Alexander Morozov - biography, personal life, news, photo, humorist, lost weight, age, "curve mirror" 2021



It seems that in 2020, the humorist Alexander Morozov enjoyed particularly increased attention from the TV channels and the press. First, the comedian more than noticeably lost, throwing about 40 kg per year. Secondly, he found health problems. Suddenly, an ulcer, led to abundant bleeding, and the doctors pulled out an artist from the world. Third, he experienced difficulties with the mortgage apartment and manifolds, which began due to the loss of earnings during a coronavirus infection pandemic.

Childhood and youth

In mid-July 1973, the 16th of the residents of Kuibyshev, Alexei Alekseevich and Lyudmila Konstantinovna Morozov, Sasha's son was born. A little earlier, the spouses took congratulations on the birth of the firstborn of Andrei. The brothers grew together - the eldest who used certain authority in the yard, taught the younger laws of the street and repeatedly pulled out of the front.

Due to the permanent employment of adult grandson raised her grandmother - a man of great piousness. The woman often took the child with him to the temple, and soon the future celebrity was imbued with Orthodoxy.

Alexander Alekseevich and now on the weekend tries to go to church, unhappiness perceives as a test and the testing of over and recognizes that in the room where icons are missing, it feels uncomfortable. He even wondered to go into the monastery, but he forbade a spiritual mentor.

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The mother worked as a cooking technologist, actively participated in amateur and listed the soloist of the choir. Father worked at the factory master shop. But even the preassee of the latter to alcohol did not prevent you from living in peace and harmony. In a repeated conversation with Timur Kizyakov, within the framework of the program "When all at home" in February 2020, a humorist unveiled unknown facts of biographies.

In particular, it was said that the head of the family was grew up in the wildlife (the father was killed at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the mother died almost immediately after that) and departed a love for the Volga and fishing.

Since childhood, the boy demonstrated amazing artistic abilities, blissing on all sorts of events and diligently visiting theatrical circles. Even before entering the secondary educational institution No. 128, the preschooler read well, and already on the 5-6th year of learning there was a debut poem in the rust of love. At the same time, about approximate behavior had only to dream.

However, after grade 8 of the hooligan, whose certificate was a variety of top three with the only five on singing, kicked out. As a man later, he later, he remained not impaired by teachers who guided the student in the face when he stated that he wanted to become an artist.

After the deductions, the young man was in vocational school number 13, where things were much better. The guy got a bunch of literacy and letters, graduating from the school with a specialty "electric welder" and a red diploma. In 1991, on his birthday, the young man entered the reeck of the Samara State Institute of Culture and Arts, becoming the first student accepted for the course.

Humor and creativity

At the end of the university, the graduate, together with one-laugure, founded the Eccentric team "Comics", in the mid-90s considered megapopular in his hometown.

After the successful assault on the festivals and the conquered Grand Prix of the International Competition, Arkady Rykin, guys moved to Moscow. They did not come out the capital then. Artists who have fallen into the Night Club "Carousel" on Tverskaya, where jokes needed below the belt, did not fit the local public.

But the failure did not break the persistent Alexander, and after a couple of years he won on the Russian-American show of the talent of Chuck Norris "Stars of the XXI century". The triumph was relied on a contract with the acting agency of the Hollywood actor, but instead the project suddenly lost funding.

In 1999, as part of the Duet "Right Brothers" with Viktor Razumovsky Sasha became the winner of the "Humor Cup" and received an invitation to cooperate from Yana Arlasorov himself, creating a program "Menthai" with him. In 2001, his called to himself and Yevgeny Petrosyan, but the work with him had to postpone until better times.

Alexander Morozov before and after weight loss

In a saturated creative biography, there was a place and teaching at the Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting, and the Theater of the Teresa Durov, and the Culinary Show "Star Refrigerator". As well as entrepreneurship and even cinema.

But the viewers remember Morozov primarily on monologues and scenes ("Bee Zhu-Zhu", "Nuts", "Song about pencils", "Family conversation" with Alexey Egorov) in the "Mortacean", "Mirror Curve", "Petrosyan Show "And" it's funny. "

The artist regularly travels on tour with colleagues in the "Curve of the Mirror", "Petrosyan Show" and "Mind Brothers", which includes Victor Razumovsky, Mikhail Belov, Daria Rudneva and Oksana Isshin. A detailed schedule of his concerts can be found on the official website, and the photo and video from the speeches - in the personal account in "Instagram".

In addition, he pleases fans by the appearance in the performances "Dried" and "seven times" the Moscow Jewish Theater "Shalom" and other, dreaming again to play movies.

Personal life

From the early years, Sasha more than once fell under the knife of doctors - it was cut out of the glands, then appendicitis, which led to a violation of metabolism and increase weight. But neither colorful appearance nor low growth (164 cm) did not interfere with numerous novels. In the personal life of the artist there was at least 6 main characters, but officially married the comedian only once.

Nonna is a married theater star, behind which Paul-Samara ran, the guy beat off the best friend to the dispute. Lovers went to the registry office (groom's outfit, by the way, complemented the clown nose) being still students, and such young spontaneous marriages have a property quickly disintegrate. After 6 years, it happened with frosts.

After a divorce, a man lived with a secretary-referent Julia quite a long time. He always left Women to the Entire, but only with the second lady of the heart "the system gave failure." Once at the Moscow Theater of Romantic Allegoria, Alexander saw Sneprofamilitsy Lolita on stage and just disappeared. The chosen, who worked in the strip club, refused to courteant criminal authority, went for her beloved to Moscow and entrusted him with his son Jhoru. But the harmony in relations soon disappeared, partly affected it and the difference in views on the upbringing of the child.

The mother inspired the heir that the genius. And the boy, in the age of 6, entered the Academy of Choral Art named after V. S. Popova, and after - to a conservatory for the composer branch, which was also. However, in the future, a teenager, devoid of childhood and not stuffing such an existence, rebelled and threw everything.

The most severe love of celebrities was Alexander. Her humorist transported to the capital from another city and even wanted to be marred, but his turning point was opposed to this. The events preceded a curious story - Lovelace first put his eyes on the mother and the older sister of Passowa. However, even so strong and passionate communication in the end broke.

The comedian questions about when he finally acquires his own family and children, was saddened that you first need to lose up to 70 kg. Now he enjoys privacy and busy with the spiritual development of eight gods.

In 2020, it turned out that Alexander could have a daughter from the old novel Anastasia Morozov. The girl was brought up first in the orphanage, then in the reception family. The DNA test showed that the comedian and Anastasia relatives are not. The humorist even upset a little due to the result: he helped the family of the alleged daughter with repairs in the apartment and "tried himself as a father."


The name of the person who is associated with humor, in 2021 he fell into scandalous reports. Alexander Alekseevich had a lot of unpleasant moments in the Studio "Direct Ether", where experts tried to find out how true the charges towards the artist.

As it turned out, the reason for the unfolded drama was the testimony of a young female student, gymnasts and a beginner model Elizabeth Eremenko. According to the girl, acquaintance with Morozov was a pleasant surprise for her, and after the idol of childhood he suggested her to go on a date.

However, the promised restaurant Eremenko did not wait, instead, they went to the hotel. On the transfer of the heroine, he said that Alexander Alekseevich forced her to sexual relations. In the proof of his testimony of Elizabeth published a video of an intimate character.

The humorist did not stay away from the accusations and also came to the show. He did not deny the fact of proximity to the young girl, but at the same time he said: everything was mutual, and it's not about rape. Participants of the conflict were offered to pass the polygraph, for which only a student agreed.

Lie detector confirmed the innocence of the star "Curve of the Mirror". In the media there were assumptions that, accusing a famous personality, Elizabeth simply decided to gain popularity thus.

Alexander Morozov now

Today, frosts have greatly transformed, losing weight by 60 kg. Incredible changes in appearance have already rated star fans, and his instagram account is shot by enthusiastic reviews. Alexander Alekseevich began visiting youth humorous programs. In early 2021, he visited such gears as "Bar in the Big City" and "Jokes of the show" with Vadim Galygin.

It was helped by a diet and sports, and the operation on the stomach in the shortest possible time to transform in the shortest possible time. And the humorist does not hide that he resorted to such an operation, because he considers himself an absolutely lazy person. Also, the star passed the abdominoplasty, getting rid of excess skin.

Slim, comedian became increasingly recording video on social networks. There he is joking, shares the last news about the career and even looking for a bride. True, this appeal to the man timed to April 1, so the news of the intention of marrying seriously was not perceived.


  • "Stars of the XXI century"
  • "Humor Cup"
  • "Menthai"
  • "False mirror"
  • "Star refrigerator
  • "Menthopanorama"
  • Petrosyan Show
  • "Tower"
  • "This is funny"

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