a television transmission on one of the central TV channels saw a speech of psychoanalyst and a star numerologist - Clara Cousundee, his future wife.

Vladimir Kuznetsov and his wife Clara Kuzdenbayev

Once upon a consultation, the life of Vladimir Kuznetsov turned upside down. He became interested in numerology and began to seriously study the influence of numbers on the fate of a person. Clara's wife became his most important teacher and mentor.


Having gained experience and skills, Vladimir Kuznetsov began to "calculate" famous athletes, artists, politicians and businessmen. Many of them advises so far and is in friendly relations.

Vladimir calls himself the first person in the world who fully systematized numerology in a modern sense. Having stopped at this, he studied Solfeggio and began to pick up the music on human numerology. His passion was supported by artists and composers.

Vladimir Kuznetsov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Numerologist-Vitoumatics, Master Reiki 2021 4097_3

However, the main merit in the life of Kuznetsov considers the creation of a new science - vitaathamatics. It includes: digitalology (numerology), cosmography, mandala and music for meditation. Vladimir Petrovich boldly states that he is the only person in the world who, with the help of a mandala flower and the figures attached to it can show how man's soul looks like.

Vladimir Kuznetsov now

Today, Vladimir Kuznetsov is a famous vitomathematics numerologist, a rack master. Created a school of vitaatematics, where he learns all those wishing to know this science. He also developed an analog in the world of the Kuznetsoff brand in the world called "Jan-Yin", the aromas of which are based on the date of birth of a person.

The numerologist actively leads social networks, where it shares forecasts for every day and counseling.

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