Alexander Merkulov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Husband Tatiana Ovsienko 2021



About criminal authority Alexander Merkulov Russians and residents of neighboring Russian-speaking countries found out when he became a civilian husband of the pop singer Tatiana Ovsienko. Sensation lovers began to dig in the dark past of a representative man and found out that he was accused of organizing the murder of the entrepreneur Sergey Vasilyeva and served his sentence in the Silos Silence prison.

Childhood and youth

About childhood and youth, Alexander Merkulova, a little known to unauthorized people. According to official information, his biography began in Ryazan in August 1966.

About the parents, brothers and sisters did not tell anyone. Judging by the way the future has developed, the boy has grown and brought up in a working family with a humble prosperity.

Sasha, as the majority of children who lived in the old Russian city, went to secondary high school, played with friends on weekends and dreamed of a brilliant career that brings a stable income. However, the low level of intelligence and unwillingness to learn did not allow the guy to continue their education and enroll in the university.

In the youth, the ambitious young man worked as an ordinary taxi driver. Communicating with passengers, he acquired advantageous dating in criminal and business circles and eventually joined the Osokinsky criminal group that had a dark case on the territory of Ryazan.

Being an ordinary fighter-rakethyr, Merkulov acquired the skills necessary for survival in a criminal environment, and felt the taste of light money.

Personal life

In adulthood, Alexander performed a youthful dream and became a wealthy person. Under the guise of an honest citizen, he settled on the Crimean coast, who was in the 1990s under the rule of the President of Ukraine, and, forgetting about legitimate wife and children, began to "hunt" on the representatives of the beautiful sex that did not have anything against resort novels.

Once Merkulov came to the concert of the singer Tatiana Ovsienko, who radically changed his personal life. The star of the Russian pop, which broke down with the official spouse, producer Vladimir Dubovitsky, drew attention to the fan with sports physique and an extraordinary appearance. The celebrity decided that this man was able to brighten her loneliness.

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After dinner in the restaurant and a number of romantic dates, the former soloist of the Mirage group lost her head from love for a pseudo-businessman who did not regret money on expensive drinks and beautiful baubles. Relationships, at first glance, seemed to be a light flirt, turned into a strong long-term connection.

In the instagram account of Ovsienko, photographs appeared, where she glows from happiness in the embrace of the beloved. Tatiana did not suspect that the chosen was a criminal. Everything turned out when the authorities were found by Alexander and sent him to prison on charges of organizing an attempted murder.

The singer did not want to put up with a loss, she hired lawyers to help a civil husband. When Merkulova was released, the pair settled in a 4-room metropolitan apartment acquired by the singer to earn money from concerts and tour.

Criminal activity

In the 90s, the osokinsk gang leaders were arrested, and the grouping ceased to exist. Merkulov in search of a better life moved to the northern capital of Russia and tried to trade with black and non-ferrous metals.

Failure to fail in the industry, where real businessmen were dominated, the native of Ryazan joined the Tambov HGG. Being an illegal position, the provincial used the passport of a citizen with the name of Chudinin. This led to the emergence of a sonorous nickname Sasha wonderful.

At the beginning of the 2000s, the gang under the leadership of the criminal authority of Vladimir Barsukov became the "ward" the gasoline market. It was possible to expand the sphere of influence after organizing the attempt to kill the co-owner of the St. Petersburg Oil Terminal Sergey Vasilyevich Vasilyeva.

The entrepreneur and bandits quarreled due to the non-payment of services rendered by the criminal group. The leader of the Tambov OGG, who remained without a fee, decided to take revenge on the liar and the traitor and organized an armed attack on the chic car of the Russian fuel magnate.

Vasilyev miraculously survived in a shootout, which took the life of the bodyguard, nevertheless, this incident was interested in representatives of the investigative bodies of the Leningrad region. They managed to establish that Basukov, Merkulov and other members of the criminal group were attracted.

Unlike the leader arrested in St. Petersburg, a former resident of the province felt an approaching danger and under the name Anatoly Mazurenko fled to the territory of Ukraine.

Setting up in Yalta, the offender learned that Interpol officers were wanted. The habit of living on a wide leg led to the fact that over time the criminal was caught and planted under the arrest in the detention facility of Simferopol.

Despite the attempts to hide behind the refugee status, Sasha was wonderful to the Russian authorities. At the end of 2011, Civil husband Tatiana Ovsienko was placed in the Camera of the Prison Sailor Silence.

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The investigation into the case of the Tambov gang lasted without a small 3 year. All this time, Merkulov defended his professional lawyers hired by a pop singer. The jury assessers made a criminal with an acquittal sentence, and he briefly entered freedom.

Alexander returned to Sizo after he was found by the organizer of the attempt on Sergey Vasilyeva. This time I could not avoid punishment. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation sentenced the native of Ryazan to 4 years of the colony, by this moment the criminal actually served most of the term.

Alexander Merkulov now

Now Merkulov is a civil husband of Ovsienko. A man and a woman who are not in official marriage live in apartments on Leninsky Prospekt.

In 2020, when the singer was lost on objective reasons, Alexander felt that a comfortable life would soon come to the end. According to the neighbors in an apartment building, he forced Tatiana to sell a premium car to cover the cost of food and utility bills.

This information has somehow become the property of journalists, and they decided to find out how the days of the ex-soloist of the Mirage group and the former Racketyr and the criminal are held.

People in contact with a couple have told that Merkulov turned into a homely tyrant. They said that he smells, beats and kept locked with a nominal spouse. Tatiana leaves the apartment only when she is invited to speak at a party or corporate party. With the adoptive son and close friends, the star presumably located on the verge of alcoholism, see contraindicated or prohibited.

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