Andrei Atlas - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Standap-comedian 2021



Nextay those times when the standap was considered Western wonder, but now he was so organically in the Russian soil, which is called new rap. The humorous genre is as easily and successfully adapted among the domestic audience, as well as belligent overall recitatives. Standap-comic comers become folk heroes, because frankly, at ease and with humor will argue about important and close audiences things. Among them and Andrei Atlas, who began his way to a wide viewer through the TNT Channel Show.

Childhood and youth

Andrei was born on June 7, 1986 and grew up in Rostov-on-Don. In his speech, the Atlas admitted that only at 33 years old realized that childhood was over. He is used to refer to life easily and with humor, which still does not allow the comic to feel solid and adults. This is despite the fact that he received a serious profession: on the formation of Andrei Programmer.

But the sociable and active guy did not take place from the world surrounding in the world and engaged in business. He organized a company in his hometown, developing street and club quests. Atlas attracted into investors, and he himself took the position of the head.

As a result, he took a mother in his company, who began to answer the accounting department. The family was not delighted with the idea that the Son will suddenly leave the established business and will serve on the stage, but Andrei proved that he could succeed in humor.

Personal life

Natalia's wife initially also reacted with skepticism to the fact that her husband exchanges work for jokes. However, Andrei's speeches quickly assured her in the fact that a new passion could become for a guy with work, and also bringing not only money, but also fame. In addition, girlfriends, following the success of satin, agreed together: the spouse is well done.

Natasha adequately reacted to the fact that their personal life and biography details became the subject of a lover joke. According to the observations of the comedian, family relationships, like nothing else, cause a lively response from the audience, and therefore it does not get tired of joking about smart women and about how those "earn money."

Andrei's wife is engaged in business through "Instagram", offering visualizer services. It creates an image content and individual style for social network accounts. It is not known whether she helps her husband to promote a purse or he copes himself. Be that as it may, the photo of the spouses atlas there is occasionally places, accompanying compulsory jokes:

"I recently realized that in my account there is very little wife. I understood it, naturally, myself, because I love her very much and does not hide her at all. "

Humor and creativity

Standap Andrei was fond of years from 20, but before entering the public it was not a long time. However, the guy along and across the work of the pillar of the genre and already knew what the laws are written and the performances are being written.

As a result, the idea to become a stand-comer turned into a dream. It began to implement it atlas on open microphones of the hometown, and later moved to the tour vehicles of neighboring cities. By the time of the first large Standap-Festival in Moscow, Rostovchann had experience more than three hundred concert and club speeches.

The competition at the festival turned out to be big because the participants arrived not just show themselves, but also to compete for entering the new project TNT - the "open microphone" show.

The project was built on the principle of other talent show, such as "voice" and "dances", but here the performers of the genre of Standap were launched in the battle for the main prize. Previously, the standpers performed in the "Comedy Battle", but they were competing there with representatives of other humorous directions. Now the program has appeared, sharpened excluded on the stand-comic comedians.

The leading "open microphone" was the Comedy Club resident Andrei Beburishvili, and Ruslan White, Yulia Akhmedova, Timur Karginov and Glory Commissarenko turned out to be the first-season mentors. Each of the comedians gained a team of 8 people who helped to develop talent and fight for the main prize - the residence of the Stand Up project on TNT.

Andrei did not miss the opportunity to try his hand in the metropolitan competition and did not lose: he passed the selection of 600 people and hit the broadcast of the program, where his debut performance had to do mentors. Atlas joined Timur Karginov's team and reached the final, where he competed with the Guram Amaryan, Irina Prikhodko, Victoria Plumanchikova and other participants. As a result, the victory in the race of humorists won the mature and unperturbable Elena Novikov.

However, the loss did not cut off Andrei the path to Tener and the Moscow Standap scene. Moreover, the comedian accepted a conscious decision to move to the capital to do a comedy professionally and become a star. He began to perform with concerts in clubs, where he was joking about youngsters and aggression, discrimination of fathers, a concert of the Splin group, passports and tickets delivered to baggage.

In addition, the Atlas began to act in the Stand Up show on TNT, where he continued to look for logic in female actions and ironize his own image. Together with him, Alexander Malya, Alexei Shcherbakov, Denis Smirnov and other Russian comedians went to the project scene.

Andrei Atlas now

Andrei continues to engage in Standap, appearing in the Ether of Stand Up on TNT, as well as speaking on open areas. Also atlas gives concerts. For example, on October 17, 2020, along with countrymen, he appeared on stage in Moscow with the program "Stand Up Rostov".

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