Karen Fukuhara - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress 2021



Fans are often subjected to idols mass of a wide variety of emotions. They may surround and have a comprehensive love of care, and scare high attention, and then mislead. The latter experienced an American actress of Japanese nationality Karen Fukuhara. At the end of the summer of the 2020 star of the cinema, seeing a poster made by fans, decided that the producers announced the Kinokomiks "Divide District" in the director of David Air.

Childhood and youth

In the 10th February Day of the 1992th in Los Angeles, Fukuhara spouses, the Japanese by nationality, the firstborn was born, a girl in the estate of Karen. A little later in the family was welcomed and son, subsequently called a perturbation of calm. In loved ones, the actress of the soul does not make up, often placing their photos in a personal account in "Instagram" and accompanying pictures with touching comments.

For example, on the occasion of Mother's Day in 2018, the celebrity admitted that the mother, which may cause irritation, and laugh, taught her the main thing. Namely - to work hard and do not treat life too seriously, look only forward and enjoy every day.

The artist speaks freely in English, and in Japanese, and the last one was much earlier, visiting special classes on Saturdays for 11 years.

In high school, the girl was seriously engaged in martial arts and sword battles, participated in various competitions, including in the world championships. Before departure to college, the teenager acquired brown belts on Karate Kekusin-Kan.

In parallel with the stay in Ucla, the student put his hand to numerous projects in Japan, worked as a World Sports sports show reporter on the NHK TV channel and even in high schools dealt with Movie Surfers on Disney. In the future, the list of professions has been replenished translator, editor of subtitles and waitress in reggae-sushi-restaurant.

At the university, the girl was listed by a soloist of the MedleyS group, performing music and chapel. At one time, Kelly Mary Trench was also in this team, famous for the role of Rose Tiko in the film "Star Wars: the last Jedi". University Karen graduated in 2014 with the main degree of bachelor of sociology and additional - in the field of theatrical art.

Personal life

December 29, 2019 Miniature (height 157 cm with weight 47 kg) Japanese beauty, placing a romantic picture in a personal account in "Instagram", made a confession regarding personal life.

Karen informed the numerous army of subscribers, which is already as 2 years old, her heart is given by China Tio - a fashionable photographer who collaborates with famous brands and often acting as a model. A little earlier, a woman congratulated his beloved on Valentine's Day, thanking for the fact that he warmed her all winter. However, and now the couple is doing well in relationships.

In the Vogue interview in 2016, Fukuhara did not deny that he loves to eat delicious, especially highlighting dishes from rice and pasta, and for the filming of the "suicide detachment" did not sit on a diet, but put on a movie, greens and chicken breast. Her favorite phrase: "Some say that they eat to live, and I live to eat"). From cosmetic products, celebrity prefers SK-II and CLARISONIC.

In his free time, the artist visits the gym, where he is engaged in rowing, running and lifting weights. This allows you to look stunning in national outfits, tosing dresses or frank swimsuits.


2016 turned out to be a sign for Japanese. This year, with filming in a superhero militant with elements of the comedy "Self-suicide detachment", where Margo Robbie played, Will Smith, Jared Summer and Jai Courtney, started her cinematic career.

Listening to the role of Tatsu Yamasiro / Katana took place in 2 stages. Initially, the applicant recorded his skills on the video. And then I saw live with David Eir, at the meeting also demonstrating the skills of martial arts, the battle on swords and acting skills.

After the approval of Fukuhara, for a month and a half he plunged into strengthened training under the guidance of an old friend of Richard Mesquite and Guy Norris with Richard Norton, who worked on the production of tricks in the "Mad Max: Rajore Road." The actress recalled that in the future she turned out everything, except for one complex jump, whose execution was commissioned to Dubler.

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After 12 months, the filmography was replenished with a 20-minute short film "Lost". From the 2018th to this day, Karen voiced the glimmer - Princess of the Kingdom of the Bright Moon in the "Shi-re and invincible princesses", as well as the trinity of fictional characters animated "Craig from the kingdom of a stream."

In 2019, she starred in the "lost", where she was transformed into a teenager Nori, whose mother died in strange circumstances. During the detective investigation, it turned out that the heroine is endowed with supernatural strength.

At the same time, she was entrusted with a reincarnation in Kimiko - a dumb, a wild part of the squad, which possesses amazing abilities in the TV series "Guys". Eric Crypt created this comedian fantastic fiction on the basis of the Comics of Garta Ennis and Damar Robertson.

Karen Fukuhara now

On September 4, 2020, the 2nd season of the Miscellaneous film "Guys" was released on the screens (it is known that there will be 3rd, the shooting of which is scheduled for 2021st), where one of the main roles again went to Fukuhara.

In the same year, in her creative biography, there was a place for the animated series "Kipo and the Era of Wonderful Beasts", where the actress gave his voice to the girl Kipo. The young heroine accidentally fell on the surface of the postpocalyptic world and forced to look for the way home.


  • 2016 - "Suicide Society"
  • 2019 - "Lost"
  • 2019-2020 - "Guys"

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