Lech Valens - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, President of Poland 2021



Lech Valensa is a well-known politician, an activist and human rights activist, until the mid-1990s held the presidency of Poland. He led the association of independent trade unions "Solidarity", which gathered under the wing of the members of the Social Democratic Party of the country and the victims of the elections to parliament in the late 1980s.

Childhood and youth

Biography Lech Valenses began in the fall of 1943 in the village, which was located on the territory of the Polish Cooch-Pomeranian Voivodeship.

Due to the fact that parents were representatives of the working professions, the childhood of the boy was not easy. Future politician badly knew the biological father - a carpenter of Boleslav, captured by the Germans and sent to the Labor Camp for opponents of the Hitler's regime. To communicate with the past through all the circles of hell, a man's child managed during a couple months in the spring of 1945. In the summer of the exhausted and seriously ill head of the family attributed to rustic polishers.

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At the young age, Lech had to independently earn money for bread and clothing, as well as help the widowed mother, feed the sister and six brothers. Early matured guy worked diligently, in parallel visiting classes in the local secondary school.

Having received a certificate, Valens decided to continue their education and acquire a profession, appreciated in society. Since studying at state universities demanded impressive expenses, he entered a specialized school to become an employee of the agricultural industry.

In 1961, the graduate was taken to the private workshop to the place of an auto mechanic, where he applied the knowledge gained up to military service.

In the army, the native of the Polish village showed the quality necessary for the soldier. Commanders praised him for resistance, the ability to endure difficulties and perseverance. Having passed a biennial training course developed by competent officers, Lech in the rank of Capral returned to work with haymelines and other complex aggregates.

In the late 1960s, Valens, who dreamed of the development of professional skills, moved to the city of Gdansk and received the post of electrician at a large shipbuilding enterprise.

At the shipyard, named after the Proletarian Soviet leader V. I. Lenin, the organizational skills of Valenses acquired in early youth were manifested. Once in the team of activists, he became a member of the trade union committee, which fought for the public interests of ordinary employees and representatives of the lower layers of management.

Personal life

Valens, who was not strongly worried about the device of his own personal life in his youth, unexpectedly fell in love with Miroslav Danut votes. The girl worked in a flower shop next to the shipperness Gdansk, and a young man going to work, saw her every weekday.

On November 8, 1969, the charming saleswoman became the legitimate wife of the future policy.

In marriage, the intimate side of which remained a secret for strangers, eight children were born: boys Bogdan, Slavomir, Przemyslav, Yaroslav and girls Magdalena, Anna, Maria Victoria and Brigid.

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Having matured, the descendants and Valenses received a brilliant education. The second daughter took over the care of the heading office, and the youngest son became a member of the European Parliament. The spouse, who left the post of the first lady, wrote memoirs "Dreams and Secrets", who enjoyed great success from readers all over the world.

In the winter of 2017, the family of ex-president of Poland suffered a terrible tragedy. Przemyslava Valença, who was repeatedly detained by the authorities for drunk driving, found a dead in his own apartment in the center of Gdansk.

This event affected the health of Lech, who had a heart surgery. Fortunately, the surgeons of the American hospital, which established the pacemaker, were professionals, and the body of a 74-year-old man coped with a shock and eventually came to normal.

Career and politics

The political career of Valenses began with the strike of the Gdansk workers, which caused a series of arrests and dismissals. The leader of the trade union of the shipbuilding enterprise at the head of activists opposed the increase in prices for vital goods.

In 1976, being an employee of the Gdan plant "Electromontazh", Leh decided to engage in the creation of an independent, but legalized party "Solidarity". After a number of conflicts with the government, he achieved the signing of the Gdan Agreement, who considered the victory of trade unions over conservatism and bureaucracy.

The activities of activists who have received rights and freedoms did not like the General of the Army Wojcuchi Yarazelsky and other officials and security officials. After the introduction of military situation in Poland, due to the frequent strikes, Valença was arrested and sent to the so-called internet center.

Coming out of the conclusion, the politician learned that he became a laureate of the Nobel Prize of the World. At the solemn ceremony, held in the capital of Norway Oslo, the reward was received by Miroslav vote.

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The popularity of the leader workers forced government officials to cooperate with the functions of Solidarity. The leader and members of the party recognized in the country were invited to meetings of the Round Table.

In the elections to the Polish Senate and the Sejm, followers of Valenses received colossal support of the people. An analogue of the velvet revolution allowed a native to run a nobody to the famous village for the presidency.


At the end of 1990, at a meeting of the National Assembly, Valens, who had passed the procedure for free democratic elections, presented the people as a new chapter of the European state. He became an equally large political figure than the first secretary of the USSR Communist Party Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev.

The leader of the Association "Solidarity" from the first days of the Board collided with the problems of the country's transition to the market economy in conditions of political instability. In such a situation, promises and follow the planned plan turned out to be extremely difficult.

In the process of privatization, launched to exit the situation, thousands of enterprises stopped in Poland. Simple people who were beyond the feature of poverty lost confidence in the president and his team.

After the presidency

After the defeat at the next elections, Valens returned to Gdansk and for a while disappeared from political arena.

In the mid-2000s, the ex-president decided to get out of the shadows. He created a new batch that received places in the National Parliament, and gave a number of sensational interviews to employees of world publications.

In particular, the politician put forward his own version of the reasons for the aircraft crash at Smolensk airport, which took the lives of Lech Kaczynski and members of the government delegation, calling the happening tragedy of a carefully planned terrorist attack.

Lech Valens now

Now Lech Valens acts as an analyst. He argues about political processes occurring at different ends of the globe. He is most interested in the situation in Western Europe and countries that were part of the CIS.

Lech Valens and Vladimir Putin

When the relationship between Russia and Poland was punished, a man who communicated with the leaders of many states declared the need for an open dialogue with Vladimir Putin. The spread of coronavirus infection prevented a personal meeting at the Victory Parade in Moscow in the summer of 2020.

In a number of autumn publications illustrated by photographs, the former leader of the Solidarity party appreciated the challengers challengers to the Nobel Prize of the World. He said it makes it difficult to do forecasts in the face of a tense geopolitical situation, where people who are in power are not yet ready to sit at the negotiating table.


  • 1983 - Nobel Peace Prize
  • 1989 - Order of Francisco Miranda Grade 1
  • 1991 - Big Cross of the Order Bani (United Kingdom)
  • 1991 - Big Cross of the Order of the Honorary Legion (France)
  • 1991 - Big Cross of Orden for services to the Italian Republic
  • 1993 - Big Cross of the Order of the White Rose (Finland)
  • 1994 - Big Cross Order Merit (Hungary)
  • 1994 - Big Chain of the Order of Infanta Don Enrique (Portugal)
  • 1995 - Big Cross of the Order of St. Olaf (Norway)
  • 1999 - The Order of the White Lion (Czech Republic)
  • 2005 - Order of Prince Yaroslav Wise II Art. (Ukraine)
  • 2006 - Big Cross of the Order of the Cross of Earth Maria (Estonia)
  • 2011 - Big Cross of the Order of Vitautas Great (Lithuania)

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