Gitana Leontenko - biography, personal life, news, photos, a widow of Alexei Batalov, in his youth 2021



Gitana Leontenko was a circus star and could make a brilliant career in the cinema, but sacrificed everyone for the sake of family. So she gained personal happiness that overshadowed the death of his beloved husband and scandal around his inheritance.

Childhood and youth

Gitan Leontenko was born on August 18, 1935 in the family of circus. The father of the future actress was a air gymnast, and the mother masterfully was controlled with horses. Their talent inherited the only daughter who was still a baby began to perform in the arena.

At first, the guitan was pleased with the public with plastic etudes, and then following the example of the mother began working with horses. She honed the skill to become a professional grotesque rider, whose shows came the audience from different cities of the USSR.

Gitana Leontenko - biography, personal life, news, photos, a widow of Alexei Batalov, in his youth 2021 4039_1

Lovely beauty enjoyed love and admiration of the public, whose styles intercepted his tricks. But looking at how easy it is performed by their dancing on horseback, many have not even guessed what works it is worth it.

Leontenko almost did not have free time between performances and rehearsals on which she came up with numbers. Some of her tricks remained unique due to complexity and danger. Therefore, it is not surprising that the circuschka almost did not have time to arrange personal life, but Love still found it.


In the youth of the guitan Arkadyevna was not only a talented circus, but also a bright actress. She made his debut in the episodic role in the film "Arena Brewykh" and in the following years, replenished with such projects with such projects as "Collect Venus", "Emergency Commission" and "Old Family".

On the screens, the star appeared mainly in the circisterial and gypsies familiar to it. She completed the acting career in 1977 after filming in the series "Trains", where the mother played one of the heroes.

Personal life

In 1953, the artist was on tour in Leningrad, where he met with a young actor Alexei Batalov. He first saw the girl in the arena, and later found out that they live in the same hotel, and dared to call her for a walk. But the novel between them did not happen, since the man was married at the time, and the girl did not even think about a serious relationship, because he was passionate about the career.

Only 10 years later, they realized that they would not pose a friend without a friend, and decided to get married. According to the "Express Newspaper", during this time the beauty managed to open the head of many more famous artists. She had an affair with Sergey Gourzo, for which she even refused tour to accompany the beloved on the set. But the feelings were cooled, and the stars broke up with friends.

Then the circuschka loved the rope of Magomeda Magomedov. He was crazy about chosen, but could not marry her, because in his family it was made that the bride keeps innocence before the wedding. Even despite parting, the artist remembered the former beloved and gently kept her photo.

But Leontenko was able to gain long-awaited happiness only with Batalov, who did not have the soul in the spouse. She easily found a common language with his parents, and he became friends with her mother, who always cared for his beloved call.

For a full picture, there was not enough child only, and already in 1968, Gitan gave birth to her husband to Maria Batalov's daughter. She planned to return to work after childbirth, but soon it became clear that the girl had a health problem - she moved little and different from other children. As a result, Masha was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, she was forbidden to a disabled chair for life, but at the same time she kept clear thinking.

Gitana Leontenko - biography, personal life, news, photos, a widow of Alexei Batalov, in his youth 2021 4039_2

Gitana Arkadyevna left the circus to devote himself to raising her daughter. With Alexey Vladimirovich, they did everything to give Mary an excellent education and a full life - she graduated from Vgik, became a screenwriter. Star heirs reads a lot, visits exhibitions and performances, even writes reviews and fairy tales using the only work finger.

Daughter's disease only rallied spouses, and they lived for many years in love and harmony. But in 2017, the actor died that was a new test for Leontenko. In this difficult period, the biography of Widow Alexei Batalov supported his heiress from the first marriage - Nadezhda Batalov.

The case of fraud

In the fall of 2020, the artist widow was in the center of the scandal. She appealed to the police with a request to arouse a criminal case against the lawyer Mikhail Civin and his spouses Actress Natalia Yehry. The cause of the guitan Arkadyevna called fraud. She stated that the pair was fraudulently convinced the most part of her real estate and means stored in bank accounts. All because of the general power of attorney, which the former circus artist designed on the yeast.

This event quickly attracted the attention of the media, and Leontenko began to invite to various talk shows, including "let them talk" and "live broadcast," where she shared his details of their grief. The celebrity admitted that it was removed the wrong only at the moment when the fraudsters spoke about guardianship over Maria. She expressed concerns that after her death, her daughter would stay without inheritance and would not need anyone.

Stars and close friends of the family spoke in support of the former circusamp. But in an interview for the "Komsomolskaya Pravda", Civin refused to recognize the guilt and said that the widow was influenced by other people - Margarita Saturov and her daughters who set up a woman against them with Natalia.

In October, it became known that the Investigative Committee recognized the guitan to Arkadyevna and her daughter who were victims in case of fraud, which was a reason for further investigation.

Gitana Leontenko now

In 2021, the dot was put on the property of the Widow of the actor. So, by the court decision, a civil law was satisfied, and the consequence found that the deal between the batal family and the spouses of yeast and Civilin was fraudulent.

The property of Gitan Leontenko and Marina Batalova was returned. In an interview, the former circusacle was outraged by the arguments of the defendants, explaining the public that she would never allow to make slave from his own daughter.

If the actress and the heirs of the actor can now sigh with relief, then for their opponents in court, the story just started. Since the fact of fraud was established, they threatened to 10 years in prison.


  • 1953 - "Arena bold"
  • 1964 - "Collect Venus"
  • 1964 - "We go to the circus ..."
  • 1965 - "Emergency Order"
  • 1966 - "In the city of S."
  • 1969 - "Old Friend"
  • 1976-1977 - "Trainers"

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