The program "You are super!" - history of creation, rules, issues, participants, leading, jury, 60+ 2021



Russian show "You're super!" It is not only entertaining, but also social character, because it helps children devoid of parental heat, believe in itself and change life for the better. It is not surprising that after the start it received the approval of the public and has repeatedly extended.

History of creation

The creator of the project is the general producer of NTV Timur Weinstein. In an interview with Sputnik, he said that the idea arose during the pre-New Year action "Traveling Santa Claus", in which volunteers and channel representatives attend social institutions and low-income families to give a holiday to children. Her organizers noticed that there are many unscrewed talents in Russia, and decided to give them a chance to declare themselves to the whole country.

Vocal show "You are super!" It started in 2017, under the terms of the competition, children remaining without care of their parents became parties. According to Weinstein, he understood that the presence of restrictions is associated with risk, because casting possibilities are narrowed. But when about 1.5 thousand applications came to the editor, he realized that the project was.

Essence and rules

According to the organizers, the goal of creating "you is super!" First of all, the help of young talents to declare themselves, as well as the improvement of their lives. Therefore, children are involved in the competition not only from Russia, but also from the countries of the former USSR, from 7 to 18 years. Some of the performers do not even speak Russian, but it does not prevent them from being stars on stage and disrupt the ovations.

Participation in the program takes several rounds. At the initial one, each contestant performs a pre-prepared song, after which the members of the jury decide on his passage in the next stage. In order to go further, you need to dial 3 of 4 votes.

The 2nd tour passes almost the same as the previous one. But the participants who received the approval of judges go to the waiting room. At the end of the issue, they are invited to the stage, and each mentor chooses the ward that will perform in the semifinals. In the same way, a set of finalists is carried out, but with the young vocalist you need to get no longer 3, and 4 votes from the jury members to get into the waiting room.

In the 1st and 2nd seasons, the winner of the show was determined by a visual vote, but already in the 3rd best artist chose the judges. Participants who have come down to the final receive not only material prizes, but also the opportunity to participate in the selection for children's Eurovision or in the "New Wave".

In the course of the show, the organizers support young vocalists - invite them to the idols, and sometimes biological parents who for any reason could not be engaged in the upbringing of young stars. But even after the completion of the filming, the contestants do not remain without help. So, some of them got a job from a partner of the program - Radio Sputnik, others - opportunities for the further development of a career and classes in love.

The living conditions of the former participants are improving. In the 2nd season, the winner received a three-room apartment from Igor Cool, and in the 3rd own living space all the finalists got. Several little stars thanks to the shooting in the project have gained new families or reunited with relatives.

Leading and jury

Leading "You are super!" did not change throughout the existence of the program. They became Vadim Tammev, who won the love of viewers at the expense of kindness and ability to support the participants, and Anastasia Pak. The girl not only leads the program, but also prepares the plots of contestants.

In the 1st season, the jury members were singer Christmas tree, Stas Pieha, Victor Drobysh and Margarita Sulankina. According to experts, they represented the balance of experience and age, could help participants in delural advice and point out for flaws.

In the next, 2018, only Victor Drobysh remained from the initial judicial composition. Igor Krutoy was joined to him, which is an influential person in the world show business, as well as popular artists Sergey Lazarev and Julianna Karaulova.

In the 3rd seasons of the chair of the mentors, Diana Arbenina was taken by Diana, Alexey Vorobyov and the returned Christmas tree. I decided to stay in the show and cool, and later a member of the jury again became Drobysh, who replaced the sparrows dropped because of the dense graphics. Alexey wanted to take revenge for the next year, when he joined his colleagues from the previous season.

In addition, in different years, the guests have become stars as Vladimir Presnyakov and Yevgeny Margulis.

Participants and winners

For the 1 season, 92 television participants were selected from all applicants. During the shooting period, they lived in a comfortable sanatorium, where they were under the supervision of teachers, psychologists, teachers in choreography and vocals.

The following year, 82 children were allowed into television issues, which were able to get into a new Wednesday for a while. And in the 3rd season, the show met both new participants and vocalists who have already fought for victory in previous years. Only 57 people.

During the existence "You're super!" Revealed the audience a lot of bright talents. Among them, the public was remembered by the voices of Svetlana Chernysheva, Satden Gevorgyan, Alexandra Pankratova and, of course, the winners.

In the start of 2017, the main prize won Valery Adleiba. The girl impressed the audience not only a vocal gift, but also a tragic story. When she was a child, her house burned down in a fire, where the grandfather of the singer was killed. After that, parents took a hard decision to give them to a brother in the boarding school. But after participating in the project, the performer devoted himself to a musical career, released several songs. Later she pleased the public with returning in the 3rd Superson, but refused to participate in order to give reveal to new talents.

No less sad Biography of the winner of 2 seasons Diana Ankudinova. With childhood, he was abused by a biological mother who beat and humiliated it. The girl's life has changed when she fell into an orphanage, and then in a foster family, but the memories of a serious childhood remained with her forever. After winning the singer also took care of a career, and in 2019 it appeared in Superseason.

But it was not possible to become a triumpher of the program of Diana, since the jury awarded the victory by Denbell Orazhaku and Anastasia Simoganova. The boy later went to the children's "Eurovision" with Tatiana Meznes.

In September 2020, the showing of the 4th season of the show started. In just a few issues, he presented the public unforgettable performances of young vocalists, among which Anna Ferepovov, Alexander Gurkin, and Danil Novikov, instantly enjoyed the love of fans.

"You are super!" now

Now the project remains popular and discussed on the network. News about him Spectators will learn on the website of NTV and in the official group in Vkontakte, where video and photos are published.

In March 2021, the project creators launched a separate competition in the framework of the show for the elderly entitled "You're super! 60+. " The project participants were those who remained without any support, wanted to realize their dream and demonstrate vocal data.

Upon completion of the casting, it became known that the oldest of the contestants of 87 years. Some of the contenders for victory were professional artists - for example, one of them sang in the Mariinsky Theater. However, the prevailing number of participants only dreamed of the scene.

The leading shows also became Anastasia Pak and Vadim Tammev.

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