KVN team "Dr. Haus" - photos, participants, composition, best rooms, chop, Mogilev, Alexander Lukashenko 2021



The KVN team "Dr. Haus" from Mogilev since the appearance on the Russian stage does not cease to attract increased attention. After all, Belarusian Cavaneschiki is now, as before, choose ominous themes for their numbers, reveal the problems of their native city. At the same time, the project participants make jokes subtle and truly funny.

The history of creation and composition

"Dr. Haus" was formed in 2008. Then to Pavel Malakhov, a student of the Middle Education Institution No. 8 Mogilev, a teacher-organizer applied with a proposal to try himself in KVN. The future captain of the team with comrades immediately agreed and sat down the name.

"The theme was for a healthy lifestyle, and the guys we were not very creative, and even more so it was after the lesson of physical education - they decided to take the name of the series popular at the time. I, however, did not look at any series, only heard that it was some kind of cool TV series about some chrome doctor, "the humorist recalled in an interview.

At first, Mogilev did robust, but confident steps in school, student and urban leagues. Alexander Snopkovsky, Alexander Sakov and Pavel Malakhov, Captain, represented the first composition of the team "Dr. Hauses". In 2010, the guys acquired the first award, taking off bronze from the Central Start, and the next year they got to the cherished championship in the same competitions. In 2012, the team smiled at luck in the Bobruisk League in the form of an honorary 2nd place, and after 12 months it was located here already on the 3rd.

In the Olympics 2014, the participants gathered together to decide whether to stay in the club merry and resourceful, and if so, then play games seriously. Deciding with the future, friends-colleagues went to conquer the interregional "Polesie", where 2 years have demonstrated high results.

The next stage of the creative biography of Belarusians was the International League, from where Band, however, quickly flew out, and the Russian south-western, where it was possible to play only once due to lack of funds. In 2016, I realized that it was necessary to gain experience and hone the skill, Cavencers visited the many such events of their native country.

In 2017, the guys received the BSU Cup, conquered the Bryansk, Mogilev, Zheleznogorsk league and almost became triumphs "KVN. Bel ". Belarusians were repeated the last success in 2018, when, adding the Prize of the Governor of the Vladimir Region to the piggy bank, the victory in the Vladimir Rus, the CVN Champions Cup of the Republic of Belarus, reached the final of the International League of MS KVN.

Participants of the Doctor House are playing an instagram account in which they are divided with fans of a photo and video from performances. Also Cavanechiki represent the announcements on the page in Vkontakte.

Higher League KVN.

Until 2019, humorists worked threesome. Then the doctor was joined by the doctor from Vitebsk Anton Lapyshev, Linguists from Polotsk and Gomel Arina Supranovich and Gordes Ershov. The number of players has reached a dozen, but in constant composition there were 8 people, if you consider Dmitry Rusov and Alexey Pyrov. On the stage - without requisite, backing-vocals, thoughts - shone strictly 4 participants.

March 24, 2019 "Dr. Hause" made his debut in the KVN Premier League. From the first appearance, Cavanechiki immediately designated their own corporate identity. First, it is strict dark business costumes with snow-white shirts. Secondly, jokes built on the principle "short, but funny," as a career of Alexander Kokorina or FC Krasnodar in the Champions League. Thirdly, the joking zaring "Well, Belarus, Belarus ...": "Well, Belarus, Belarus ... We all kicked out of the Soviet Union, but they stayed there."

The last humorous of Belarusians opened their good performance in 1/4, where they made life sketches ("truckers play in the cities where they have children") and they were not afraid to hurt high-ranking people of their native city.

In the second semifinals, held on June 1, 2019 and shown in the first channel on September 1, the "greeting" of the team was remembered by the phrase "Well, Belarus, Belarus ... This is due to us you know that it is expensive to be friends" and the self-proclaimed topic "Vadim Galygin is the future president Belarus. And the "freestyle with the star" was marked by the participation of the Faith by Gasaranovaya from Rais, Ksenia Root from the "Ural Pelmeni" show and two other Kavéncers.

Going to the final, Belarusians continued to delight the public to the next portion of sparkling jokes. The last game of the season allowed participants to demonstrate the excellent sense of humor, worthy of the highest league. In particular, in the music competition "Dr. Haux" added "Foundation quotes" by the phrase "and we, too, we can go to the sunset with the whole team ... We can in the dawn, we can at lunch, we do not care - we are Cavanechiki, we are unemployed."

Excellent performance brought Belarusians to the new stage - in 2020 the team appeared among the participants of the "tower". Many noted later that the quality of numbers the project turned out to be stronger than others. However, this did not help the publishes of the public to reach the cherished goal - the final. Pavel Malakhov and his colleagues this season became semifinalists.

In an interview with the winter of 2020, the captain "Dr. House" honestly admitted that there are no direct prohibitions for jokes, but there is a "framework" in terms of their filing, as well as the nuances of television broadcast (for example, it is impossible to say that the formation is bad). To joke over Alexander Lukashenko, Mogilevs are happy, but only if it appropriately, and about Vladimir Putin said that "these are not their war."

Best speeches

The team remembered fans of KVN bright numbers. The best of them was the speeches of 2020, when "Dr. Haus" was moving with confident steps to the final of the Higher League. The relevance of the miniature of this season has given events in Belarus - the election of the president and rallies of displeased voting results.

At the Cup of the Mayor of Moscow "Dr. Haus" appeared in "Greeting" quite boldly, with a parody of Svetlana Tikhanovskaya. The "opposition" came under Chanson and became not behind the tribune, and for the kitchen stove - these details were comic about the further text of the frontman of the team. In the "Gold Collection" of Belarusian Cavencenikov entered, in particular, the number "Alexander Grigorievich Lukashenko in a shoe store".

Through the model of shoes, the team participants were able to conduct ironic analogies of the relationship between Minsk and other countries, and also joke on the long-lasting president. In the semifinals Pavel Malakhov brought the hall to the Music Competition "Notes of Protest" with the "Winged" phrase "I was the president, and you ... in KVN, Ah, you jumped in leather pants!" Addressed to Vladimir Zelensky.

"Dr. Haus" now

In 2021, the team continued to play in the Higher League. The participants decided to try to reach the final. In May, Belarusians performed in the fifth game 1/8. Despite the serious "struggle" with rivals, "Dr. Haus" became a quarter-finalist.

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