Anna Casatkin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress, Leonid Barats 2021



Anna Kasatkina - the Russian actress of the theater and cinema, cooperates with the Quartet and. The former wife of Leonid Baraz.

Childhood and youth

Anna Borisovna Kasatkin was born on July 12, 1968 in Vladimir, the USSR. On the horoscope it is cancer. In his youth studied at the art school named after V. V. Fedorov in Volgograd. He graduated in 1987.

In 1993, Vladimir Korovin was held at the Past Faculty of Gitis in Moscow. Its classmates were future participants of the Quartet and "Leonid Baraz, Rostislav Khait, Alexander Demidov and Camille Larin.

Personal life

Since 1991, the actress has been Leonid Baraz. Young people met the entrance exams in 1988. Two daughters were born in this marriage: Elizabeth in 1994 and Eve in 2003. Lisa 2 years studied at Gitis from Boris Mikhailovich Borisov, after which she moved to London and entered the Actor Faculty of Regent's University. The girl is married to the Israelis.

Eva at the age of 16, too, went to England. Her school is a 40-minute drive from London. Training will take 2 years, the course consists of 6 items, including drama.

In 2015, Kasatkin and Barats divorced, without reaching one year to a silver wedding. The reason was the cooling in the relationship, from the spouses they turned into friends. In fact, Anna and Leonid did not live together from 2011. In April 2012, the actress flew to rest on Cuba without her husband.

Baraz a year later entered into a new marriage with the psychologist Anna Moiseeva. This union was not easy, the actor lived in Moscow, and the girl remained in Kiev. In 2019, rumors appeared about the treason of Leonid with Tatiana Rudnitskaya, the beloved comedy director Roman Karimov. On October 12, 2020, the second wife gave him the son of Mark. It seems that the spouses still set up relations.

About the personal life of Anna Raskina is now nothing known. Judging by her joking photo in "Instagram", after the divorce, the woman does not lose and continues to live on.

Theater and films

The acting biography of Casatkin began in the theater "Lenk", where he served from 1991 to 1996. The celebrity played Mark Zakharov in the play "Mad Day, or Figaro's Marriage." Also received the role of princess in the "Bremen Musicians" Peter Stein.

Kasatkin worked fruitfully in the performances of the Quartet and theater: "Radio Day", "Election Day", "these are only stamps," "La Comedy I, or we will entertain you with all means that are good."

Actress began to replenish the filmography in 1993 with episode in the tape "Your fingers smell incense." The picture was shot by Roman Magyanov, Love Polishchuk, Evgeny Zharikov, and music wrote Alfred Schnitke. Despite such a star composition, it was a cheap horror movie about Soviet vampires, weathered in comedy style. In addition to Anna, Alexander Demidov and Camille Larin lit up there.

In 2002, the artist embodied the image of the ballerina in the film "Life continues" - about how the sake of the dancer career sacrifice health and happiness, build intrigues and betray the girlfriends.

Also Kasatkin played the role of the secretary of Mikhail Nathanovich in the comedy "Radio Day". The audience was especially remembered by the wife of the "travel" in the picture "What men are talking about" (2008). This is the most woman in a bathrobe and with curlers that scolded her husband that he did not change her with Zhanna Friske. In the continuation of the film "What else to say men" Anna played Wife Pasha (Leonid Baraz). These minor roles actress managed to embody bright and original.

In 2009, Kasatkin appeared in the detective TV series "Volkova Hour", where Gennady Hungry and Denis Burgazliyev played the main roles of "honest cops".

The next work of the actress was the Motheric film "Freud" method (2012) on the exploits of the investigative department of the prosecutor's office.

In 2016, Anna Borisovna played in the series "Margarita Nazarova" about the famous circus trainer, shot in the film "Striped flight". Her image embodied Olga Pogodin on the screen, and the husband of the Soviet star played Andrei Chernyshov.

After that, the Kasatkin appeared in the series "Paradise", which tells about the girl faith, which is looking for a missing girlfriend by Lesya. For this, it is arranged by a housekeeper into an elite cottage village.

Anna Kasatkina now

The actress is occupied in the play "Quartet and" "in Bornka there is no something." Maxim Vitorgan here playing a man who is trying to change his fate. All my life, he considered himself a talented and suddenly realized that he was a middle, ordinary person. But it is true that herself helps himself.

On July 21, 2020, the daughter of Anna Kashatkina Eva placed her song to "Forget" on the digital sites. In London, a clip was removed, the SoundProducer for recording found Alexander Uman, better known as Shura from "Bi-2".


  • 1993 - "Your fingers smell incense"
  • 2002 - "Life continues"
  • 2008 - "Radio Day"
  • 2009-2010 - "Volkova Hour"
  • 2010 - "What are men talking about"
  • 2011 - "What men still say"
  • 2012 - "Freud Method"
  • 2016 - "Paradise"
  • 2016 - "Margarita Nazarova"
  • 2017 - "How to return the husband for 30 days"

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