Andrei Zorin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Historian 2021



Andrei Zorin - Soviet and Russian literary critic, historian. He holds the degree of doctor of philological sciences, the title of Professor Oxford University, Ranjigs and the Moscow Higher School (MVSHSEN, Shaninka). The sphere of interests of the specialist is the literature and culture of Russia of the XVIII-XIX centuries, the Russian state ideology, the history of emotions.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Leonidovich Zorin was born on March 15, 1956 in Moscow, in the family of writer and playwright Leonid Zorin and his wife Henrietta Grigorievna, Theatershedras.

Since the father talked tightly with the world of the theater, in childhood and youth Andrei spent a lot of time behind the scenes and in the dressings, surrounded by the famous people. The cultural environment early affected the boy: at 4 years he was easily reading books, and from 9 years old, together with his mother, he participated in the work of his father as the first listener and critic.

The young man suggested that he would become a writer, because the experience of writing poems and stories has appeared in his school years. Later, he realized that it was more interested in the process of building a literary work, not his writing.

As a result, the Higher Education, a young man received in Moscow State University at the Faculty of Philology, choosing a culture of English-speaking countries. In graduate school, he replaced the science of scientific interests and switched to Russian literature.

With the parents of Andrei Leonidovich, a close relationship was lined up, the famous father called him another and support. The mother of the scientist died in 1983, Leonid Zorin left in March 2020.

Personal life

The scientist rarely applies to personal life and will not post the photo of the relatives. It is known that he has a wife Irina Yuryevna and the son of Grigory, who gave the father of four grandchildren. The daughter of Gregory is named after Henrietta's great-grandmother.

Science and creativity

From the student of Zorin was interested in the connection of history and literature. He listened to the lectures of Yuri Lotman at the University of Tartu, discussed emerging ideas with Nathan Eidelman. In the 1990s, he became interested in research by American Robert Darrton and the Anthropologist Clifford Gyrtz.

Protecting in the 1983-M dissertation "Literary Direction as an interethnic community (English and Russian sentimentalism)", Andrei Leonidovich became a candidate of philological sciences. Continuing teaching activities, he was engaged in scientific work and after 10 years he received the title of associate professor, while being a scholarshot of the Russian Research Center of Harvard University.

In the 90s and in the early 2000th, the scientist became a member of the Academy of Russian Modern Literature, entered the jury of the award named E. Etkinda. At this time, literary crude taught a lot at the invitation in foreign universities. His lectures listened to students of Michigan and New York Universities, Stanford, Harvard and Oxford.

In Russia, Zorin occupies the position of academic director of programs of the Faculty of State Department of Ravgigs. He is a member of the Academy Council (2011), is engaged in the development of the MBSHSEN historical program. The philologist is also included in the editorial board of Russian and foreign journals ("New Literary Review", Slavic Review, Cahiers De Monde Russe).

The areas of scientific research of Zorina include international relations between Russian literature, poetry, as well as the work of writers of the XIX century (G. R. Dervin, K. N. Batyushkova, N. M. Karamzin).

In the bibliography of Andrei Leonidovich the following books: "Verb of Times" (1987), "The feed of a double-headed eagle ..." (2001), "Where the Pheasant sits ...: Essays of the last years" (2003), "The appearance of the hero: from the history of Russian Emotional culture of the late XVIII - early XIX centuries. " (2016).

Andrei Zorin now

In 2020, a presentation of the new work of literary critic "Lion's life Tolstoy: Experience reading". These are reflections on the biography of the Russian classic, the correlation of his life and creativity, considering the influence of works on the fate of the writer. The work is initially focused on the English-language audience, and after translated into Russian.


  • 1987 - "Verb Times"
  • 1987 - "His feat, following: On the fate of works by G. R. Dervina, K. N. Batyushkova, V. A. Zhukovsky"
  • 1996 - "New balancing. Collection of articles to the 60th anniversary of V.E. Watsuro "
  • 2001 - "The feed of a double-headed eagle ...: literature and state ideology in Russia in the last third of the XVIII - the first third of the XIX century"
  • 2003 - "Where the Pheasant sits ...: Essays of recent years"
  • 2016 - "The appearance of the hero: from the history of the Russian emotional culture of the late XVIII - early XIX centuries"
  • 2020 - "Lion's life Tolstoy. Experience reading

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