Josh Stewart - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Josh Stewart is an American actor who built a career in movies and on television. In the filmography of the artist, there are cash blockbusters and popular TV series, thanks to which he became known far beyond the birthplace.

Childhood and youth

Josh Regnall Stewart was born on February 6, 1977 in West Virginia, in the town called Diana. He was brought up in the family of physical education teacher and the teacher of secondary classes. It is curious that at the end of the teaching activity, Josh's father became pastor of the first Baptist Church in Webster Springs.

After graduating from school, Stewart entered the college Weslain West Virginia and studied there a year, after which he was transferred to the University of West Virginia. Josh became a graduate of the Faculty of Marketing.

The passion for dramatic art led Josh Stewart to the Theater of Performative Arts "Landmark", located in Sutton. Realizing that he wants to tie a biography with a creative direction, the young man moved to New York. He became a student of Terry Schreiber Theater Studio, and soon he was part of the troupe of the repertoire theater on the Thirteenth Street.

Personal life

Josh's first wife was Actress Deanna Bridhidi. The personal life of the pair did not work out, and in 2014 the husband and wife issued a divorce. A reminder of their union remained two children. Daughter Ryan Justin was born in 2008, and the son of River Jacob - two years later. Now Stewart often spends time with them, taking part in the upbringing and maintaining a warm relationship.

In 2019, the actor married a colleague on the workshop Alexe Davalos. They were brought together cooperation on the set of the series "Puncher". After the completion of the project, the artists decided not to part.

Hobby Josh Stewart - Fishing. In his profile in "Instagram", the performer periodically lays out photos, demonstrating new achievements. As a rule, Josh manages to catch some little fish, and a big catch while bypass by side. Probably, the artist gives the pleasure of the process itself, and not the result.

Stuart growth is 178 cm, and the weight is 72 kg.


Many artists in youth can easily change cities in pursuit of a fateful role, important casting and promising projects. Josh did not exceed and moved to Los Angeles, where he was lucky to become a participant in the "Light Bulb and Lighthouse". Its partners in the scene were Brooke Shields and Robert Forster.

The debut of the artist on television took place in the TV series "Bay of Dawson". In 2003, he was invited to participate in the creation of Western "then Jones", and a year later, the actor was involved in the filming of the episode "C.S.I: the crime scene." In parallel, the artist began to invite to cooperation as a model for advertising campaigns. So Stewart starred in the roller for the LEVI's jeans brand.

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From 2004 to 2005, the actor participated in the directorial debut of Jason Wiles "The Third Shift". Telenovella became a new stage in his career and a kind of creative breakthrough.

2007 brought employment immediately in 2 interesting projects: the series "Yellow Press" and "Think as a criminal." The main operating persons of the first were journalists. On the shooting area, Josh Stewart collaborated with Courtney Cox Arquette. True, work on the "yellow press" lasted for a long time, soon the series was closed. During the filming of the second project, the actor was able to partner with another famous artist, Hey Jay Cook.

In 2008, Stewart's debut took place in cinema. He was invited to participate in the full-length tape of David Fincher "Mysterious History of Benjamin Batton". In the same period, the Contractor got a secondary role in the "Ghosts Molly Hartley" project, where Josh portrayed the master heroine teacher.

2009 was marked by work in the "mentistist" and employment in the horror movie "Collector". Josh Stewart finally offered a major role that brought a new wave of popularity. The artist starred in the tape "in the dark", to the creation of which the director inspired Roman Stephen King "Lights". After he was lucky to receive a major role in the painting "Dark Knight: the return of the legend." In the frame Josh embodied Barsed.

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From 2010 to 2011, Stewart was a member of the creative group of the television series "Unusual Family". A year later, the project "The Walking Dead: Ice Storage" with the participation of the American, and the audience presented the series "Grimm", in which Josh played a secondary character. At the same time, the continuation of the "horror" with the participation of the Artist "Collector-2" came to the screens. In the frame, he again embodied the image of Arkina O'Brien.

In 2017, the actor joined Cast of the series "Arrows" with the actor's participation, and in 2019 received an invitation to work on the TV-player TV project.

Josh Stewart now

In 2020, the actor continues creative activities in the frame and beyond. The artist was involved in the creation of the 3rd part of the horror movie "Collector". The image embodied in this project remains the most visible in the artist's biography.


  • 2004-2005 - "Third shift"
  • 2007 - "Substava"
  • 2007-2008 - "Yellow Press"
  • 2008 - "Mysterious History of Benjamin Batton"
  • 2008 - "Ghosts Molly Hartley"
  • 2009 - "Collector"
  • 2012 - "Dark Knight: Revival Legends"
  • 2012 - "Collector 2"
  • 2013 - "drunk"
  • 2014 - "Superiority"
  • 2016 - "And the storm struck"
  • 2016 - "House opposite"
  • 2016 - "Cold Moon"
  • 2017-2018 - "arrows"
  • 2019 - "Puncher"
  • 2019 - "Mustang"
  • 2020 - "Collector 3"

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