Sofia Stujuk - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Blogger 2021



Sofia Stujuk is a large mother, broadcasting millions of subscribers in "Instagram" image of an ideal woman. The blogger attracts the audience of the appeal "here is warm and harmonious." She proves that with three young children, you can be beautiful and well-groomed, find time on business and hobbies, engage in self-development and not tolerate toxic relationships, as well as in any situation to remain wise and understand.

Childhood and youth

Instadiv was born on May 21, 1995 in Sevastopol. In the seaside city, the childhood of Sofia was held, which studied in the gymnasium number 8 and was engaged in dancing, trying herself in different styles. She mastered the ballroom, pop-sports directions, as well as hip-hop and R & B. Sometimes hobbies pushed them down, and the girl began to have problems with their parents who insisted that the daughter would give an assessment in order.

Father moved to live in Kiev, and Sonya, who graduated from school, moved to him. Studying in the Sevastopol Institute of Banking did not ask, and she decided to receive a legal education in the Ukrainian capital. Crimean question blogger decided for himself in favor of Ukraine, refusing the Russian passport. The girl entered the Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko, where he received a bachelor's degree.

Working in the specialty Stujuk did not have to. She began to spin their attractive image in social networks, demonstrating seductive photos in a swimsuit. Luxury hair, a slim figure (with height 163 cm Beautiful woman weighs 55 kg) and a cute face made Sofia popular, and she decided to earn as a blogger.

Personal life

With her husband, Dmitry Stuzhuk, the girl met in the gym. The guy rated the beauty and reliefs of Sofia, but did not immediately find a approach to it. However, the spark still caught fire, and a wedding was held, which the blogger celebrated, already being pregnant. Magnificent celebration of lovers were arranged and simply signed in the registry office. In 2015, the first-mentioned David appeared. After the birth of the son of the Stujuk, soon became pregnant, but the miscarriage happened.

The blogger refused to clean in the hospital, preferably to give birth to a dead baby at home, which frankly told subscribers. It described in detail the placenta exit process and its emotional state. The family recovered from loss and in 2018 gave the road to this world newborn Lolita. Sofia decided to give birth to a girl at home and photographs of the process shared with subscribers of social networks. If Olivia appears on the light on December 24, 2019, the blogger went on, posing a video of childbirth in "Instagram" and at the Yutiub-Channel.

All this time, in social networks, Dmitry and Sofia supported the image of a loving harmonious pair, which broadcasts a personal life in 24/7 mode. The first disturbing call was a quarrel at the end of 2018, when the couple decided to disperse. By the new year, they came up, and the subscribers began to suspect that they were simply entertained, but in 2019 it turned out that the smoke was not without fire. Bloggers reported that they are bred.

At the same time, Sofia accused her husband in treason and violence, and he caught a former spouse in duplicities. Dmitry told that the ideal mothers have three babysitters at once, she called her husband "freak", and even took all the common money to himself after the divorce and does not give the children. Stujuk soon demonstrated a new girl to subscribers, and Sonya did not remain in debt, placing a photo in the social network in the company's new guy - Sergey Sheremeet's star fitness instructor.


Stujuk in "Instagram" covers his biography, "Maman" questions, themes of relationships, care and sports training. Posts of the blogger are full of extensive reasoning and invariably accompanied by seductive photos, as well as humble family pictures illustrating the pictures of perfect family life.

Sofia promotes homework, distrust of traditional medicine, veganism and environmentally friendly consumption. Now she sells clothes and cosmetics of their own brands. At the reproaches in the abuse of photoshop and plastic, the celebrity is responsible that injections in the lips were the only form of interference in the natural beauty of the beauty.

Sofia Stujuk now

October 16, 2020 Sofia published tragic news:

"Dima is no longer with us. His heart could not stand. "

The day before it became known that the Stujuk raised in Turkey in Turkey infected with coronavirus infection. On October 15, Dmitry told Dmitry in "Instagram" that his state is stable, he intends to continue treatment at home at remote care. However, at night, the man fell into someone and survived clinical death.

After that, the doctors fought for the life of the ex-husband of the Insteid, but everything turned out to be in vain: he died. Coronavirus infection rarely becomes the cause of the death of young and healthy people, but the Stujuk had a history of heart problems. Shortly before the death, he urged to perceive COVID-19 seriously and take care of himself and loved ones.

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