Alexander Kanevsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Books, Films 2021



The works of Alexander Kanevsky for more than half a century are pleased with Russian-speaking readers. With the seeming simplicity of the syllable and the simpleness of the plots, stories and the tale of the writer make you cry from laughter and laugh through tears.

Childhood and youth

The future writer appeared on the light in the late spring of 1933 in Kiev, in which a year after the birth of Alexander postponed the capital of Ukraine. After 6 years, another son was born in the family - Leonid Kanevsky, in 1984 awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Now he is known in the post-Soviet space as the leading documentary cycle "The investigation was led by ..." on the NTV channel. Judging by the photo, the brothers are very similar, but Alexander Semenovich has no such magnificent mustache, like a younger relative.

Grandfather Sasha and Lena in the father's line served as the main gardener in the estate of Count Davydov in Kamenka in Cherkashin (region of Ukraine, now called the Cherkasy region). The father of the brothers worked as a tech-apparatus and subsequently reached the post of deputy director of the plant processing fruit.

However, Alexander and Leonid have abundant creative genes. The cousin of the father Anatoly was a famous actor in Kiev, and Sasha's mother and laziness at the time of dating from Semen Kanevsky studied at the preservatory in the class of piano. In the novel, "LESSION, PAYATS", Alexander Semenovich tells the biography of a woman, for the love of the love of a pianist's career.

Compared to neighbors in a communal apartment, Kanevsky lived richly - the family had 2 rooms and their own tiny toilet. Individual toilet juvenile Sasha sacked in the first verse.

However, all the peripetics of municipal life became the reason for the inspiration of the young poet - whether the abduction of a neighbor cutlets or a search for a galosal. Semen Kanevsky quickly realized that from the eldest son, "swallowed" 3 books per day, techish will not come out, and the hopes for the continuation of the dynasty of the prescriptions connected with Leonid, in childhood they loved to eat tightly.

The family lived fun and openly, satisfied the noisy feasts, which were left almost the entire salary of the Father. Friends from the Caucasus often came to Semen, where he worked in his youth. Fun Sasha Kanevsky spread and learned to schools in whom, the teenager loved to play classmates and teachers. Nevertheless, in addition to the certificate of maturity, Alexander received a gold medal.

However, no reward for excellent studies, nor recommendations from 2 newspapers, in which the young man published, did not help Kanevsky to enter the journalism of Kiev University. In the USSR in 1950, fought "rooted cosmopolitans", and anti-Semitism flourished in the Ukrainian capital.

When Alexander documents did not accept any philological, nor at the Faculty of Law, the guy with the support of a friend went for explanations to the Vice-Rector. The dialogue ended the scandal. Kanevsky threw a marble ashtray in the university chief. Comrade managed to intercept Sasha's hand, and the subject only scratched the ear of the publisher, which was saved by the stroke attorney from prison.

Meanwhile, the mother took the documents of Alexander in the Road Institute, and Kanevsky began to study at the Road-building faculty. All the years at the Sasha Institute edited the OSA wallpaper, and during the distribution asked the commission to send it to the city with a double name. The university bosses sent a graduate in Kazakhstani Kzyl-Horde, since 1997 called Kyzylorda.

There was no anti-Semitism in Kazakhstan. Kanevsky donkey in Alma-Ata, where not only designed the bridge, but also became the author of the pop view of Al-Ata apple. When Alexander wrote for the Kazakh Century VLKSM, the revision "We are from virgin", the engineer-a commercially freed from working on distribution, and a beginner writer returned to Kiev.

Personal life

With the future wife, Alexander met at the party from friends. Kanevsky 3 years cared for Maya, but the offer decided only when the girl was going to marry his friend Anatoly.

Alexander Kanevsky and his wife Maya

The spouse became for the writer the muse and the best friend, gave Alexander Semenovich two children - the son of Mikhail and the daughter of Maria. The writer was widowed 10 years after repatriation to Israel.


The first works Kanevsky wrote for pop. Theaters lived for funds allocated by the Ministry of Culture, and fierce censorship. Estrada existed with ticket sales and dependent on attendance. Ideological control there was weaker. Another niche for creativity was works for children.

Coastor Kanevsky became Robert Vickers. In early 60s, the creative tandem was addressed to the texts of Efim Berezin ("plug") and Yuri Tymoshenko ("Tarapunka"), which were part of the Arkady Raikin and marital duet Maryron and Alexander Menacher in the Elite of the Soviet pop. On the daughter of Berezin, Anna Efimovna in 1975 married the younger brother Leonid Kanevsky.

Alexander and Robert, except for pop reprises and children's plays, wrote a script for the film 1963 "Forty minutes before dawn." However, the novice filmceneurs of the Ministry of Defense criticized, and the Jewish pacifism label was glued to the picture. In the following filmography Alexander Semenovich, cartoons prevail.

Kanevsky was published in the "literary newspaper", "Crocodile" and "week", created the scenarios of the most popular Soviet humorous TV shows: "Around the laughter" and "Zucchini" 13 chairs "." With the fall of the iron curtain, Alexander Semenovich was repatriated to Israel, where he created the magazines "Balagan" and "Balagash". From 2005 to 2009, the humorist supervised Tel Aviv theater of Comedy "Kakada".

Alexander Kanevsky now

In May 2019, the story of Kanevsky "I and my pack" sounded in the final of the All-Russian competition of young readers "Live Classic", held in the "Artek". The work of Russian Israelin chose a schoolboy from the Republic of Komi Georgy Antonov for the performance. In 2019, the Russian Publishing House "Eksmo" issued a collection of scenarios Kanevsky "Keina will not".

In March 2020, Alexander Semenovich gave an interview with the portal, which spoke about the completion of the new story "... and the demon in the rib!" And the intention to come to Moscow with a presentation of the book. A pandemic of coronavirus infection was prevented by a writer's visit to the Russian capital, and the work can now be read in electronic form.

The story of Kanevsky talks about the love of Israelis, who have not only children, but also grandchildren. However, age does not interfere with romantic changes in the personal life of heroes. Mark and Svetlana became acquainted in the most irreanty place - at the entrance to the public toilet. The man was with his granddaughter a heart, a woman - with a grandson Dodik. Mark and Svetlana helped the kids to visit the toilets corresponding to their gender, and then exchanged phone numbers.

On the advice of Friends, Leonid Kanevsky's brother expanded the story with memories of repatriation and reflections on life in the Middle East. As a result, Israel became the main hero of the work.


  • 1974 - "In the joke and seriously"
  • 1975 - "How to become a favorite"
  • 1979 - "Random Meeting"
  • 1980 - "Principal conversation"
  • 1990 - "Cities and People"
  • 2006 - "Laugh, Pajats"
  • 2010 - "Going on Laughter"
  • 2010 - "Blood Mary"
  • 2011 - "My Eastness"
  • 2012 - "Curses under the contract"
  • 2013 - "Full Collection of Impressions"
  • 2015 - "Two old ant"
  • 2016 - "Elena Beautiful"
  • 2016 - "Man from that laughter"
  • 2017 - "Two steps to Anshan"
  • 2017 - "Cheerful Vinaigrette"
  • 2019 - "Kina will not"
  • 2020 - "... and the demon in the edge!"

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