Yusup Aliyev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Show "You are super!" 2021.



The biography of North Caucasian nugget Yusup Aliyev is similar to a tale about Cinderella. In the fate of the most young well-deserved artist of the Chechen Republic, there was a place and good fairy, and the wisdom of the state actor, but the main role was played by the talent and diligence of orphans.


The singer was born in the village of Frunzen Nursky District of the Chechen Republic on October 22, 2003. Like the Heroin Charles Perro, Yusup has older sisters. Like Cinderella, Aliyev's childhood passed in poverty. Father singer Saladi Oleks still in youth.

In 2017, the mother of Yusup died, shortly before the death of a loan of 250 thousand rubles. The cause of the death of a woman was stroke. The sisters took care of the housework, and the 13-year-old boy, while the Mother's lifetime, who performed songs under the accompaniment of the Chechen String Instrument Dechig Pandara became the main breadwinner of the orphaned family.

A teenager was taken for any part-time, receiving reward both money and food. In addition, Yusup sang at the station and market, and sometimes the young singer was invited to weddings. Nevertheless, the family did not have enough money, and Aliyev rolved into the credit hole. Yusup almost did not go to school, taking off between the part-time, and the guy was left in the 7th grade for the second year.

One of the sisters of Yusup laid out the song "I am Wolf" performed by brother on the Internet. The composition has become popular. Roller Aliyev heard a deputy of the Ufa City Council Julia Romanzheva. The singing of a young Chechen liked the ladies-politics, twice honored in the Bashkiria of the title of "Matssenat of the Year,", but her more struck her volitional view of the boy - a view of a real man.

Julia, holding the post of Director of Diet-Gongs 2009, found Yusup and began to help not only singer, but also his family. Closed Aliayev loans, updated furniture in their home. Romaneshev instructed the vocalist at school, the teenager was transferred to the 8th grade, and he, having gotting rid of the need to work days and nights, began to receive not only troops and four, but even five. Yusup grew the second series of teeth and Julia attracted the best doctors to solve the dental problems of young Aliyev.

According to the Bashkir deputy, she began to patronize the young singer, because Yusup is the embodiment of the best qualities of Chechen nationality: modesty, hard work and pride. In addition, Yulia's children grew up, they are already hard to make gifts. In March 2020, Romanzheva, which Yusup calls the second Mom, took in Grozny Islam.

Show "You're super!"

In April 2019, Aliyev fulfilled the song "Most Noble" on the NTV project "Super!", Whose goal is to encourage the vocal talents of children left without parental care. Speech by Yusup was liked by all the judges and spectators, and the singer became a member of the semi-final show. The decision of the arbitrators surprised Aliyev, who had a good Russian language and had no musical education.

In the semifinals of the third season, which took place in May 2019 and at which the guests were attended by the head of the children's humorous newsletter "Yerals" Boris Grachevsky and Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic Muslim Huchiyev, Yusup sang the composition "Run on the sky." Although Aliyev did not enter the final, judges Diana Arbenina and Igor Krutoy said that they see the future star of Russian pop in the young Chechen.

In October 2020, shortly before its 17th anniversary, YUSOP, refuting the saying "do not enter the same river twice," again appeared on the project "You're super!". In the 4th season of the show, Immusing Aliyev delighted the jury of the song "Argo", which a resident of Chechnya fulfilled in two languages.

Yusup Aliyev now

For a successful performance at the contest "You're super!" The head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov assigned the title of deserved artist and presented the family of Aliyev, fully furnished apartment in the center of Grozny. Photos of benefactor Yusup regularly posts on the page in "Instagram", and in the repertoire of the vocalist, which is now studying in the prestigious Grozny gymnasium "Priority", the song "Ramzan" appeared.

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